
Apex Of Supremacy

Of unknown origin, handsome and cold, distant yet warm, he possesses the affinity of an angel and the cruelty of a demon. He is known as The Fallen Angel. Going from a talented young master who was full of himself, to a broken man searching for his true identity while unraveling the mysteries that bind his soul. Follow the story of Eden Folker as he finds the freedom he has long wished for by becoming what he once was, The... This is the path to his Supremacy. Tag: Fantasy/Slice of Life/Mysteries/Reincarnation/Harem/Antihero/Academy/Romance/Action/Other Races. NB: Each #tag will be developed a little in an auxiliary chapter so you know what to expect. I am a beginner writer who does the writing and editing, so there may be grammatical mistakes. Don't blame me, just report them.

Whiteblack7 · Fantasie
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95 Chs

Prologue 1

In a place resembling a cemetery emitting a sinister feeling, where a grand mansion resembling a church stood, several heavily equipped men and women could be seen in the darkness. A muscular man with blond hair in armor emitting an aura of confidence spoke up:

"Thanks to the divination of the Priest of Wisdom 'Linnford', we have learned where the fear cult is located: in the forbidden zones between the human kingdom and that of the Elves, the Greenwood forest. I organized this crusade to destroy it.

"So, we'll storm this mansion, the seat of this cult, as follows:

"The Thundering, you'll take charge of the East door with the adventurer group; General Daryan will attack with his soldiers, and finally, my brother and I will attack the West door.

"Any questions?" the man said with a serious expression.

- [...]

- There's a good chance that the leader of the cult, the supreme dark sorcerer, will be there. If you meet him, don't hold back--he's not an opponent to underestimate.

"Very well. Everyone to your positions. Let's eradicate the evil!"

- "[Eradicate the evil!]" everyone responded.

After the speech, they all marched towards the mansion with the intention of storming it.


At the East door, a few minutes later

A man walked alongside a woman in front of four other people. The man, with a large build, apparently in his thirties, had red hair, bright black eyes, a mature and handsome face, and was giving instructions to his group with a thoughtful expression. He was the leader of the S-rank adventurer group, a level 7 swordmaster: Arthur Folker, the half-brother of Duke Crimson, the bastard of the great Crimson family, nicknamed The Thundering.

At his side was a woman with an elegant figure in her twenties. Her long black hair and blue eyes accentuated the immaculate beauty of her face. She was Arthur's wife, the sister of Duke River, Diana Folker (River), an S-ranked adventurer and level 6 archmage nicknamed Ice Queen.

A few steps away from the couple, a young woman, also in her twenties but looking much younger than Diana, walked with nobility and listened attentively to Arthur's instructions. She had long black hair tied in a ponytail, a plump pink mouth that perfectly matched her crimson red eyes. The latter, who looked like a goddess in the mortal world, was nicknamed "The Leech," her name was Sacha Leend, a level 5 swordmaster with an affinity for blood exclusive to the Blood clan. She is one of the two heirs of this clan now on the run. Her father, 'Klaus Leend,' is the leader of the Clan that even the Light Royal Family dare not disdain, as his power rivals that of the priests.

Diana and her husband are considered two of the three magical deviants of their generation, the other being General Elfe. Arthur having an affinity with lightning and Diana with ice, two deviant magics respectively derived from fire and water, were elemental magics.

"You heard the First Prince Lionel, we take the East door. Diana and Victor will stay behind for support, Sacha, you'll protect them if necessary, and the rest of the group and I will attack the enemy head-on," Arthur said confidently and with a smile.

"Yes, sir," the group responded.

"All right, now let's go in," Arthur said, unsheathing his sword.

At the same moment, at the West door

Two men walked side by side. They were the two princes of the human kingdom. One was muscular and handsome, with blond hair that matched perfectly with his blue eyes, emitting an aura of confidence. He was the first prince: Lionel Light, considered one of the geniuses of the royal family and a level 7 swordmaster, while the other was rather thin, had blond hair with green eyes, and looked fearful, as seen in his eyes. He was the second prince: Leonard Light, a level 4 swordmaster.

"My brother, I don't think it's wise to attack with just the two of us, especially considering the possibility that the supreme sorcerer is present. You should have asked for the help of the four great noble houses," Leonard said fearfully.

"Don't worry, Leonard, the royal blood blessed by the archangel Luciel runs through our veins. And even if he's present, I'll protect you," Lionel said confidently.

30 minutes later.

In the west of the mansion, two men fought against several people in black robes; they were the two princes fighting several sorcerer adepts. Their battle could be heard clicking throughout the room.

"Damn, why are there so many sorcerers?" Leonard said annoyedly.


After Prince Leonard had recited this incantation, his sword became luminous and slashed a few fleeing adepts. The sword cut through flesh like a knife cutting through butter.

"That's logical, my brother. We're in their mansion," Lionel said, executing a technique.


By executing this technique, Lionel appeared like a great beam of light. The last adepts had either been beheaded or simply burned to death by the light emanating from his passage.

"We're done here. Hmm... what's this feeling?" Lionel said while killing the last one.

Suddenly, the two princes felt an abnormally suffocating pressure in the room they were in.

"Be careful!!"

"Aarg! Damn, who is he?" Leonard said, holding his ribs and looking at a man who had just appeared out of nowhere.

The man dressed in black held a sword of the same color, emitting something sinister.

He said with a cold smile, "Greetings, Princes. Welcome to my humble abode."

"Fuck, he's the supreme dark sorcerer," Lionel said nervously.

"Thank you for the warm welcome," the supreme sorcerer replied expressionless.

"Take this potion, Leonard, and stay back," Lionel said seriously.

"Yes, but be careful," Leonard said, spitting blood.

"How sad it is to see two brothers die," declared the supreme sorcerer with a smile on his face.

Lionel advanced, holding his sword covered in light magic.


He disappeared on the spot, leaving trails of light to reappear behind the man in black with the firm intention of cutting him. But the man easily dodged and immediately cast a spell.


Several silhouettes began to take shape and attacked Lionel.

Lionel, surrounded by four shadows, engaged in battle. But as the fight dragged on, Lionel seemed more and more disadvantaged. The supreme sorcerer did not attack him but watched him with an amused look.

"Well, I must say, my dear prince, you are very powerful," he said, smiling. "But that won't be enough," he added with a sinister expression.


The man in black then cast a spell on Leonard to heal his wounds.

"Damn it," Lionel noticed the lance about to pierce his brother. He disappeared on the spot and managed to block the attack.

"All right, let's increase the difficulty."


The sorcerer then sent several lances made of darkness while the four shadows were running towards Lionel.

"Be careful, my brother, he's stronger than us," Leonard said nervously.

"Yes, I'm well aware of that. I'm afraid I might have to sacrifice myself, my brother," Lionel said, smiling nervously.

Lionel dodged the lances with difficulty and ended up getting injured. But as blood ran down his body, he fought fiercely against the shadows.

"Léonard, I'm afraid my time has come," Lionel said, spitting blood.


After those words, he disappeared on the spot to reappear in front of the supreme sorcerer.