
Antares Adventure in Maat World

A little boy named Antares.  Very sure that one day he will kill the pharaoh and free his people from the clutches of Egyptian slavery. But one day he unknowingly awakens the energy of the power passed down by the god, namely Sekha. Someone found out and reported to the king of Egypt the pharaoh.  Then because of that Antares was forced to face Pharaoh.

Tangan_Gede · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Episode 1

One morning in the capital of Egypt, Heliopolis.

It looks like everyone is doing business as usual.  They sell and buy goods peacefully.  No one thought that behind that they treated their slaves very sadistically.

At that time, the little slave was shackled and paraded through the deserted streets.  She was also beaten and injured with dangerous weapons all over her tiny body.

The slave was named Antares.  His mother and father committed suicide when he was eight years old.  His mother told him that one day Antares would destroy Pharaoh and Egypt.  Little Antares didn't know what his mother meant.  Now Antares is 13 years old.





The sounds of weapons that hurt Antares who were shackled.  Anteres tried his best to hold it in.  Because if he cries his master will kill him.  Of course Antares didn't want to die.

"Damn slave, damn slave," said lord Antares torturing him




Test, test, test

Fresh blood oozed out of the tiny body.  Then his body fell after the bond was released by his master.

"Hurry up and work again, just watch out for stealing again. I'll cut your hand later," said the master

Antares tried to get up.  His tortured body was still very weak.  It took a lot of time to recover.  Antares also trudged somewhere to recover his badly injured self.

Antares is on the banks of the Nile.  As usual he prayed to the water god to heal his wound.  Then after that Antares washed all his wounds with water from the river.  Miraculously the wound began to slowly disappear.  This is Antares' secret.

One day Antares had a dream and in that dream he was given a clue about this.  Antares tried it for the first time at the age of 9 years.  How happy Antares was at that time.

Then Antares returned to work as a slave.  He washed his body with the liquid from the surrounding fruit to make it look like he was still injured.  Antares also pretended to limp in front of the pharaoh's master and soldiers.

That night Antares did not sleep.  He was still working with the other slaves.

"Ah, we can't even sleep at night," complained another slave.  There are no soldiers watching at night.

"Hah, it's not that this is too cruel," said the very old slave.

"Every day I always pray that we can be free," said another person

"That's right, we can't give up. Surely the gods will free us," said another slave.

Antares listened to the conversation as he worked.  He was the same as those uncles.  Then unexpectedly someone invited him to talk.

"Hey kid, are you still strong?"  ask the uncle

"Don't worry, I can still do it, uncle," said Antares bitterly.

"You're too excited, son, occasionally teach us to be as strong as you are," said the uncle, making Antares smile.

"That's right, son, even though your body is small, your endurance and strength can surpass us," said the grandfathers (slaves).

"Yes, I also have a brother who is your age, but he is not as strong as you," said another.

Antares was confused about what to answer.

Then Antares said.

"I am always optimistic that one day we will be free from slavery in Egypt, I also always pray to God that it will be granted."

"Woah, what a wonderful child," said another in response to Antares

"It's rare for children his age to be as optimistic as this," said another

Antares smiled in response.


After falling asleep a few minutes as a break.  Antares is back at work.  He burned chunks of soil that had been imprinted.  Then lift tens of tons of soil to the construction site.  Antares arrived at the construction site.  The building will be used as the tomb of the deceased pharaoh.  In that place suddenly appeared many Pharaoh's soldiers.  It turned out that the pharaoh visited the place.  Once a month he always visits.  The slaves prostrated before him.  Antares saw it.  It was the first time seeing the pharaoh's face.  Pharaoh sat on a chariot supported by 4 horses at once.  The chariot symbolizes the boat of the god ra that always crosses the world and is a duat every day.

The pharaoh looked around at everything, including the slaves.  Then he saw the figure of Antares.

"Why did you hire a little slave like that?"  asked the pharaoh of his subordinates.

"Sorry Your Majesty, we will get rid of him," said his subordinate.

"Heh, hire more useful slaves. To make this place fast," said the pharaoh ruthlessly.

Pharaoh then got off his chariot and walked to the unfinished building.

"Hm, this is grandfather's resting place, grandfather will surely go to heaven comfortably via this luxurious boat," said the pharaoh

Then he returned to his car.

"Come on, I have another meeting. Move quickly," ordered the pharaoh.

He also passed.

All the slaves went back to work.

Antares was working again then suddenly he was dragged to work elsewhere.  He was asked to burn the land alone while the others built.

Antares did not complain even though all the soldiers violently forced him.  Because he remains optimistic that one day he will surely destroy the pharaohs and egypt for whatever reason.  As his mother said at that time.

Antares continued to work into the afternoon.  Dig and burn.  Then he was asked to rest by the uncle yesterday.

"Hah, son, don't be so hard. You can die," he said.

Antares smiled and rested with the uncle.  The uncle looked to be in his 50s.  He has a white beard.

"Does uncle have a family?"  asked Antares to the uncles.

"Yes, I have a wife and a baby," replied the uncle.

"Do you have family too?"  asked the uncle to Antares

"My father and mother died when I was 8 years old," said Antares.

"Hm, I see," said the uncle.

"Is uncle happy?"  asked Antares.

"Happy? Of course not. But to feel happy I always feel it somewhere," replied the uncle.

"A place?"  Excited Antares.

"Yes, when I saw my wife and the baby. Au was happy at that time," said the uncle.

'Feel good to see a living family?'  Inner Antares sad.

Puk!  The uncle patted Antares on the head.

"Even though you don't have a family, we are still called your family. All slaves come from the same country," said the uncle

Antares was surprised.  He just found out that fact.

"Is that true?"  Ask Antares.

"Yes, long ago we were all in a country not far from Egypt. But in that country it was not like here. Everyone was always fighting and then suddenly a big war started. All of us who were still alive tried to take refuge in other countries and all chose this country.  ' replied the uncle, taking a deep breath.

"But isn't it the same here?"  asked Antares.

"That's right, son, but back then this country was not like it is now," replied the uncle

"What does it mean-"

"Hey slave, back to work quickly!"  The soldier's shout made the conversation cut short.

The two of them returned to work on building a burial place for the pharaoh.

'Egypt was not what it is now?  could it be that the reason our nation chose to come to this country was because of things that I do not know?'  Inner Antares wondered.  Even though he is only 13 years old, his understanding is already beyond that of an adult.  The surprising fact is that Antares can even write and memorize letters and numbers in the Egyptian language.

Antares if there is an opportunity to go to a place of worship and disguise himself as an immigrant.  He borrowed scriptures and memorized hymns to gods.  He even knew all the gods to be worshipped and how to worship them.

Somewhere else so dark.  Someone opened his eyes.  But it was empty.  He has no eyeballs.  He rose to sit up from the rubble that fell on him.


"I hope my son is okay," he said and fell back asleep.

The sun goes down again or it can be called the god ra returns to the duat or the underworld, the world after death to illuminate the duat and dispel the demons from disturbing the human spirit.

Demons are incarnations of darkness.  They often prey on and kill without anyone knowing.  Even so, demons submit to gods.  But the fact is that all gods are not that good.  In another very dark place in a very deep duat and many powerful demons fear the god ra-atum.

A majestic yet dark palace stood.  His palace was bigger than the palace of the pharaoh.  Inside was a large, long figure.  The figure is crowned.  The scales every day always give birth to such powerful demons.

Back to Egypt.

Pharaoh is now getting married.  He chose to marry his adopted sister as his consort.  The wedding will come in two days.  Therefore, the pharaoh first worshiped the goddess of the sky and also the goddess of love Hathor.  The ritual was performed at the place of worship of the goddess.

Pharaoh then walked with his potential mate in front of the Egyptians besides slaves.  They waved friendly hands not as cruel as when dealing with slaves from Arabian lands.  The two of them also always have a friendly and gentle smile.

"With this, I hope that Dewi Hathor will bless us with a strong successor and also bless Egypt until the next pharaoh's birthday," said the pharaoh in front of his citizens.

Everyone cheered for it.  Many various snacks and food were provided by the kingdom for all citizens except the slaves.  Pharaoh looked at all his happy citizens with reverence.

In the place of the slaves.  They still work and are watched over by the soldiers on duty.  Antares planned to meet the uncle yesterday to ask a lot of things.  Antares felt the uncle knew everything.

Night came.  Antares looked for the uncle everywhere but couldn't find him.

He then asked people he knew.

"The man with the white beard, do you know him? The one with us at that time," asked Antares.

"Beards? Many people have white beards, don't you have any other characteristics, son?"  asked the old men.

Antares shook his head weakly.

"Hmm, how do you ask the symbasian, I think he knows," said the old man offering to Antares
