
Antares Adventure in Maat World

A little boy named Antares.  Very sure that one day he will kill the pharaoh and free his people from the clutches of Egyptian slavery. But one day he unknowingly awakens the energy of the power passed down by the god, namely Sekha. Someone found out and reported to the king of Egypt the pharaoh.  Then because of that Antares was forced to face Pharaoh.

Tangan_Gede · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Episode 2

Back to the conversation between Antares and the slave geezers it seems.

"Simbas?"  ask Antares

"Well, he is an important person to us, don't you know young man?"  ask the grandpa

"Well I don't know yet," answered Antares

"In the past, the person who was instrumental to us was him, Simbasian managed to get us out of a country that was already chaotic because of his intelligence and courage," explained the old man.

"Oh I see, is he still there?"  ask Antares again

"Yes, he is usually still worshiping at this hour," replied the old man

"Where is the place?"  ask Antares

"At the end of the road, beside the dump," replied the old man

"Thank you, cake," Antares said and left

Then, Antares walked in the direction the slave grandpa was pointing.  He walked down the narrow lane and the dump area which was so dirty.  Even Antares who was used to it didn't care.

'I've even lived and slept in a pile of giraffe dung,' Antares thought

Tap tap tap

Antares treads a road that is flooded with sewage.  Then up the long stairs.  And arrived at a slum settlement.  All the houses were empty but there was one house with a nearly extinguished lantern beside the door.  Antares was sure it was the symbiotic residence the grandpa had told him about.

Antares then knocked on the door.

Knock knock.

No answer yet.

Antares started knocking on the door again 4 times.

Knock knock knock.

Then there is the answer from within.

"Yeah, okay, I'm out," said the simbasian from inside.

Antares was relieved.  He sat down to wait.  Then the simbasianpun out.

"Oh, it turns out you want to," said the simbasian who turned out to already know Antares.

"Oh, it turns out that the uncle named Simbasian," said Antares as surprised as Simbasian.

Simbasian then invites Antares into his hut.  He then poured drinks into two glasses for himself and his guest Antares.

Antares came in and sat down and waited for the Simbasian to pour his drink.  Then simbasian started asking

"What are you doing here at night?"  Ask the symbiosis.

"I'm sorry uncle, I just wanted to ask uncle," said Antares.

"Okay," said Simbasian as he took a sip of his drink

Antares drank the drink after being offered it by the symbasian.

"Uncle, I want to know the history of our nation's slavery and previous events," said Antares to the simbasian

"Well, our nation used to come here to take refuge from state troops and rebels, for one year we lived in peace here. In fact, we all gladly helped the Egyptians," said Simbasian explaining.

"Then suddenly, the pharaoh sparked a new rule. Where all foreigners who came were obliged to be slaves to the Egyptians and the pharaohs," he said again.

"Oh, I see. But why don't we try to fight back?"  ask Antares

"Impossible son, we will surely perish if we fight," replied the sad symbasian

"Then why don't we try to talk about this peacefully?"  ask Antares

"I've tried, but the pharaoh doesn't care what we say," replied the symbasian

"Egypt, which used to not enslave, why has it become like this?"  ask Antares again

"Egypt is a strong country and also loves peace. Pharaoh is well known in the eyes of the whole world," explained the simbasian

"Really uncle?"  ask Antares

Simbasian sighed.  He stood up to pour some more water.

"This is not the first time that Egypt has been visited by foreigners, even before our country was chaotic, I had visited here," said Simbasian.

"At that time I saw, Egypt is a country that is everyone's dream in the world. They are blessed with gods, intelligence, abundant resources, and magic and strong military power because of the power of sekha energy," explained Simbasian again.

"What is uncle magic?"  ask Antares

"Magic is an extraordinary magical power, taught by the water god who overshadows the rivers and always floods the fields with small floods from the Nile river to help the Egyptians' agriculture," explains Simbasian.

"What is the function of that power?"  ask Antares

"A lot, that includes reading an energy, looking up in the dark or light and so on," answered the simbasian

"What can we learn?"  ask Antares

"Unfortunately no, only magicians can do magic," replied the simbasian

"Witch?"  ask Antares

"That's a name for people who can do magic," replied the simbasian

"Ohh," said Antares

'If I become a magician, I can do something,' Antares thought

"Isn't there anyone from among us who is a former magician?"  ask Antares

"Hm, everything has been executed," replied the symbasian looking down sadly

"What?"  Shocked Antares

"That's right, the pharaoh got rid of them all. Then faked their deaths by lying to their citizens that they all committed suicide by throwing themselves on the edge of a cliff on the outskirts of Heliopolis," explained Simbasian

"That's cruel," said Antares with pity

"Well, it's a shame we can all just surrender," said the simbasian

Then Antares prepared to go home because it was almost morning.  Simbasian brings food to Antares.

"If you're upset, you can come here and tell me. It's better to tell it than you hide it," said the simbasian

"Well, thank you uncle," Antares said and walked away.

On his way to Antares, he kept thinking about how he and all his relatives from his country in Egypt could be free.  Starting from studying magic, to defecting with other countries.  At the age of 13, Antares was already thinking about things that shouldn't be his burden.

But Antares was sure, because of what his mother said at the time.  He was so, so sure.

'Egypt and the pharaohs will surely fall in my hands' Antares thought with confidence

He gripped his hand so hard it bled.  Unknowingly a letter was written and glowed in the palm of his hand.  The letters are small.  Didn't realize that someone was following Antares' steps.  He walked slowly and kept a close eye on the 13 year old.

The morning.  Antares is back at work.  As usual he was tortured to work harder by the soldiers.  Hit with a burning rope.

Antares watched the rope carefully.  While his body was hit hard.

"Hey boy, what you see is fast working faster!"  Shouted the soldier holding the gun and hit Antares again.

Antares quickly worked after being hit.

'Why does the rope keep burning?  And why doesn't it go out when exposed to air for a very long time' Antares thought

It's true what Antares said.  The rope will at least burn and break easily if it burns for too long.  And also if left unchecked will go out by itself.  What a thought beyond reason in the world of maat which is full of abundant spirituality.


The tiny body continued to be pounded and hit.  Even if it's wrong one bit.

"Burn right!"

"Quickly bring everyone here!"

"Why did you drop this piece of land, you incompetent slave!"

Cplassah cplasssh

"Ahhhh. I'm sorry sir!"

That's the sound that can be heard in this place.  It's really sad.  Antares actually can't stand it anymore, but what can you do?  He's just a kid in this case also adults can't do anything.





Night came.

Antares accidentally saw a young immigrant from another country who was immediately turned into a slave.  He claimed to be named Sham.

Sham who comes from a neighboring country with an Arab country.  The country of origin of the great nation who entered the land of Egypt to take refuge.

Syam slammed his luggage in surprise after seeing the warrant that the Egyptian soldier had addressed to him.

"What's this huh? Why am I only hearing about it now?"  asked sham surprised and getting angry

"This is a direct order from His Majesty the pharaoh, you can't go against it," said the old man

"Why is that? Isn't Egypt a peace-loving country and why a land blessed by the gods can do such a dirty thing, shameful," the young man spat.  Made the soldiers angry too.

"Your attitude is unforgivable, I will execute you here," said the soldier, pulling out a sword.  Ready to chop off the comer's head.

"Heh, let's have a duel here. I'm not afraid!"  Say sham confidently.

"Why is he so confident to fight back?"  said Antares.

All the slaves saw it and were stunned by the courage of the young man named Sham.

"I will not hesitate," said the soldier.

"Heh, I'm not afraid!"  Say sham no less angry than the army of the pharaoh.

All soldiers come to sham and will shackle him.

Syam then kicked the soldiers in the face one by one.

"He's really brave," said the slaves.

Then quickly sham overthrow everything with his bare hands.

Automatically all the slaves cheered for him.

"Good, go on," said the slaves from Arabia.

Antares was stunned.

Now sham is seen trampling on the bodies of the soldiers.

"Hahaha, don't think people from other countries are weaker than you, you trash country," said hina sham to the soldier


"Let's kill the pharaoh's army."

"Huuu, trash soldiers."

"Even losing to one commoner huuu."

Everything was noisy in that place.  Then one soldier rose.

"Shut up," he shouted silencing all the slaves who shouted.

But all can not be silent.  They didn't pay attention to what he said.

"Hear this you slaves, and you!"  Said the soldier angrily.

"We Egyptian soldiers have a rule that all of us will not use sekha energy seriously on citizens and slaves unless they have comparable fighting power," the soldier said.

Everything was silent.  The slaves were silent and no longer cheered.

But that man, sham doesn't care.

"Heh, whether you're serious or not. You're all trash," he said and got ready to kick.


The man stepped forward and began to do a kick kick.  However


Arrested easily.

Everyone was shocked.

"The kick was caught that easily," said the slaves.

"Insolent," shouted the angry sham.  He's doing the rounds

"You're trying to embarrass me haha," shouted Syam while attacking with a scissor kick towards his opponent's leg



The opponent is nowhere to be found

"What?"  Surprise sham was surprised.

"For ordinary people you are quite troublesome, but in our eyes the army of the pharaohs and the Egyptians. You are just an ant that we often trample on."


Along with the words behind the body of sham.  The slash managed to split the body of sham.
