
Aoi_113(True lovers)

Aoi_113 · Teenager
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43 Chs

My little secret

Deku's pov

I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After I'm done in the bathroom I went to eat breakfast and I saw the Bakusquad sitting on the couch.

I made breakfast and sat on the table. Once Mina saw me she ran over to me without saying anything to the others so they stared at us.

"Sooooo... Are you going to show us what's inside the closet today?" She asked kinda yelling. So I put my hand on her mouth and put a finger on my mouth signaling her to shut up.

I look around and look back at her "Yes, just stay quiet about it and only tell the girls. I don't want the boys to know what I have in there, ok?" I said as quickly and quietly as possible.

She's still with her mouth cover so she just nodded. I removed my hand and she went back to her group. I guess the guys asked because I heard her yelling at them that it was something between her and me.

When I finished my breakfast I grabbed my bag and head to class. When I passed by the Bakusquad I saw Kacchan looking at me weirdly.

I just kept looking forward and went outside. I got inside the school and while I walk threw the hall I bumped into class 1-C and Monoma like always started to brag about which is the best class.

After he got slapped to sleep I just kept walking to class. I got to the classroom and sat on my desk, got my things and waiting for everyone to come.

After a while I was on my phone waiting on everyone else that was missing. I was listening to this song that I really like about Kacchan.

They maid it after the sport festival, I guess they interviewed him and made a song about him. I haven't stopped listening to it ever since it got out.

I was on my phone looking at today's news and then Aizawa came inside so I turned off my phone and paid attention to what he was going to say.

"Ok everyone be quiet and listen... The license exam are about to start. And we need to get ready for this year" he said and everyone started talking about it.

The rest of the day went by like normal and we were all exited for to get our license. I just put my stuff back in my bag and went to the dorms since we already finished classes for the day.

I went to my room and thought of what to say to them once they get here. I kept thinking and headed to the kitchen to eat some snacks.

I sit on the couch and ate my snack and out of nowhere all the girls came up to me standing around me. I could see in there eyes what they wanted so I just got of the couch and started walking while the follow behind me.

They guys all looked at me with confusion in there eyes. But I just ignored them and kept walking but got stopped by my boyfriend.

He asked what was going on and I just tolled him I was going to show the girls something and we were going to have a girls night.

Once we got to my room  I opened the door and they all went inside. I noticed that Momo wasn't here so I asked if she was coming but they tolled me she said that she was busy.

I just closed the door while I see the girls sitting around my room. The sat down and they look at me waiting for me to show them.

I took a deep breath and said "Ok girls what I'm about to show you it's my secret so please don't tell anyone about this especially the boys" the look at each other and all at the same time said yes.

I go to my closet and first get the big board of pics and once I showed them the went crazy. They were looking at all the pictures of me and Kacchan together as kids and more.

"I didn't want the guys to know because if they did Kacchan would kill me so I hid it in there" I said as they nodded in response.

I got up and got my board back and put it on the corner. "Ok girls this is the last thing please don't tell anyone about this one because it's embarrassing to let them know of my secret..." I said

That's all for this chapter and yes Cliff hanger!!!

Anyway I hope you like it so byyyyeeeee!!!