
Aphrodite’s Blessing

Ty has always been made fun of, but his life is changed when the Goddess Aphrodite blessed him with her Godly powers. Now having the abilities of the Goddess of sex and pleasure Ty must now use his power for the one thing it was given to him for: To conquer all woman and create the biggest harem this world has ever seen. But Aphrodite isn’t the only god, and not all of the gods appreciate a mortal with godly abilities.

Theeaglemann · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Love and Desire

Having finally enjoyed this refreshing feeling Ty decides to finally get up out of bed.

He immediately checks his phone and noticed that it was the next day and he was already late for his college class. Being half asleep he didn't even realized what had happened to his body.

Not only was all the little flaws he had completely gone, but he was in peak physical condition while being very sleek and slim. His curly hair was a lot longer than before and had a nice tape up. His eyes was a lot lighter brown that glowed like a moon whenever someone looked at it. And even though he always loved his brown skin, he never knew anything about taking care of it so it wasn't perfect but now all that was gone and Ty skin was almost shining, and his skin became an even more nice brown melanin color.

As he forced himself to get up, he took a shower and noticed that even though he haven't even washed himself for very long he already smelled really lovely, but continued to wash himself diligently. It wasn't until he put on his clothes and noticed how baggy they were that he finally realized what happened to his body.


No matter how much he kept staring, it was real. He looked amazing, no he was absolutely gorgeous and completely perfect.

But the question of how, he had a hard time remembering what happened last night but no matter what could've happened there's no way this can be explained away. But as soon as that thought entered his mind a familiar godly voice entered his head.

[what you are seeing is real my love, this is your true form, this is what my beloved heart truly looks like]

(That voice, I think I remember you... you said something about a blessing right?)

[oh, how wonderful that you remember me my love, I expect nothing less from the man who has stolen my heart]

(You said something similar before too, did you do this to me? And if so, why?)

[hehe... yes it was I the goddess Aphrodite who have done this to you and given you my power, this was done simply because I'm in love with you and decided to give you everything you deserve]

It took him a minute to process everything the goddess just told him. But once he got his bearing he started to ask more questions.

(You love me? And you gave me your powers? But you're a goddess, how can a mere mortal like me be worthy of such a thing even if you do love me?)

[But it was you who had thoughts of suicide, and just sitting by while my beloved was going to take his life? I wouldn't dare]

Ty was frozen, knowing that what she said probably would've happened if she didn't step in.

[But by no means does this mean you have all my power, you have but such a small percentage that it'll be accurate to say that I gave you a raindrop while you was in the desert. You will receive all my power but in time. Your mortal body wouldn't withstand all my power at once but by slowly lending you power your body becomes more accustomed and able to hold more of my power and in time you will hold me in your heart and in your soul]

(So if you're giving me your power, am I able to do anything? Like any special abilities?)

[I love you my dear, but some things are more fun to learn yourself]

After that Ty decided to wear jeans and one of his oversized Nike hoodies, and threw his backpack over one shoulder. He quickly left his house so his sister wouldn't notice how much he had change over night. As he arrived to campus he got a lot of stares as he predicted he would, but he was always quiet and alone and because this was college no one knew him unless they had the same class. Now that's the main issue he thought about, not everyone else on campus but the people in his class. How would they react? To his surprise most of them didn't even know who he was even though he was in the same class but some did notice but did nothing but whisper about him. But he noticed all they was saying was that he was sexy and they didn't question his transformation at all.

As he got to his math class and knowing how late he was, he decided to do what he always did and not pay attention in class but instead focus all his energy on watching the leaves fall from the trees.

[My love, have you noticed?]

(Noticed what?)

[everyone is whispering how sexy you look being mysterious by not paying attention and just looking out the window]

(I honestly couldn't care less, I just wanted people to stop harassing me. If all they're thinking about is how sexy I am but they leave me alone then I'm more than happy)

[kind and modest, even after your transformation you still remind me why I fell in love with you]

(You keep mentioning that you love me...)

Before Ty could finish his thought, Aphrodite talked over him in a hurry.

[Very... I love you so very much]

(Yeah... but why? I mean I'm really not anything special, if you were gonna fall in love with a mortal I'm sure there are so many more people who is more qualified than me)

Aphrodite bursted out in laughter, it was so sudden that Ty almost jumped out of his seat in his surprised confusion.

[HAAAAAAA, oh how hilarious, these fools being comparable to you. You are so beautiful but yet you do not know your light]


[Yes my love, your light. In simpler terms, your soul. It is so bright and beautiful, honestly it outshine most gods themselves but yet to be a mortal with such a soul, you are quite beautiful]


[At first I was just curious but the older you got the stronger your light became, and the more I was fascinated with you. But at some point I couldn't pull myself away from watching you, then all I could think about was you and that smile of yours. After a while I knew my heart belonged to you]

After hearing the goddess words, Ty began to blush.

(W-well u-ummm.... thanks, I mean for a goddess like you to praise me, it's just kinda hard to process)

[don't be too surprised my love, many goddesses have fallen for you but me being the most powerful goddess I was able to snatch you up and make sure I'm your favorite]


[Oh yes indeed my love, someone as beautiful as you deserve all the women you desire, you deserve everything in this universe and since my heart is yours it's my job to make sure you're able to obtain it]

(Hmmm, that sounds nice actually)

[So am I your favorite?]

(You have given me so much already, and plan to give me everything I desire, do you honestly even have to ask that question? You're not just my favorite person, right now you're the only person I care about)


(Aphrodite are you ok?)

[It's just after hearing you say such words I never thought that this day would come, my heart is filled with such happiness, My love I promise you on my very existence as a goddess that I'll make you the happiest man alive]

(I truly can't wait, and in return I'll do the same and make you the happiest goddess alive)

[Oh my beloved, how kind you are. I can't wait to fully be your woman]

Just as Aphrodite told him that, everyone started getting out of their seats. And as if the professor knew that this was gonna happen, as soon as all of the girls of the class tried to rush towards Ty she started speaking in a loud voice so that the whole class can hear.

"Excuse me ladies but Tyrell needs to stay after class so we can talk about his performance in my class. If you hurry to your next class and let us be that would be appreciated."