
Apex World: Reincarnation of the Exalted Legion

In the wake of a cataclysmic event, the world transformed into a treacherous realm reminiscent of a brutal MMORPG game. Zephyr Quinn, an ordinary man, stepped up to become the Legion, an exalted warrior clad in cutting-edge exosuits designed for combat in the perilous wilderness. Alongside the Frontliners, Zephyr embarked on an endless warfare against monstrous creatures and ferocious beasts. Undeterred by the dangers, he valiantly faced each challenge until his untimely demise. Fate, however, had other plans for Zephyr. He was miraculously resurrected in the past, just as the Apex World, a menacing dimension, had just engulfed the Earth. Now, armed with newfound power, Zephyr must once again fight for the survival of humanity against the encroaching darkness and the backdrop of a harsh, unforgiving climate. Can Zephyr's renewed strength save the human race, or will this be the end of their existence once again? ================================ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Phantomfiend · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Shadows in the Machine

Zephyr swiftly purchased three spare magazines for each weapon, ensuring he wouldn't be caught shorthanded. He also topped off his "standard" firearm, shelling out 120 Shards for additional rounds. Still, a nagging unease gnawed at him. The ammunition felt woefully inadequate, especially considering the complete uncertainty surrounding the pre-quest.

His once-substantial Shards, a hefty 13,140, had been bled dry. A single purchase had reduced him to a meager 420. One could say his financial situation had taken a dramatic nosedive.

A chipper voice broke through his reverie. "Mr. Quinn! What's going on? Is it true what I saw on the giant screen? Is there a pre-quest?" Jae-Ya, her eyes wide with curiosity, stood before him. The booming drums and the flurry of Legions activity had drawn her from her initial surprise at the sky-spanning hologram.

Zephyr, his brow furrowed in thought, watched Jae-Ya. Unlike others panicking in the square, the young woman displayed a peculiar lack of fear, her curious gaze fixed on him. He decided to take a chance.

Without his usual banter, Zephyr extended his standard pistol and spare ammo container. "Take this. Protect yourself. If you feel up to it, join the defense at the Main Gate. It'll be the focal point of the attack."

Jae-Ya's initial confusion melted into a mask of seriousness as she accepted the weapon and ammunition. "And you, Mr. Quinn? Where are you headed?"

"The Main Gate," Zephyr replied, his voice firm. "I'll catch up later."

Dispatching Jae-Ya to the Main Gate, the probable epicenter of the conflict, was undeniably risky. Yet, a flicker of hope ignited within Zephyr. He harbored a controversial belief: that rekindling fear within Jae-Ya, who he suspected had become emotionally numb after witnessing the loss of her siblings, might prove beneficial.

Zephyr believed that while emotionless fighters could make swift decisions, they lacked the invaluable human element - raw instinct. This absence, he theorized, could lead to recklessness and greed, ultimately jeopardizing their survival.

He understood the potential for criticism. His actions could be perceived as callous, even manipulative. But Zephyr, burdened by the knowledge of the upcoming threat, felt compelled to take a calculated gamble. He hoped that by nudging Jae-Ya out of her emotional numbness, he could inadvertently activate her survival instincts and, in turn, improve her chances of making sound decisions in the face of imminent danger.

With his shopping complete, Zephyr hurried towards the Launch Pit. A swift swipe of his Ex-communicator activated the platform, and with a mechanical whirring, a sleek, black-and-silver Exoskeleton materialized from beneath the floor. Its metallic sheen, catching the sunlight, glinted with the promise of cutting-edge technology.

Beside the Exosuit, two weapons lay, dwarfing their standard counterparts. Emberheart and Starshroud, each perfectly scaled for the two-meter-tall Exoskeleton. Three magazines gleamed next to them, their bullets pulsing with an ethereal white-blue light, a stark contrast to the mundane metal casings of standard Aether Bullets.

Zephyr strode towards the Launch Pit platform, where the Exoskeleton stood sentinel-like, bathed in the afternoon sun. As he stepped onto the platform, the Exoskeleton whirred to life, metallic joints creaking and faint electrical sparks dancing across its surface.

With a hiss and a pneumatic whoosh, the front section of the Exoskeleton seamlessly folded open, revealing a form-fitting interface within. Zephyr wasted no time, stepping onto the platform and allowing the suit to close around him like a second skin. The sensation was both exhilarating and strangely comforting. A surge of amplified power coursing through his veins as he became one with the machine.

A holographic display flickered to life within his visor, displaying vital signs, energy reserves, and a real-time view of his surroundings. He was no longer just Zephyr; he was a Legion, a formidable warrior ready to face the coming onslaught.

A sigh escaped Zephyr from within the confines of his Exoskeleton's helmet. Despite the short time since his resurrection, the familiar sensation of wielding an Exoskeleton felt strangely distant, a phantom limb from a lifelong past. 'It feels like a long time ago but also not.' He thought.

On the other hand, he reached out, taking out both his weapons on the left and right sides. His movements were surprisingly fluid despite the unfamiliar weight of the suit. This was his first time donning an Exoskeleton in this new reality, yet his every action felt practiced, ingrained deep within his muscle memory.

With a purposeful stride, the ground reverberated with the rhythmic thrum of the Exoskeleton's mechanical joints, drawing the startled gazes of onlookers. Their curiosity was understandable; the sight of a lone, armored figure exuding such quiet confidence amidst the chaos was undeniably captivating.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd as Zephyr emerged, a vision of awe-inspiring power. His Exoskeleton, a marvel of jet-black and silver, shimmered with an ethereal blue light pulsing from within its intricate gaps. It wasn't just the technological marvel that drew captivated stares; Zephyr encased within the suit, exuded the aura of a seasoned warlord, a leader born to command on the battlefield.

The Emberheart pistol, holstered on his left thigh with spare magazines readily accessible, and the Starshroud rifle, cradled in his right hand with additional magazines secured on his waist, completed the imposing image.

At the same time, Jae-Jung, who was watching from afar, was shocked. His jaw practically hit the ground as he spotted the figure near the Main Gate. "Is that... Zephyr Quinn?" he stammered, disbelief lacing his voice. "How many Shards does that guy have? An Exo-skeleton and weapons? Unbelievable!"

Jae-Jung, once confident in his group's efficient wealth accumulation, now felt a pang of doubt. Pooling their resources, they could potentially afford one or two Exo-skeletons for select members. But for a single individual... it seemed impossible.

Uncertainty gnawed at him. While his memory of Apex Online's early days differed slightly from Apex World, he was certain this feat was extraordinary. His own experience in this harsh reality had instilled in him the belief that no one could match their group's meticulous strategy.

His astonishment wasn't unique. Nearby, a stunned silence fell upon Da-Mi, Yamato, Zexian, and Meng Fen as they gawked from Firearms Dealership 1. Their casual browsing has been forgotten. They found themselves captivated by the sight. The majestic Exoskeleton, a symbol of unmatched power, sent their carefully constructed plans spiraling into disarray.

"Maybe we should pool our resources and buy two Exoskeletons," Wei Zexian suggested in English, his voice tight with a mixture of rush and ambition.

Meng Fen chimed in, "We could also afford some weapons from Firearms Dealer 2 if we combined our Shards." With ten of them now Legions, their collective wealth seemed close to rivaling Zephyr's.

Meanwhile, Da-Mi, ever the voice of reason, shook her head. "No, it wouldn't work. Exoskeletons are locked to their users through the Ex-communicator's identification system. Whoever buys one, owns it. Sharing wouldn't be possible. Also, buying an Exo-skeleton in a hurry is not ideal."

A wave of realization washed over the group.

Da-Mi continued, "However, the weapons in Firearms Dealer 2 are a different story. Unfortunately, even with our enhanced physiques, we wouldn't be able to wield them effectively."

Silence descended upon the group as Da-Mi's explanation sunk in. Her logic was irrefutable.

Yamato, ever the optimist, voiced his dissent. "No, I disagree with Da-Mi. We can make Zexian's suggestion work," he declared in English, his gaze fixed on Zephyr, who stood resolute in his Exoskeleton.

Da-Mi furrowed her brow, her analytical mind wrestling with Yamato's proposition. "Explain yourself," she challenged.

Yamato met her gaze unflinchingly. "We concentrate our resources, pool our Shards, and choose one of us to wear the Exoskeleton. Two would be ideal for training, but one will have to suffice for now. Consider it an investment in our collective experience."

The group didn't give any response and just stayed still, thinking over the idea. While they grasped Yamato's reasoning, Da-Mi's cautious words still resonate, urging them against haste.

"It's not a permanent arrangement," Yamato continued, his voice firm. "Think of it as a loan. Whoever wears the Exoskeleton now will owe the rest of us the Shards used in its purchase. We're a team, remember? And teams don't abandon each other, especially over something like this."

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