
The Reaper doesn't leave loose ends

Inside a modest home nestled within the heart of Littlerock city, Moriana stirred awake, roused from sleep by the continuous pounding on her door. Blinking sleep from her eyes, it took her a fleeting moment to grasp her surroundings—a stark contrast to her former existence within the Viran Isle prison, where she had served as the prison healer.

As Moriana cautiously opened the door, her heart clenched at the sight before her. Alina, a young mother, stood there with her baby cradled in her trembling arms, tears streaking her distraught face. "Alina, what's the matter?" Moriana's voice was laced with genuine concern.

Alina's words tumbled out in a rush, her voice quivering, "My baby… She won't wake up, and her body feels so hot."

Motioning urgently, Moriana ushered Alina inside, quickly assessing the infant's condition. With practiced hands, she gently took the baby from Alina and laid her down on a makeshift bed.