
Antares Adventure in Maat World

A little boy named Antares.  Very sure that one day he will kill the pharaoh and free his people from the clutches of Egyptian slavery. But one day he unknowingly awakens the energy of the power passed down by the god, namely Sekha. Someone found out and reported to the king of Egypt the pharaoh.  Then because of that Antares was forced to face Pharaoh.

Tangan_Gede · Fantasie
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8 Chs


In the world we call maat.  There is a great country called Egypt.  The country is surrounded by a very large river called the nile.  The country is divided into two regions, namely upstream and downstream Egypt.

Egypt was once ruled or ruled by a great god named Ra-atum.  But then Ra-atum who is getting old decides to travel from above the earth to the duat or underworld and back again from the eastern horizon bringing a bright light that illuminates the whole world.

All humans and gods are endowed with sekha.  Sekha is an abundance of energy.  Its function is to fight or war.  Therefore, whoever has sekha in his body is required to become a soldier or martial arts expert.

Sekha has several levels seen from the symbol engraved in its core.  The symbol represents the gods worshiped.  Usually the strongest symbol is a symbol that directly describes the main god Ra-atum or the nine gods, namely Ra, Osiris, Isis, Nephtis, Set, Anubis, Geb, Nut, and Maat.

The god seth or set is considered the patron deity in Egypt and throughout the world.  His position is equivalent to ra-atum or ra.

Therefore anyone who has a set symbol in his sekha.  He will be the leader and even the pharaoh himself.  Because the pharaoh had to have a sekha in the form of seth in his core.

The ruler of Egypt was called the pharaoh.  Pharaoh is a symbol of a substitute god for the god ra-atum on earth.  Therefore whatever the will of the pharaoh is also the will of the ra-atum.  That's what everyone in Egypt thinks.

In that country also implemented a slave system.  Slaves were imported from other countries which were very poor because of the turmoil of war.  They came to Egypt for refuge.  But they are required to become slaves one day suddenly.  Even though at that time Egypt was famous for its kindness and hospitality to foreigners.

It turns out that one day the pharaoh met his eleven magicians somewhere.

Tap tap tap.

The sound of the steps of the pharaoh and his subordinates.

"Why did they invite me?"  said pharaoh

He arrived at the place and sat on his throne.

He was now confronted by eleven men in long gowns and carrying crosses clasped in both hands in front of their chests.

"What is this?"  said the pharaoh who looked angry

"Sorry, Your Majesty," said the representative of the eleven people

"I should have killed you witches for trying to slander," said the pharaoh interrupting

"But Your Honor, we have asked for forgiveness and repented," he pleaded with the other representatives.

In tears the man got back on his feet after kneeling before the pharaoh.

"Okay, what do you guys want to talk about?"  asked the pharaoh full of firmness and wisdom

That person then said tremblingly

"We would like to inform you of something, this relates to your glorious future and your descendants."

"Quickly tell me the point, oh yes I'm thirsty. Get me a drink," said the pharaoh

"Servant, get me a drink," said the army of the pharaoh.

The servant then came and delivered a luxurious drink to the pharaoh.

"Continue," said the pharaoh

"Well, in our view. You will perish at the hands of strangers," said the man before the pharaoh.

In shock the pharaoh spat out the drink he was about to swallow.

"What kind of slander is this huh?"  said the pharaoh angrily.

"We've even done a noble research, all those foreigners from Arabian lands are so hostile to us and the gods don't like it. We even found a book that explains all that. And this book was originally written by experts. We even brought witnesses, who  noble," said the person at length as he lowered his head and took out the evidence they said.

Pharaoh read it.  He froze in surprise and dropped his glass.  The waiter came over and cleared all the glasses.  The servant overheard the conversation, but the pharaoh ignored it.

"Damn it, immediately execute this order!"  Said the pharaoh angrily.

"Very well, Your Majesty!"  Say everyone.

"Whoever enters the land of Egypt, they must be a humble servant"

A few days later.

Due to the death of the previous ruler of Egypt, the pharaoh.  In honor of the pharaoh from now on, a large place will be made for the last place of the dead pharaoh.

They made it from heated earth.  Of course, what made it all happen were foreigners from Arabia who went to Egypt to take refuge.  They are all currently being coerced and enslaved ruthlessly even more cruelly than in their own land.

All soldiers watched with weapons ready to punish them if they violated or erred at the slightest.


A person fell while carrying tens of tons of clay.

"You devils, you are useless. Stand up quickly," said the soldier and prepared to punish the slave.




The slave was hit with a burning rope 50 times.  He is in pain too.  But he was cruelly forced to work again.

"Hurry back to work," said the cruel soldier.

At night.

A slave couple was having a serious conversation with one of their very young children.

"I heard this a few days before we were all cruelly treated in this great land," said the man

"What do you hear?"  ask his wife

And he also told everything he saw at the meeting.  Where he who at that time worked as a personal servant of the pharaoh.

"Oh my gosh," said his wife.

The child can only hear in the arms of his mother and father.

"Could it be Antares?"  ask his wife

"Yes that's correct."  said the man.

"Son, mother and father are not strong anymore. You have to be strong, yes. One day you will destroy the pharaoh because you were predicted so," said Antares' father as he hugged him.  Her mother too.

On that day his mother and father prepared to commit suicide.  All to protect their child's astares.  So that the pharaoh cancels the search for the child who in the future will kill him from among the Arabs who entered Egypt.  Pharaoh sought from the characteristics described in the book and from the words of his 11 magicians.

The next day, all of them canceled the search because a slave had died.  If a slave dies, all the slaves take care of it and they are not required to work within one day.

Little Antares wept bitterly on the banks of the Nile.  He lost two parents who always protected him.  Now he too has to work in place of his parents.  Antares goes to his parents' grave every day to pray.  He prayed to the gods that his parents would be given a place in heaven.  He also hopes that Egypt will get a reply soon.  Every work Antares always imagines a cruel pharaoh.  He intends to one day avenge the cruel treatment of his parents and all the Arabians in Egypt.
