
Fun Night, Part 3

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city's lights dwindled to mere specks through the minivan's windows, marking their departure from the urban expanse. Just moments before, Yuuto had made a call, his voice clear and unguarded for all within the vehicle to hear. The subject of his call was unmistakable: he had enlisted Sendo's aid to check on Sakura's wellbeing. After the call, the phone was passed back to Shiyon, and a hush fell over the group once again.

"Uh... Sakurai, why do you think Takagi-san decided to go to a mixer? I doubt she'd go with that guy for anything. She seemed super uncomfortable around him, too. She said to us on the way to her house she really didn't want to go," Shun ventured to ask, his tone showing his hesitation.

Yuuto's response was nonchalant. "I've analyzed her behavior for a while, crafting a psychological profile. Based on that, I can predict her likely actions," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Come on, now... Can you give me a straight answer?" Shun pressed, his patience waning.

"...It's because she's upset. Anger makes people do irrational things," Yuuto admitted, his tone shifting to a more serious note.

Shun fell silent, unsure of what to reply - as he recalls Sakura's emotional reactions as she and Yuuto spoke outside the minivan.

Hiyor: 'Hoh...? Sounds like he knows her enough to know she'd do that...'

Shiyon observed Yuuto with a serene attentiveness.

"Hmm... Taka-chun isn't one to easily lose her cool. She approaches situations with logic. If someone's hitting on her, she gets what's happening fairly quick and responds accordingly, either by going along, or declining. If someone comes at her shouting and yelling, she recognizes the need to either disregard them or assert herself. Ultimately, she understands that anger is counterproductive."

Yuuto found himself nodding internally at Shiyon's assessment, a hint of surprise lifting his eyebrows. 'That's quite an accurate observation...'

"Huh, seems like you know her pretty well, Shiyon-san!" Sato remarked, clearly impressed.

"I make it my business to understand my juniors <3. Like how you're not fond of being recorded unexpectedly..." Shiyon returned with a playful yet insightful smile.< p>

"Ha..ha... Really now...?" Sato managed, his laughter strained, while Hiyori's expression darkened slightly.

"That's... A bit too much, Shioycchi," Hiyori interjected.

Chiyoko, observing the interplay, looked puzzled at the varied responses.

Yuuto's attention sharpened as he picked up on Hiyori and Sato's discomfort.

"Ah, I was just responding to what you mentioned earlier, Sato-chun <3. Didn't mean to stir anything," Shiyon reassured, her voice as calm ever.< p>

"Haha.. Sure, I... I know you didn't, Shiyon-san.." Sato replied, trying to laugh it off while awkwardly scratching his head.

"Anyway... Taka-chun isn't one to lose her cool, not unless someone pulls something completely illogical. Like, imagine a friend suddenly giving her the cold shoulder for no good reason. Or..."

"... Someone tossing her own 'thank you' right back in her face like it meant nothing <3."< p>

Shiyon concluded.

Yuuto, lost in thought, frowned as he caught his own reflection in the window, contemplating Shiyon's words.

"Either way, when we're back from this trip, just make sure to lay it all out straight. If you're upfront about what's going on in your head and the logic behind it, Taka-chun will get it, and any upset will blow over."

At that, Yuuto's hand gave a slight twitch.

"I'm not one of your projects, Harvester. I just needed to borrow your phone, nothing more. So back off," he shot back, a sharp edge to his voice.

"Hey, Sakurai, chill the hell out! Shiyocchi was just giving you some advice!" Hiyori's voice cut through the tension, loud and clear.

"What, you're defending him now? Quit sticking your nose in, Bigfoot. If you're so desperate for answers, why don't you go hassle Sakura yourself?" Yuuto fired back with undisguised contempt.

"That attitude of yours really pisses me the hell off, Sakurai. First, you make this big dramatic exit to 'save' her, apparently we learn you are on a first-name basis with her and then what, you talk for five seconds and she's more pissed off than I've ever seen her?? Did it ever occur to you that people would start asking questions?! I'm her friend, for crying out loud!" Hiyori's frustration was palpable as she spun around in her seat to face him.

"You're her friend? Great. Then message HER if you're so concerned. Check up on her, make her tell you everything and leave me out of it," Yuuto countered sharply.

"That's...!!" Hiyori began, her voice trailing off as she looked away, her expression clouded with worry.

Noticing Hiyori's troubled look, Chiyoko turned towards her, concern etched on her face.

"Hiyori-senpai...? What's wrong?" she asked gently.

"I... I already messaged her. She hasn't replied. She hasn't even seen my messages. I tried calling, too. No answer..." Hiyori's voice was barely above a whisper, her concern growing with each word.

Yuuto remained silent, offering no reply.

"Damn... You don't think that guy..." Shun began, his voice trailing off as he sensed the heavy atmosphere enveloping them.

A tense silence took over, everyone lost in their thoughts. Sato then glanced around, noticing the unease.

"Hey, everyone, wait a minute! If she's at a mixer, maybe she just can't hear her phone! Let's not freak out just yet..." Sato suggested, hoping to lighten the mood.

But the silence persisted, thick with unspoken fears and questions.

Then, Shiyon's demeanor changed; a confident smile played on his lips.

"Don't worry, everyone," he said, capturing their attention.

"She'll be alright, trust me <3" Shiyon continued, his smile unwavering.< p>

"After all, Sen-chun's on his way to check on her. And while he might not be the strategist of the year..."

"...He's more than capable <3. He'll find her soon, and I'm sure we'll get an update that everything's okay before we know it~" Shiyon concluded, his assurance infectious, confidence in junior clear steadfast.< p>


[Play: Paula Abdul - Opposites Attract]

"Dude... This is NOT a mixer... IT'S A FUCKING ICE CREAM RESTAURANT!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING HERE!!?" Minoru lost it, his patience snapping as they settled into a nearby table in the family-friendly ice-cream joint, while Sendo looked around, eyes of a hawk - scanning everywhere.

Sendo, caught off guard, whipped his head towards Minoru, eyes wide with shock.

"Uhh... It AIN'T a mixer!? Shit, I ain't never been to one! I thought mixers were about mixing up ice creams, shakes, and dat kinda stuff..."

"NO, IT'S NOT.... Mixers are those damn parties where guys and girls MIX OUT... It's literally the worst (Especially since Shiori's gonna end up at one of these things in a few years)...!! You fucking idiot...!!" Minoru groaned, dropping his face into his arms on the table in utter defeat.

"Hey.. I get you're pissed, but don't call me stupid, man... Dat's not cool," Sendo replied, his tone a mix of hurt and surprise as he saw Minoru crumble.

"Don't call you stupid!? DON'T CALL YOU STUPID!? We've been wandering around for HALF AN HOUR, and we end up HERE!!! WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO CALL YOU BUT A GIANT IDIOT!!?" Minoru shouted, lifting his head to glare at Sendo, tears of frustration brimming in his eyes.

'Now I REALLY can't go hoooooommmmeeee.... I wasted my time following this clown, thinking he knew something... But UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT WAS A TOTAL BUST.... I'm screwed....' Minoru lamented internally, his thoughts spiraling into despair.

"U-uh... Look, man, I'm really sorry..." Sendo began, his voice tinged with genuine concern at the sight of Minoru's tears, "I ain't really been to any of those places, so I honestly didn't know..."

"BULLSHIT... Just look at you!!" Minoru's face immediately shot up upon hearing Sendo's explanation, pointing at him "That tan, those piercings, that blonde hair!! You look like you're straight out of an NTR manga. Acting like you're the guy who's always at those sketchy mixers, picking up girls left and right...!! You probably tell them you're 15, and they fall all over themselves trying to 'take care' of you, leading them on until they're cheating on their boyfriends!" Minoru burst out, his emotions getting the better of him as tears choked his words, his gaze filled with a mix of anger and desperation.

"H-HEY! I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON MY GIRLFRIEND! AND I REALLY AM 15!" Sendo shot back, taken aback by the intensity of Minoru's accusation, trying to make sense of the rapid-fire assumptions thrown his way.

"OF COURSE, YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND...!! It's always guys like you girls are interested in...!! Never in us, good guys...!!" Minoru complained.

"I.. I feel dis guy has more issues dan senpai... I thought he was just a quiet guy.." Sendo commented, letting out a nervous laugh.


Shiori: "Heyyy Onii, Can Ban-kun come over and play?

Minoru-lation: Can Bankyun come over and... Play with me? *wink*

Minoru: "Shiori, you're too young for stuff like that!!! Besides, I'm always home you can... Uhm... You know, do fun stuff with me!"

Minoru-rrator: The young man proposed politely and kindly to his beloved younger sister. Wanting nothing but the best for her and her safety. Bravely suggesting himself in order to protect her from having her hearted toyed and played with by that PUNK SCUMBAG, Ban.

Shiori: "But, Onii is boringgggg.... And what do you mean, too young! We play all the time at school! Ban-kun is my best friend, and he's fun to play with!

Minoru-lation: Bro's just a boring nice-guy. I've seen lots of those. You're not that special. Besides.. Bankyun has that cool air to him whenever he beats the [MINORU-CENSORSHIP] out of our kind teacher. It reallllly does it for me... If you know what I mean *wink*.

Minoru-rrator: The youngster's scarred, battlehardened, yet his kind and timid heart breaks. But maintains a steady pace to make sure his sister is comfortable throughout their walk home (inside his head, kindly and gracefully, he thinks: I will forever keep you safe, Shiori...-chan, oops the chan just slipped out..")

Shiori: "Geez, Onii is such a dummy!"

Minoru-lation: "Damned party pooper, die."

Minoru-rrator: The two walked hand in hand as the sun set behind them, a better sister and brother couple had not been seen before these two. But the younger sister, not seeing the good, kind, brave, cool side of her older brother, wants to see for herself the harshness of the world by seeking comfort in other people's company.


"It's always *sob*... You guys who end up... winning..." He managed to say through his tears, his voice muffled by the table where he laid his head.

Sendo, at a loss for how to respond, scratched his head in confusion.

"Uh... S-sorry, dude... I'm sure things'll get better with da whole datin' and dat...!" He tried to offer some consolation, albeit awkwardly.

As Minoru continued to sob more silently, as he hid his face away from the world, a waitress approached and quietly set down a parfait beside him on the table.

"H-here..." She muttered, avoiding eye contact.

"Huh..?" Minoru looked up, puzzled, as he slowly lifted his head from the table to see what was happening.

"Hey, miss, ya' might've mixed up the tables..." Sendo mentioned, eyeing the unexpected dessert.

"Yeah... *sniff* I didn't order this..." Minoru added softly, still a bit disoriented.

"S-sorry.. I mean.. No, it's... on the house... We just.. Uh..." She muttered. Mumbling and fidgeting.

"Huh...?" Minoru repeated, his teary eyes meeting hers this time. She immediately looked away, unable to meet his gaze without her heart almost pounding out of her chest.

"I-I... It's.. Just saw you looking so down... It seemed like something really bad happened... S-so... the parfait's on the house... F-from me... And, uhm, if you'd like... I could give you my n-number... Maybe we can talk about what's bothering you... In a coffe-shop or... Something... If that would help.." She offered, her voice low and hesitant, her cheeks tinged with pink as she fidgeted with her hair.


From that waitress' perspective and the other waitresses' perspective, Minoru appeared to be like...

A damsel in grave distress.


Minoru cried even more as he saw the parfait.

'Even this random girl thinks I'm a homeless guy that needs charity~..... I don't wanna live anymore... Kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...'

Watching him cry again, the waitress wondered:

'Oh my... Is he tearing up because that's the first nice thing anyone's ever done for him? That means I'm in... Maybe I can snag a dreamy prince for a boyfriend! (Delusional)'

"I... I uh..." Poor Sendo couldn't wrap his head around Minoru's meltdown and just felt sorry for him.

"Miss...?" Sendo asked, turning to the waitress with a polite tone,

'Ugh... This guy must be the jerk who broke my prince's heart! He must've done something awful, like stealing his girl with some dirty tricks, and now my prince is confronting him about it like a man, but it's all just blowing up in his face! He even LOOKS like the part. It's definitely about that!' The waitress thought, glaring at Sendo with suspicion.

"What do you want!?" She snapped, her patience worn thin.

'Damn, she's pissed..' Sendo thought to himself, 'We need ta get outta here before dey yell at 'im or something for cryin' so much...'

"Uh.. D'ya know where a mixer is? We're looking for one on 46th street or somethin'..." Sendo asked, picking up on her irritation.

'That must be where he lured her away! He's bringing him back to the crime scene to rub it in even more!' She assumed, her fury escalating.

"I don't know. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell the likes of you!" She responded sharply.

'It's too late... She's totally against us...' Sendo thought, feeling down.

"Forget it... We're both the same... Just trash to the world... You for whatever you did throughout your punk life, and me... Just for existing. I'll just let that mafioso boss kill me and be done with it. Don't worry... I won't tell him about you, so just leave..." Minoru exclaimed without any spirit.

'WAIT-WAIT-WAIT, MAFIA...!? What's this about? AH! NOW I GET IT. My prince's love must be the daughter of that mafia boss!! And after that punk didn't treat her right after stealing her away from my beloved prince, causing her to flee back to her powerful father; the father, wielding more influence than any royal, threatened them both! He's got more clout than my prince's family, so he laid down the law to the two guys who broke his daughter's heart!'


Mafioso Boss: "You two... You've shattered my precious doll's heart... If you wish to keep yourselves and your families safe, unite and prove your worth on 46th Street's Mixer, fighting against the Blood Silver Gang under the cover of night. Succeed in this trial, and I might just spare you... Though, your chances are slim, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Punk: "Shit! Fuck, Penis, BOOOOBS!! Man, we need ta' work together if we wanna survive!" He said rudely, turning to my prin-ahem, the prince.

MyPrince: "We... We're both the same. I'm a scum for existing, because I couldn't protect my wife... And you, for stealing her away... Who would have thought we'd have to work together..." He said, his dreamy gaze looking at the horizon, regretting his weakness and seeking strength in the night.

Punk: "Shit, fuck, ASSSS!! You're right... I FUCKING hate you, but I have to cooperate with you to save her...!!"

MyDreamyPrince: "I hate you too... But if it comes to it... If we fail... I'll take the fall with her father. After all, it was all my fault to begin with... I let her be taken away. I am going to be a better man. Fine. I'll work with you!" He said bravely. Shelling his old weaknesses away, like a king-cobra snake, emerging more powerful than ever.

The punk agreed.

Punk: "Shitass...!! I'm starting to have a change of heart and be a better man too."

Then they shake on it. The villain and the hero working together for a common goal.


Seeing Sendo in a new light, the waitress pondered.

"Hmmm... A mixer on the 46th, you say..?" The waitress mumbled, drawing both of their attentions.

"46th... The only mixer on 46th that comes to mind... I think..." She trailed off, gazing upwards as if the answer might be written on the ceiling, lost in thought. Both Sendo and Minoru leaned in, their faces lighting up with hope.

"Ah! You should check out the one at Water-Bottle! The mixer's on 46th Of Water-Bottle Street! At least, it's the only mixer on a 46th-kinda street that I can think of." She finally said, certainty firming her voice.

Before she could even gauge their reaction, Minoru, overcome with relief and gratitude, jumped up and pulled her into an embrace.

"Ohfu..." She gasped in shock.

----------WAITRESS VISION--------

MC: "K-ya... Y-your majesty... W-we can't... This is a public place..." She whispered, her voice quivering as he enveloped her in his warm, secure embrace, his breath warm against her ear.

"Thank you... Kaori... You've been my salvation. You're the one for me... But... I have to face this challenge alone..."

MC: "I understand... Go. Show them the strength I've seen in you...!" She responded, her arms encircling his broad, muscular back in a gentle yet firm hold; her touch tender against his frame. With a mixture of reluctance and resolve, she released him, letting him stride towards his destiny.


"Uh... Miss...? I'm really sorry, I just got so relieved that I..." Minoru stammered, hastily breaking the embrace as he noticed the waitress standing stock-still, her gaze locked on the ceiling in apparent shock.


"JEEZ, MAN! WE GOTTA DIP, NOW! SHE'S GON' CALL THE COPS ON US BECUZ OF YOU!" Sendo exclaimed, grabbing Minoru and starting to make a beeline for the exit.

"U-uh...!! YES..!!" Minoru managed to say, stumbling as Sendo pulled him along. He quickly found his footing and ran beside him.

"Hey, you punk! Don't you DARE TOUCH ME AGAIN!!" Minoru shouted back as they dashed out of the ice cream shop.

"Who cares about dat!!? Ya' just harassed a stranger!" Sendo shot back as they hurried away, putting distance between themselves and the shop.

"That was me being GRATEFUL!! JUST BECAUSE I TOUCHED SOMEONE DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO GRAB ME, YOU FUCKING IDIOT PUNK!!" Minoru retaliated. More anxious than he is angry...

'Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, Why did I touch her, killmekillmekillme'

"I TOLD YA' NOT TA CALL ME AN IDIOT, I'LL BEAT YA' UP!!" Sendo finally lost his cool and snapped back.

Back at the restaurant, the scene shifted. Curious, the other waitresses and customers approached to check on Kaori, who seemed to be stuck in a standstill.

"Kaori...? Are you okay...? Uh?"

Their faces mirrored confusion as they found Kaori motionless, yet her smile was unwavering, frozen in a moment of unexpected joy.

'I'm never... Washing this outfit again... Hehehe...' Kaori vowed internally, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and delight.

"Just leave her there..."

Meanwhile, at the mixer...

Whistles filled the air.

The distinct aroma of burnt tobacco lingered.

And Sakura was on her 6th song.

After each performance, Konro hinted that she might want to step down from the stage and leave like she initially intended to...

... Yet, she chose to stay.

"...Take it easy. She's into singing. Let her do her thing," the guy who had blown smoke in Sakura's face earlier told Konro, giving him a calm look as he puffed out more smoke.

After a quick stare down, Konro took another look around.

The two girls they came with were suddenly all over Gon.

Gon hadn't made a move on them purely because he was too shy, especially in front of people. His loud personality was just a cover. Deep down, he was pretty clueless when it came to flirting or anything romantic. Konro knew this all too well.

'Seeing him smiling while they hang off him... Can't that gorrila tell something's not right with those girls...? And Takagi... After breathing that smoke, she... changed...' Konro thought, watching everything unfold with a mix of confusion and concern.

"Seriously, lighten up! Just go with the flow, will ya'? I'm the second-in-command after all, and I'm saying it's cool...!! Aniki's bro's friends are alright, just relax, you dumbass..." Gon told him with a gleeful, elated smirk as the girls clung to him, trying to get Konro to relax.

'These guys... They seem too familiar with all this. They keep chatting, but their eyes keep darting over to Gon and the girls we came with. Something's off here...'

Konro observed, his gaze shifting to Gon, who seemed to be in his own world of happiness.

"T-tsubasa-senpai... I... I can't take it anymore... P-please..." Suddenly, one of the girls made her move. She climbed onto Gon.

"W-Woah... What... Uh...?! Y-yeah... I.." Gon stuttered, caught completely off guard.

"Senpai, you're so shy... Is this your first-time doing something like this...?" she teased.

"It's... Okay... It's... Mine too..." She said bashfully.

Konro's eyes widened in shock.

'Alright, definitely something's not right here...'

His attention quickly shifted to Sakura.

There he was, the same man from before, standing ominously behind her. Sakura merely blushed and allowed him to rest his hands on her shoulders without resistance. She simply looked down, resigned.

"Your name," he began, locking eyes with Konro, "is Yukie, isn't it? That's what she's been calling you."

"Do you see this?" He gestured towards Sakura beneath his grasp.

"This is power. What I hold, right now, is power. This, is what power looks like," he declared, his grip tightening around Sakura, drawing the focus of everyone in the room, except for Gon and the girls engrossed with him.

"I-... I'm not just an object..." Sakura whispered faintly, her voice barely audible, not attempting to break free from the man's hold.

"Power...?" Konro whispered to himself, puzzled by the man's assertion.

At Konro's soft utterance, the man gave a subtle nod to his companions. Two of them rose and approached Gon, forcibly pulling the two girls away from him.

"W-wait, what are you doing!?" Gon protested, reaching out in a futile attempt to stop them, only to be blocked by another muscular figure among Yuuno's 'associates'.

"Watch your friend there. You'll understand what I mean," the man said smoothly, his presence still looming behind Sakura.

Konro, confused and alarmed, turned to observe Gon.

Gon's emotions were on full display:







It was clear as day on his face, especially in the moment the girls were whisked away from him.

"Where'd all that bravado go? That bliss? That happiness? He was so elated a moment ago, but now, all of that... That overwhelming sense of empowerment, of control that he felt was all whisked away just by the removal of two girls who had made some advances on him. These girls probably didn't even know him that well, yet they managed to make him feel better than he had in years. Why do you think that?" He inquired, his voice tinged with frustration as he watched the men begin to fondle them.

"W-WAIT!!! STOP!!! STOP, I SAID!! DON'T TOUCH THEM!!!" Gon screamed, panic evident in his voice, as he witnessed the girls moaning in response to the men's touch and forwardness. Effortlessly, he was pinned to the mixer's couch by one of the men.

"Wait... Why... Why are you enjoying that... Miki...?" Gon asked, desperation flashing in his eyes as he glanced over at the girl who had climbed atop him just moments ago.

"I-I'm sorry... Tsubasa...-san... It just... Feels... So good...." She cried softly, before being pulled into a deep kiss by one of the men.

She didn't resist. Instead, she returned the kiss. Gon watched the scene unfold, his face drained of color and frozen in shock.

"Ah... That.." She murmured as the man pulled away from the kiss, "Was my first kiss... M-...more...!" She whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Mi...ki..." Gon whispered, his heart sinking as he looked down in defeat.

Konro was breathless, his chest heaving with stress and uncertainty. Unsure of what to do or think, he immediately redirected his attention to the man standing behind Sakura.

"I'll tell you exactly what happened here, Yukie," He addressed him, taking a drag of his cigarette, "Queen Cleopatra, ever heard of her? An Egyptian ruler, renowned for her beauty and success. But here's the thing— She understood the precariousness of her reign. She knew that without taking decisive action, her rule would crumble. Enter Mark Anthony from Rome. Through him, she found security, prosperity... and Power."

"What's... That have to do with us...!?" Konro interjected, his gaze wavering.

"Can't you see, even after looking at your friend? Power isn't derived from muscles or military might alone. True power lies in controlling people. In this era, we're witnessing the erosion of societal foundations. To salvage her country, to secure her strength, she secured Mark Anthony. Thus, so save this country, we must do the same. If you can... 'secure' people like Cleopatra did Mark Anthony, you'd be... Truly powerful," He concluded, his eyes flicking back to Sakura once again.

"And this... Is just the start," He concluded, giving Sakura another squeeze, making her gasp.

"Look, man! I don't get what you're on about... Do what you want, just leave us out of this! We just wanna go home...!!" Konro said, desperate to end the encounter.

The man sighed, a hint of resignation in his voice. "Right... You're still too young to grasp something like this..." He muttered under his breath.

"Oh well, after tonight, you'll want to know more. I'll be ready to teach you whenever. In the meantime, you came here looking for a good time, right...? So..." He continued, before suddenly pushing Sakura off the stage, causing her to fall directly into Konro's arms.

"...Enjoy," he said simply, stepping down from the stage to the sound of loud applause from his associates.

Gon remained seated, his gaze fixed on the ground, overwhelmed by a sense of defeat, struggling to process everything happening around him.

Konro, caught off guard, was sent tumbling back onto the expansive mixer couch, with Sakura landing squarely on him.

"Ow...!" he exclaimed, the breath knocked out of him by the sudden impact.

"A-Are you okay... Yukie-senpai..?" Sakura asked, concern in her voice as Konro tried to catch his breath.

Blinking rapidly, Konro opened his eyes to find Sakura's face just inches from his, her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. She made no move to distance herself or rise from their awkward entanglement.

"T-...Takagi...?" he whispered, confused, surprised... And overwhelmed.

"Y-...Yukie..." She whispered more softly.

'...Power, huh...?' he pondered, observing Sakura. His initial suspicion that she might be under an influence of something began to fade, gradually overtaken by a sense of acceptance.

Phew. That was a long one.

Hazy_0832creators' thoughts