
Another World with My Rented Girlfriend

Trapped in a fantastical realm, Kiyoshi discovers a volatile magic that weakens him as it strengthens. His rented girlfriend becomes his shield against impending doom, revealing they're humanity's last hope. Amidst a web of secrets, their journey unveils a destiny intertwined with Earth's future.

steve_little_pen · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Encountering Warisus gang

After some hours

Sakura was in the room that was given to them.

Kiyoshi was sitting in the beverages section.

he saw an adventure team(5 to 8 adventures form a team, Kiyoshi and Sakura are like a team but they have only 2 members, most of them team contain 1:long range type like a mage, 1:defense type like a tank, 1:close combat like a warrior, 1:supporter like healer or priest (priest is the type that can only support the others, they have the skill to increase the mp, increase the will power, decrease the mp of the opponent and their subordinative and etc)and 1: any type.)

Kiyoshi uses his eye of wisdom

3 of them are rank-B, type a warrior, tank, and a mage

2 of them are rank-C, type a space user and a priest

Ame (she is the warrior of the team): " Hey kid, are you starting at me? I know I am attractive but won't star at a woman's boobs, oo you are an adventure"

Kiyoshi:" I am sorry, I was looking at your drink it seems nice, ooo you are a woman I didn't notice, I am sorry"

Ame's face got red with anger.

Tentor (he is the tank on their team):" Oo poor Ame, don't be sad because no one is looking at you. That kid must be mistaken you as a man by seeing your plane chest.

Ame:" I don't ask you, you muscle brain and why are you butting in my matter"

Ren (he the mage (mage is the type who uses magic. There are mainly four types of mage fire, wind, earth, and water. There are some rare mages like mind mage, ext)):" Now, stop you two. show some maturity"

Keiko (she is the priest):" Don't fight you guys, please"

Kiyoshi thought:" In my eyes, she has much bigger than Sakura."

Ame must be 23 years old

Keiko:21 years

Tenro:23 years

And ren:27 years

Tentor(tank):" Oo I see you're an adventure too. What rank are you boy? what is your type?"

The Adventures have a badge on their cloth and an id card too.

That is how he knows Kiyoshi is an adventurer.

Kiyoshi:" I am rank D, I am a healer"

Tentor:" we are team hakuri"

Kiyoshi thought:" I heard about this team they are famous all around Ramiya, they are one of the most power full teams in Ramiya"

Tentor(tank):" That's great now days healers are pretty rare."

Ren(mage):" Are you on a mission"

Kiyoshi:" Yes, I am on a mission with my tame mate and we are going to Elfior and I am going to see an elf for the first time."

Tentor:" Oo man, that's right the elf is very rare to travel to Ramiya because of the wars before. Hey, kid you're going to see the hottest girls in their elf girls are the best."

Tentor came near me and said in my ears:" Hey kid be care full, once in Elfior. I was just peeping into women's public hot spring. Then they caught me and tied me on a tree for three days."

Ame:" Tentor am sorry for calling you muscle brain, you pervert muscle brain"

Tentor:" You don't get it because you are so ugly"

Ame:" What did you say you little shit"

Tentor got a bump on his head for that.

A drunk man (age 23) and is out of his balance:" Hi, gays"

And he falls down.

Ren:" He never learned lessons. Keiko, could you purify him"

Keiko touched him and said: " Oh god bring down your holy purification upon him, purify…."

He is back to normal.

Ren:" What the hell man what were you thinking Asahi"

Asahi:" Ren I promise I just drink one glass of it and I also have miner resistance. If i was a normal man i would be unconscious for days, there is something wrong"

Keiko try to purify the alcohol and found that the thing was not alcohol its some kind of potion that drain your mp. As time passes the people around them fall one by one. Keiko heals Asahi with her mp increasing magic.

Kiyoshi helps her with his healing power. Most of the people on the ship were like this. almost 150 of them are affected. and only two of them are able to treat them. There are 300 people on the ship. all Hakuri members search for the culprit whereas Kiyoshi and Keiko stay back and treat the fallen ones.

Asahi is back to his legs and perfectly all right.

Asahi, Ren, Tentor, and Ame rush to the food section and stop the distribution of the drink. ren cast a lie detection spell on everyone in the food section. and he shouted," Who did this? Or did anybody see unusual things".

A guy come forward and said: "I didn't see someone mixing something but the head chef was behaving unusually today. today he didn't let us near him and he was alone preparing the drink.

Ame asked:" Where is he now". He is in the storage room, I saw him. said a worker in the group.

The three of them ran to the storage room. the chef was sitting there. hey you, what have you done to the food Tentor shouted at the chef by grabbing his shirt. At the same moment the chef faints.

Kiyoshi and Keiko came to the spout by that time. they lay him down. treat him and found out that he was mind controlled by a man with white hair, he was wearing a glass, his right eye was green and he had a tattoo on his neck. It was like a red triangle upside down inside a triangle with a vertical slash on it.

"No way I think he is an inner member of the Warisus gang," Asahi murmured.

Tentor" It's him, the genius of the Alchemy guild."

Ren shouts out "Go and find him at all costs"

they split to find him.

Ame:" Kiyoshi if you see him don't do not fight him alone, he is not the guy that you can handily"

Kiyoshi asked Ame in a low voice:" Who is this man?"

Ame said:" He was one of the best students of Ramato the alchemy guild master (head of the guild) and also very powerful. he does not waken (he is not an adventurer) but does not underestimate him he craters many positions that make him strong. he modifies his own body by his alchemy knowledge."

They search for him in every corner of the ship.

On the way, Kiyoshi meets up with Sakura.

Sakura asks Kiyoshi: " what is happening here?"

Kiyoshi explained everything to her. I saw a white-haired man going to the top floor.

Kiyoshi,ame, Sakura, and Asahi rush to the top floor.

Ame called others with her magic ring. (This ring is enchanted with high-class magic that a can use for communication with this ring if someone spoke and put some magic into it. it will send the voice to that man. It's is a rare item)

there were 2 of them. On the rooftop and one of them had that tattoo. the others came to the roof too.

He was there the genius of the Alchemy guild, Daichi. He was holding a magic core and the core was sucking the magic.

Asahi shout at him" You busted you are sucking magic from all of them who drink that drink."

Tentro asks in surpass:" Noway is that even possible."

"Ooo dear, anything can possible by knowledge," said Daichi with a wild smile on his face.

Daichi" You are here to catch me, right? It's a shame that these many-ranked adventurers are here to a normal commoner like me. but you see I have no time to play with you the magic core is about to be full.

Asahi" Aaaa, he is sucking my mp"

Ren call out"ame and tentro"

Ame:" Ya"

Tentro:" ok"

(Asahi fell down)

Asahi:" Don't let him escape."

(Ame and Tentro go forward to fight him, and Ren supports them with long-range attacks. Keiko treats Asahi. Sakura and Kiyoshi fight with them too)

Daichi had a barer around him that defends every attack thrown at him.

Kiyoshi uses the eye of wisdom on them.

Name: Daichi

Rank: #$*&#$-rank

And the other one with him.

Name: Kage

Rank: B-rank (level 7)

Type: necromancer

Daichi said to the guy in Infront of him (Kage)" Hey, boy take care of these empty heads. I have no time for this. the magic core is almost full"

Kage said "I was looking for a fight from the start of the mission. Now it's time for you to die"

Ren: "Let's see who is going to die"

Kage bites his own thumb tips and makes them bleed. he drops his blood on the floor by saying

"I, the master of death order you to raise from the depths of hell"

Many undeath climbs from the shadows. only the bone and had the crimson red flame on them.

Kiyoshi sees through the eye of wisdom.

11 goblins are all e-ranked.

4-water lizard men, all d: ranked.

And 3 green orcs, all c-ranked.

Ame and Tentro go head-on and attack the goblins and lizardmen. they were strong as they are alive.

Ren cast fire spells on green orcs (ren is a fire mage). Kiyoshi fights side by side with Ame and Tentro.

Sakura was doing her thing. She was dealing with the orcs

Keiko: May god grand you with his blessings, Agayo kasariyo (a holy spell to enhance strength)"

Keiko supports them with her holy magic.

Kage:" You are too slow"

Daichi:" Kage, the magic core is full."

Kage:" Come on Daichi I need to play a little more I was just starting"

Daichi: " Next time I will let you kill them all, now come with me "

A red magical circle appears under Daichi and Kage gets in.

Kage said "Bye, see you next time. Next time will be your last " with a nasty smile.

They disappear from there. it was teleportation magic.

The undeath disappears with him. Tentro shouted "Where are you running away cowards"

Ren:" We are lucky they are gone now, if not we would all be the food for his monsters."

They all head back to the down floor. Kiyoshi asks to rent 'Could you explain about the Warisus group?' with a serious face.

Ren: 'Warisus, it's an evil gang. I don't know what their objectives are but I know they are dangerous. the tattooed ones are the inner member of the gang. if see someone with it run from and report to the guild. they are strong than they look. we fought the weakest inter-member Daichi, he once was a nice man he was a great alchemy. but he betrayed the guild, sold the equation of the valuable option to Warisus, and join them. The leader of this gang is Namura. No one knows his rank and face. Earlier Daichi was sucking the mp of who drinks that drink but in the case of non-wakers or common men who have no mp their hp is drained in the place.'

Next morning:

Kiyoshi wakes up from his sleep with Sakura and looks out through the window. he walks near the window and here the sun is arising from Elfior. the Elfior forest glaze under the morning sun. He turns back to his bed. Sakura was still sleeping with a smile on her face. She was cute when her eyes are closed Kiyoshi thought.

He checks his status:

Name-Kiyoshi Cari

Rank-D [level 6]



Skills-luck (rank b), healing kiss (rank b), the eye of wisdom (rank A), back sword (rank b), purification (rank b), night vision (rank e)


Title-holy sword healer

Type-all type

Sakura gets up: ' Good morning, Kiyoshi

Kiyashi:'good morning, Sakura. we are at our destination.'

Sakura check her state too;


Rank-B [level 6]



Skills-hide (rank b), target (rank A), lighting speed (rank b), night vision (rank e)


Title- lighting reaper


After some hours for the first time, Kiyoshi steps foot on the land of Elfior. Kiyoshi said goodbye to Ame, Tentro, Ren, Keiko, and Asahi.

Tentro: goodbye. boy, do your training every day and be strong for our next meet.

(Tentro brings Kiyoshi to a side and whispers in his ears):' Don't forget to make a move on Sakura.'

Kiyoshi said with a scared face:' It does not feel good to get a stab with her dragger, you know.'

Tentro said by hitting Kiyoshi's chest:' Be a man, bro.'

Tentro: 'I will let you in a secret, promise me you will keep to yourself. There is a hole in the 6th wooden plater under the water. you remember I said that once they got me for peeping in the women's bath, I was peeping through it. They didn't find the hole when they got me. It is a hot spring under a great tree.

Kiyoshi: 'You pervert'

Tentro: 'It's not about I am a pervert it's because the elf girls are like goddesses. They are the hottest.'

His eyes were shining when he said this.

' Mmm' Kiyoshi said with a not-interested face.

But Kiyoshi inside 'Thank you, bro, this was my dream for years.' His eyes were shining when he thought this.

Kiyoshi and Sakura thank everyone.

Ame, Tentro, Ren, Keiko, and Asahi are going back to Ramiya their mission was to guard AMO's goods till Elfior. They safely bring the goods and they are going back now on another ship this noon.

(After some hours on the ship back to Ramiya)

Tentro:'are you here, Ren?'

Ren:'hoo, I was just lost in thoughts. '

Tentro:'that's unusual'

Ren:'I was thinking about Kiyoshi. He is a healer but I feel like he is good at swordman ship too. I am sure that he will be a big deal when we meet him next'

Tentro:'That the first time, you complimenting someone like this'

Asahi: 'I am looking forward to meeting him in the future.'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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