

"Understand that you don't understand this world

Because this world isn't merely what you see

Not 'cause it's too large to fit your vision

But 'cause your vision is too limited to see it

My words represent two beliefs

One for the inspiration seeker,

And the other for the paranoid

One metamorphic

And the other metaphysical

There is much more to life

Than simply the part given to you

'Existence' is grand

Highly random, but ironically

Very limited... for you

And that limiter

On its inherent randomness

Is 'Fate' "

"This world as we see, as we feel, as we understand, is a dynamic organism, an ever changing, ever improving entity, of which we are parts (significant or not). We know of the world in the dimensions of science, knowing about its functioning, its forces, about the existences manifesting, and a whole lot of stuff, half-explained, and many times, not at all satisfying. We are evolution's best experiment in the present times, with knowledge and a capacity to increase our capabilities. Questing for many millennia as we march through the 21st century, we are the proud owners of a huge data bank that works at unraveling every mystery of the world (or at least tries to). We know and understand the powers and nature of good and evil. We are developing at a blinding speed, mentally, physically, and maybe materialistically too. We know of the dangers surrounding us at the moment, threatening our very own survival, and of course, are on the path to find a way to avoid and overcome them.










This is an overview of what the humans think, about this universe and themselves… Presuming them to be evolution's 'best bet', it's funny to see how wrong they are about everything…"

Hi everyone! I don't want to give too much away right off the bat, but hopefully, this novel would not be one of the clichéd ones, as I try to offer a second OP MC after Saitama that the readers can find to be fresh. This is a story of the growth of the MC, but not in the usual sense. Hopefully, the readers will show patience and appreciation for my debut effort at writing fiction, and offer their constructive input regularly as we start on this existential journey.

Hitesh_creators' thoughts