
Antares Adventure in Maat World

A little boy named Antares.  Very sure that one day he will kill the pharaoh and free his people from the clutches of Egyptian slavery. But one day he unknowingly awakens the energy of the power passed down by the god, namely Sekha. Someone found out and reported to the king of Egypt the pharaoh.  Then because of that Antares was forced to face Pharaoh.

Tangan_Gede · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Episode 4

In a place that was large and originally contained only eternal emptiness.  Suddenly everything in that place changed in the blink of an eye.

Simbasian blinks sure and sure enough.  This is the place described in the holy books.  Paraous or better known as the sky empire led by the god set.  Even though it is called the sky, this world is still part of the earth but is in another world.  We call it parallel world.  As in Egypt in general there are humans and armies of humans and foreign countries led by other gods.

Set leads another egypt in a parallel world.  He succeeded the next throne of the god Ra Atum who also ruled the other Egyptians.

Simbasian looked up.

"Is this really where the god set reigns?"  asked the simbasian.

The eleven priests did not answer.  Then suddenly from above them appeared a very bright light yellowish white.

All the priests prostrated around him.

"Is he, no way," said the symbasian depressed

After the light goes out.  Now looks a strong figure.  Such a macho man.  With a crown decorated with peacock feathers.

That person emitted a yellowish glow that was a remnant of the light that first emanated.

The person slowly descended.

"How are you, your majesty, a strong protector, the god of set," said the eleven priests at the same time.

'He really is just as the scriptures say,' thought the symbasian gaping in disbelief.

Set with a haughty face did not respond.  He then glanced at the knotted symbasian.

"What is it?"  say a short set.

All the priests knelt down.

The wise priest represents.

"We sent information to you," replied the wise priest.

"Information?"  ask set

"Yes, the man we are holding hostage. He may find out what you want," replied the priest again.

Set stepped forward after hearing the answer from his subordinate's mouth.  He flew over the eleven people and landed in front of the symbasian face.

Simbasian nervousness.

"Ah, uh, the worship of the great set of gods, the noble ruler of the king of Egypt," he stammered.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you worshiping me so nervously?"  asked the set suspiciously.

"Oh, oh."

"Excuse me, Your Honor, this person doesn't seem to worship you," answered one priest on behalf.

The deity's expression began to change.

"How can someone like this exist? Do I have to go on a rampage right now?"  say set

Everyone was silent, there was a look of fear from their trembling bodies.

The wise priest represented again.

"Therefore, Your Majesty, we brought this person here," he said to the ruler.

Emotion sets start to decline.  After that he wanted to rage.

Set started to look at the symbiotic.

"What do you know? Say it quickly!"  said the set asked rudely.

Simbasian quickly answered.

"Foreign countries have known the false scriptures and death, then they plan to destroy the lost Egypt," said Simbasian nervously.

"How do they know?"  say set

Then one priest said.

"Your Majesty, we have confirmed that the books were written in the same way as the writings of the previous books, we have also forced the Egyptians to say that the books are truly original to anyone including the pharaohs," explained the priest.

"If so, why would someone disassemble it. Or maybe," said the set thinking.

"Do you know where Horus is?"  asked the set clutching the neck of the symbasian.

"Horus?"  asked all the priests.

Simbasian was in pain and was forced to speak incoherently.

"D-god-god horus doesn't exist, we all know nothing," replied the symbasian.

"Then how do you know the truth huh? Answer me!"  shouted set started to get angry again.

"Uhm, my gentlemen. Actually in the outside world there appears a race of blonde hair that is very intelligent, cough," said the symbasian trying to answer.

His grip on his neck got even tighter.

"Then what does that have to do with the book I forged huh?"  said the set asked again.  He grew increasingly irritated at the simbasian because it was too time consuming.

"Ahuk, ahhhk. That race that can see the truth, sir," answered the symbasian.

Set took it off.  He seemed to think then closed his left eye.

In the vision of the left eye, it sets across the world from Egypt to East Arabia, to a new place that you know.

The place had a lot of tall buildings which were very strange to the set.  And also a wheeled carriage that is not horse-drawn.  But the carriage is made of metal and iron can also run by itself.  Then the set saw that everyone there appeared to have blonde and red hair.  Starting from children, women, to men and adults even the old ones have beards of the same color.

Set opened his eyes again.  Looking back at the symbasian who didn't seem to lie.

Then the set seems to want to go away but reflexively symbasitly says

"And one more thing, Your Honor, I also know the child who was predicted. As you know he comes from Arabia and generates sekha energy," said Simbasian.

Those words succeeded in making the set and the eleven priests dumbfounded.

"Are you sure the symbiotic?"  ask one priest

"Yes, I've been watching him. He aroused sekha after I told him something that made him emotional," replied Simbasian calmly like never before

Set turned to face the symbasian again.

"Where is the child at?"  ask set.

"He is in Egypt sir, now he must be working because he is an Egyptian slave," replied Simbasian.

Set looked at the eleven priests which made his subordinates afraid to see his very sinister eyes.

"He's right, I can't see with this left eye. Hurry up and tell the pharaoh and kill the kid," said Set and left.  He turned back into a shining light then flew up and disappeared.

After that all faced the pharaoh.  The eleven people and Simbasian told everything to the Egyptian king in another world.

"So yes, there are rebels who will attack Egypt. Then the child of the prophecy, I didn't think was still alive. Alright take the child, then expand surveillance. Find out about the rebels and how and when they will attack us," said the pharaoh.

All of his subordinates nodded and took orders obediently.

"And you, get out of Egypt. As per your request I free you from slavery," said the pharaoh to the simbasian.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," said Simbasian and left.

"Nothing will bother me from now on, thanks to the power of the god of set. Egypt will not be destroyed even from a prophecy," said the pharaoh arrogantly.

Another place.

Antares is now participating in arranging the stones because there is no symbasian.  They lack people to work the hardest parts.  Antares who had an above average understanding easily mastered the most difficult part.

Antares continues to pile up.  Even though it sometimes drops a few stones, it doesn't destroy it.  Because of the hardness of the rock.

"I heard they burned using an unusual fire," said the uncles when they first made the stone.

"Yes, I saw they sent wizards to create the fire," said another colleague.

"That fire can't even be extinguished," said another

"I even burned corn and potatoes in it," said another

"What? Really?"  ask another

"Yes, when things are quiet because there is a big event in the palace," replied the uncle

"Oh, I heard it was because the pharaoh got married, didn't I?"  say another

"I don't know," answered another

"I thought the pharaoh was married before," said another

It looks like the palace.  Egyptian palace belonging to the pharaohs.  A woman looked up at the evening sky and then someone came from her bedroom door.

"I'm allowed to enter, Your Majesty," said the person from outside who seemed to be a woman.

"Come in, imbany," said a beautiful woman who was full of jewelry on her beautiful body.

After getting permission.  The woman opened the door of the large room which was also decorated with glittering gold.

The woman brought a tray filled with food and placed it hastily on the dining table near the girl she called her highness.

"Your Majesty," the woman called.

"Did you get any more information?"  asked the woman who was called His Majesty without turning her head and continuing to look at the sun that was starting to set on the western horizon.

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied the servant.

"What is it, tell me directly," said the woman.

"It seems that there will be an attack from an outside country and the pharaoh is planning to kill the prophecy child in the palace," replied the imbany to his master.

The woman turned to face her maid.

"Serious?"  she asked again.

"Yes-yes, Your Majesty," replied Imbany, bowing respectfully.

"So all this time my prayers have not been in vain," said the woman.

"Imbany, you have to do this for me," he said again to his subordinates.

"Good, your highness," said imbany

In the pharaoh's place.

After the evening came.  He also began to pack up to the residence of his empress as well as his adopted sister.  His name is schintama.

Pharaoh has been married to his half sister for more than a month.  And right now they haven't heard of schintama being pregnant.

According to obstetricians, it's natural because it's the first time they've been married.

Therefore the pharaoh did not think about it anymore.

Pharaoh walked and headed for his and schintama's room.

Pharaoh entered suddenly startled schintama and imbany who were chatting.

"Your Majesty? Welcome, I'll say goodbye first," said imbany then immediately left as soon as possible.

Schintama welcomed her husband with a hug.

"Welcome," he whispered to the pharaoh.

"Are you okay?"  ask the pharaoh

"Did I bother you and come at the wrong time?"  asked the pharaoh again.

Schintama shook her head.  She kissed her husband.

"It's okay, let's get ready for dinner together," said the beautiful woman full of elegance.

Pharaoh melted at those words and went out to prepare.

"I am waiting for you in the dining room," said the pharaoh at the door.

Schintama nodded cutely.

All the waiting subordinates did not mind Schintama's treatment of the pharaoh.

'I hope the child will be fine.  He is actually my son too.  Lord ra-atum protect my son from the cruelty of the pharaoh.  Amen'
