

Weazel and Bizarre shoot people. These two are extremely passionate about shooting Flexers and Educating them! "OMG you really trained hard, Deku! Your Muscles look great!" *BANG *BANG "Should these clones use Susanoo or not?" *BANG *BANG "A Beater... I like it..." *BANG *BANG Follow our two Protagonists as they shoot Flexers in different worlds.

wisosmall2 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs


Weazel and Bizarre separated as they headed to their respective housing areas.

The area they appeared in looked somewhat akin to a lower-middle-class housing area. Houses were slightly packed, 08 Nissan Altimas were parked in a tight line on both sides of the road, and people with varying expressions walked on the sidewalks. Humans went about their day normally, even when the Anti-Flexers popped out of nowhere, they didn't bat an eye; Anthrax Town was always like this.

The citizens of Anthrax Town had all sorts of different backgrounds; most were anomalies while on their original home planets.

The former mayor of this town went by the name of Franklin Alazubi, his skin gave off a pale luster and he looked like he didn't see the sun in years. Franklin's eyes reflected a deep crimson color as he looked at his computer screen. Even though he was the former mayor, he still had his responsibilities.

These responsibilities included watching over the various groups who completed the system's orders, and one of the most prominent groups that recently started catapulting to the top were the Anti-Flexers. They had only been completing missions for roughly two years, but had already accumulated enough points to live in the few high-end towns. Franklin put on a pondering expression and started thinking about Weazel and Bizarre.

"...These fellows are really just heading home like it's another day at work… What the hell are their motivations? Weazel and Bizarre, what are they trying to do?" Franklin Alazubi couldn't wrap his head around the situation, why would these two partners remain in this mid-tier area?

"Perhaps they are accumulating enough points to go directly to 'that place', no that isn't possible. Where could they possibly learn such sensitive information?" Franklin pondered for a few moments and quickly reached a conclusion.

"Those two somehow uncovered a portion of the secret. They understand that accumulating points would allow them access to a higher place and gain the corresponding authority… I need to ready myself and prepare accordingly." Franklin quickly grabbed his trenchcoat and put on his top hat as he rushed out of his luxurious house.

His personal valet quickly opened the door and followed behind his master in a hurry.

"Your Excellency, what do you wish for?"

Franklin squinted his eyes uncomfortably as the sunlight shined down on him, "Get my Nissan GTR and drive me to the nearest house of representatives, I need to speak with my sister."

"Yes Sir." The valet bowed and signalled for one of the drivers in a hurry.


Anthrax, street 6, block 9, in an apartment at the left section of the 7th floor, a man with long, silky light brown hair that reached his shoulders was bathing. His skinny face and sharp jawline were stained with restlessness, and his honey colored eyes held a blank expression, he was disappointed. He was looking miserably at his hands and cursed himself inwardly.

"If only I didn't hesitate...Dárby, don't think that you are safe… Justice for flexing will be your downfall." Weazel absolutely detested it when people got away with flexing, it was unacceptable!

Weazel's expression twisted to one of pure rage and his temper flared up.

The neighbors couldn't take an afternoon nap that day and Weazel's psychiatrist had to make an impromptu appointed for him an hour after he lost his temper.

Anthrax, Red Light District, VIP room 1.

"Heyy sugar, how was that mission?" A voluptuous lady with heavy makeup entered Bizarre's private room and blew kisses towards him in a seductive manner as she swayed towards him.

She had slightly tanned skin and long black hair, her eyes were a dark shade of blue. Her features were not anything special, she belonged to the streets.

Bizarre's eyes lit up and he habitually started scanning the body of his favourite woman. His smile widened as he slowly undressed her in his mind… until he looked at her stomach.

Bizarre's smile froze as he choked on his cigar and stared at the pregnant woman's stomach.

"Oh?" The twenty something year old woman smiled and rubbed her stomach lightly.

Bizarre's expression completely collapsed and he looked like he wished to die instantly.

The woman stood in front of Bizarre and slowly removed her cheap converse shoes, she then threw her Nissan Altima key at the couch as she prepared to remove her pink colored dress.

Usually, Bizarre would help with the undressing, but today, he seemed completely out of it.

"Hehe." The woman, Belinda Sikes, smiled at Bizarre's reaction and slowly started removing her dress.

Bizarre stared at her stomach in a daze as he waited for her to show him her stomach.

"Look at our future…" Belinda finally exposed her stomach… and a scrunched up t-shirt fell on the ground.

"HAHAHA. Your face HAHAHAHA." Belinda Sikes, successfully siked Bizarre. He was completely shaken. Bizarre's pupils dilated and his eyes almost glazed over.

Suddenly, Bizarre clutched at his heart and started convulsing heavily as he collapsed on the sofa.

"Huh? You can't be serious!" Belinda rushed to Bizarre and was about to scream for help but she suddenly saw a smile creep up on Bizarre's face as he muttered to himself.

"I only learned one thing in this mission…"

"STAAHH FINGAAAA!" Bizarre went deep.

An hour passed and Weazel's psychiatrist finally arrived at his apartment, much to his neighbors delight.

Amanda Wright sat on a couch that faced Weazel. Her honey colored eyes matched her patient's, and her yellowish brown hair was tied up into a bun. She lightly nudged the large, black glasses on her nose bridge and waited for Weazel to speak. Weazel's eyes were unfocused as they landed on his psychiatrist's white chemise and black, patterned skirt.

Dr. Amanda Wright was a truly respectable and prestigious woman who presented herself accordingly.

"...", Weazel remained silent.

"Oh, seems like it is something concerning your profession, can I guess?" Amanda Wright patiently waited for any reaction from her patient.


"Alright then, it seems like you, perhaps, weren't able to successfully complete your mission, is that right?"


"Let me ask you something Dr... Your job as a psychiatrist is to placate a person and to tame his or her unstable emotions. Correct me if I'm wrong." Weazel finally opened his mouth and calmly asked the prestigious Dr. sitting directly in front of him.

"Sure." Amanda smiled in response.

"Perfect. I am an educator, and my job as one obligates me to spread what I learned over the years. When I fail to guide a lost soul… What is my purpose? I have my own moral code, and I've failed to maintain it plenty of times, but I've learned and grown over the years… Right now, I should never fail in my endeavours … What would you do if one of your patients were to succumb to their thoughts and put themselves in danger? Would you not feel like shit?" Weazel's eyes were abnormally cloudy as he waited for an answer.

Amanda's honey colored eyes stared into Weazel's matching eyes as she fell into thought. After a few seconds of recollecting her thoughts, she answered honestly.

"My career is full of misfortunes indeed… I wasn't able to save them all, Weazel. Several of my patients committed suicide, others found my sessions pointless.Yet, even the most professional doctor could end up with one false diagnosis after a series of success. This is a good reminder that there is still space for improvement no matter how good a person becomes at doing something." Amanda Wright couldn't help but sigh in the end, she had truly seen too much.

Silence occupied the living room for a full minute before Weazel nodded in agreement and smiled. His foggy eyes cleared up and the stress on his face disappeared.

'What a pure soul, he only wished to accomplish his goal… I wonder what it was…' Amanda smiled brightly and her dimples showed. "Anyway, you still need to pay for that wall you smashed, your neighbor doesn't wish to be seen when he takes a toilet break."

"Ah?" Weazel fell into thought and tried to recall what he had done. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remeber all the details.

In the end, he simply nodded his head and offered the psychiatrist some coffee and cigarettes. Amanda happily accepted and they both enjoyed the view from his 7th floor balcony. His neighbors also enjoyed the peace and quiet.

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What should the next world be? Hmmm...

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