
Another World with My Rented Girlfriend

Trapped in a fantastical realm, Kiyoshi discovers a volatile magic that weakens him as it strengthens. His rented girlfriend becomes his shield against impending doom, revealing they're humanity's last hope. Amidst a web of secrets, their journey unveils a destiny intertwined with Earth's future.

steve_little_pen · Fantasie
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34 Chs

The Queen's Ascendance

The next day early 5:00 am

Inside the cave.

The war will start at sunrise. Sakura should be a queen before that and Damascus will channel her awaking power to activate the magic circle and kill then absorb the adventures on war and become a high-rank elder vamper and take her blood then kill her with the holy sword only a holy sword can kill a vamper queen by a holy knight. they had a holy knight with them. the full strength of the vamper queen will go to Damascus and he will become the vamper emperor.

Damascus: ' It's time for the return take the king's blood from the queen's necklace.'(there is a necklace that the queen had which has a beautiful flower which is built with the king's blood.)

A robed guy took the necklace broke it into pieces and put it in Sakura's mouth.

Sakura was put in a magic circle after that which would trap her there and absorb the power her to kill the adventure. It was an S-rank spell which was 100s of years old and was created by ancient vampires as a weapon. Damascus recovered the scroll from the old vamper bases.


Sakura floated in the air with a red bloody light coming from her eyes and her ears grew pointy. The blood in that room circles Sakura. She starts to emit light and blood vapers change into sharp liquid and start to destroy the magic circle.

Kiyoshi and others see the light coming from the cave and rush to the cave.

20 robed men came out of the cave and tried to stop them.

Kiyoshi and others fight them while Knight blocks them and lets Kiyoshi get in.

Sakura was out of control Damascus tried to stabilise her but he was heavily wounded.

Damascus: ' Get out kid, if you don't want to die.'

Kiyoshi stops Damascus from attacking Sakura.

They both slash their swords in the middle of the swirling blood Kiyoshi beats him up, he is weakened by Sakura's earlier attack.

Kiyoshi called Sakura to try to bring her conscience back but her blood storm was like a sharp ice-like particle of blood which could even cut iron Aromer.

Sakura opens her vamper eyes and starts attacking Kiyoshi like an animal.

But somewhere inside, there was Sakura still there.

Kiyoshi punched her in the face and for a few sec, Sakura took control of the power and struggling against the power, she cut herself, pouring the blood into Kiyoshi's mouth.

Kiyoshi became the king but he didn't turn into a vamper.

Derc appeared, observing. "You didn't turn. You're human, right?"

Kiyoshi nodded. "Yes, help me bring her back."

Derc:'cut Damascus's fingers took 3 rings and gave two of them to Kiyoshi said to put them on her. It will bind her'

Kiyoshi put the ring on her hand was the vamper queen's ring which would bind the power. sakura only gets the power if she drinks Kiyoshi's blood.

Derc: ' Don't put the other ring on you keep it safe or she will die.'(if Kiyoshi puts the ring if the Kiyoshi die Sakura will too.)

Derc: ' So, goodbye, boy'(he took the third ring)

Nymfi and Knight Corwin:'inform the guild master about everything.'

The Guild master rushed to the war spot stopped them and explained what happened.

The band was stolen from Iron Fury members and was put in the crime sport on purpose.

Sakura got unconvinced and changed back to human form.

Only Kiyoshi,m3, and Nymfi know that Sakura is the vamper queen and Kiyoshi is the king. For others, Damascus failed to turn Sakura into the queen. Damascus is dead too.

Derc and Nymfi disappear after that.

In Santra in a broken pales.

Derc:'boss, we brought the legendary ring.'

Nymfi:'we found some interesting kids.'

boss:'good job and kids, will they be in our way?.'

Nymfi:'nah, they are weak compared to us warisus.'

Boss: 'The legendary ring is known as the ring of life. I call it "the symbol of love".'

Derc: 'This ring was the reason the queen didn't die even if the king died.'

(The ring gives you 7 lives.)

Boss:'it was a legendary ring gifted by the god of the afterlife to the hero who stopped the war between humans and vamper. And he gifted it to his wife. Do you know what was his last words " I am sorry, the ring I gave you, you have to go through death 7 times"'


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