
Apex legends system in the world of Genshin Impact (dropped, I'm lazy)

Our MC Aerial dies as a result of a god's error. In exchange, the God grants her three wishes to help her, as well as reincarnating her in her chosen world, in this case Genshin Impact. Please be patient as this is my first time writing. Also, because I'm typing this on my phone, updates may be slow. By the way, I welcome constructive criticism. * I obviously do not own Genshin Impact, Apex Legends, or any other game. Only Ocs are available to me. This is the primary fanfic. I made duplicates and don't know how to remove them; this fic will have more chapters.

KittyGunmaster · Videospiele
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8 Chs

ch 5 Kool legs

Klee: 'oh no, it's master Jean she's gonna put me back in solitary confinement, we need to go.'

Mc: 'Wait, we need to dip, that's all I needed to hear baby . *insert japense accent* OOOLLTRA DEEEEPUU (ultra dip) ,' I pop 5 stims which is my current limit for now, I tap into the void aswell as the dimensional rift to bring klee with me and lastly I use skyward dive/ Valks ult along with Octane's junpad which I try to put an extra boost on it with my pyro vision. I put the jets on my legs and mini junpads in the bottom of my shoes to put a big pep in my step. I quickly grab a lot of fish and throw it in the air to hopefully land in my portal, I also tell Klee to go in the semi-circular rift as fast as possible when it appears.

3rd person Pov

A figure with a BOoOOM bolts into a violet, black, red and kale green blur, it races towards Mondstadt and into the large cathedral of the knights of favonius. Almost as fast as a certain blue hedgehog ( I'm joking btw ), only to leave a warping semi-circular thing. Along with the blur a small red Knight and a lot of fish appear. Only for the warping thing to disappear and the blur to fall on the ground huffing for air.

Mc: huff huff huff* 'God damn that took way too much out of me!' I say as I'm eating the slightly charred fish to restore my health. Of course I scale the scales of the fish to make it easier to eat as it's just plain fish. -Though it tastes delicious as I haven't eaten it the last like 2 days, I even did some tiring things yesterday aswell-

Mc : Klee are you ok?

Klee: 'oh yeah I'm ok but Aerial but you're not looking too good,' she says concerned as I look quite pale.

Mc: 'I'm good enough, it's just that was the first time I pushed myself that hard; it was a fun experience though,' I manage to speak out as I collapse onto the ground. A specific deaconess runs over, worried for the collapsed girl.

Klee: 'Barbara can you please do something, I don't think she's all to good right now,' says Klee now very concerned.

Barbara: 'It just seems she just ran out energy and collapsed, I'll give her a MIV drip/ magical Intravenous fluids and lift her legs above her heart ;) I'd say she will wake up from 5-20 minutes given that she is what from I can tell is a strong individual.'

Explanation u don't have to this read btw ( This is obviously not an item from the Genshin Impact, an IV are liquids given to replace water, sugar and salt that you might need if you are ill or having an operation, and can't eat or drink as you would normally. IV fluids are given straight into a vein through a drip. And I just saw lifting a person's legs over there head is suppose to work. Taken from Google and I don't have proper medical knowledge so don't take this too seriously )

[12 minutes go past and our Mc finally gains conscious ]

Mc: 'Urg my legs are burning right now!'

System: ' If you would like it, I could make it so you have legs just like the apex legend Octane, that you have previously selected. But be warned the process will hurt you and it will take two days for it to be properly implemented to your body.

Mc: ' Well I do like dipping and it seems very useful so, bet '

Author note: Time freezes when the system activates btw.

Klee: ' Your finally awake,' ( leave memes in a comment and I'll put them in the story at a reasonable place , just for the laughs )

Mc: ' ah yeah, I'm awake and doing alri-- MOTHER THE FUu-- N TIMES OF SWEET BABY JESUS. I try to sooth my pain by phasing/ taping into the void and it worked, though I could only phase for like 2 seconds due to me going PLUS ULTRA past my limits12 minutes ago. I pass out from the pain of my legs suddenly disappearing.

Kaeya: "oh fu- nny, I was going to drop a F bomb but it seems there already was a bomb dropped here," Kaeya says with a disturbed voice as he rushed into the cathedral to see what the screaming was on about ( Casual Octane reference btw )

Barbara: " oh Barbados !" shouts Barbara. She tries to help by using her elemental skills. But little did she know it looks quite disturbing to the people watching as it's like Fortnite in real life.

It speeds up the process as metallic components sprout from what's left from the leg to form a new one. The people looking are shocked as well 1st a blur speeds in and places a rift bringing many things, 2nd the blurs legs disappears, 3rd Fortnite in real life and lastly 4th new legs formed on the girl. Growing back limbs was impossible so it was an amazement to look at.

Mc gains conscious once again

Mc: ' Well kool legs I guess,' I say nervously as I know I have some explaining to do.

auther note: This is the main fanfic I have dupes that idk how to delete. This one will have more chapters.