
Another world:With my Creation ability

A young teenage girl, living a solitary life, faces disdain from her own family and relatives. Frustrated by her surroundings and the unfairness of reality, she takes a dark path toward genocide, targeting her entire family, even attempting suicide. Just when she believes everything is over, a mysterious voice reaches out to her. Initially attempting to seduce her with a single ability, she negotiates and ends up acquiring three distinct abilities. Embark on the adventure with this teenage girl, possessing overpowering abilities, as she ventures into another world. but Is it truly just a coincidence that she arrived in this world, or is it fate, or perhaps the influence of some unknown entity? This world is full of mysteries and rich history. That she will need to uncover. English isn't my primary, secondary, or even tertiary language. Nevertheless, I've made an effort to share my story

Teaaddict03 · Fantasie
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9 Chs


After storing all the meat, I created thirty water bottles, each similar to a standard mineral water bottle. Additionally, I packed some extra clothes including shirts, a robe, and black jeans.

I also prepared some snacks such as candies, energy bars, and potato chips to munch on during the travel.

After finishing my tasks, I lay in bed contemplating what to do next, or rather, what I should do tomorrow. My gaze drifted to the window and I realized morning had already arrived. I quickly got up from bed and hurried downstairs.

There was no one around except for the inn owner and her daughter.

"Good morning, big sister. You're up early," the inn owner's daughter greeted me excitedly with a wide smile.

"Good morning to you too, kid," I replied, handing her a milk candy and patting her head.

"I'm not a kid," she pouted.

"So, what's your name?" I asked.

"Alisha," she responded.

"Well, Alisha, what a lovely name," I said, patting her head again.

"Breakfast isn't ready yet, you'll have to wait a little while," she informed me.

"That's alright, I just want to go for a morning walk," I replied, giving her another pat before leaving the inn.

The road wasn't as crowded as yesterday because it was morning.

I went for a short walk and returned to the inn.

"Morning walks always feel refreshing."

Upon reaching the door, all the tables were already occupied, but luckily Lily had saved a chair for me in the corner.

"They seem to favor this corner the most."

Not dwelling on it, I walked over and took my seat, noticing Lily staring at me with excitement.

"Is something exciting happening? You look really happy," I asked Lily.

"Today, Miss Kaira will be joining our team, which makes me thrilled," she replied.

"Is that really something to be excited about—" Before I could finish my sentence, I noticed all the party members looking equally thrilled and joyful.

The leader then explained, "Having a powerful mage like you join our team which can effortlessly clear entire packs of mutant orcs. Even the king would be ecstatic to have a mage of your caliber working for them."

'Oh, so I'm really valued here. Well, considering how overpowering my lightning attack was, it's understandable for them to react this way.'

Some adventurers and merchants were even praying and looking skyward, thanking the heavens when I am the one who did all the work.

I set aside my thoughts and looked at the breakfast Lily had already brought for me.

'Well, I'll repay her later. I've already conjured a bunch of silver and copper coins.'

Today's breakfast consisted of bread, which seemed harder than my skull, and corn sou—I mean, corn stew.

Lily mentioned that it's considered a luxury even for commoners, and the fact that they serve it for both dinner and breakfast shows that this inn truly provides quality service.

The inn truly lives up to its reputation. Breakfast was quite palatable, and I finished earlier than the others. But do I really need to eat to survive?

I didn't feel hungry or thirsty, which again proved my theory—I am human, yet not really human. I didn't come to this world through summoning or ordinary birth. My body was either created and placed here, or my soul was transplanted into an existing body. There are too many mysteries.

Lost in thought, I realized Alisha was standing beside me with a wooden mug for water service. She looked at me with a smile and shining eyes.

'I can tell what she's thinking,' I thought to myself. 'She wants candies as a tip for her service.'

It was easy to guess because yesterday she only served dinner and not water. For other requests, you have to ask. She filled my glass and once again showed me her puppy eyes.

Without delay, I took out ten candies, each of a different flavor, from my waistbag and handed them to her. I made sure to pat her head and say thank you as well.

After she left, I felt Lily's gaze and saw her puppy eyes, immediately understanding that she wanted a candy. So, I took out four more candies—milk, mango, strawberry, and truffles—and handed them to her.

"Miss Kaira, what type of candy is this? They all smell different," Lily asked with curiosity.

"What kind of candy do you usually eat?" I inquired, intrigued by her question.

"Candies usually made of sugar, which is more expensive than sugar," she replied. "Only nobles or high-level adventurers can afford those. I got my first candy from my teacher when I was young," she added.

'She had a teacher? Well, she didn't emerge as a mage from nowhere like me,' I thought to myself.

"Is that so? Then the yellow candy is mango flavor, the white is milk flavor, the pink one is strawberry, while the brown one is chocolate," I explained.

"Can there be different types of flavors? And what is mango and stobry?" Lily asked.

"It's strawberry, not 'stobry'," I gently corrected her. "These are fruits grown in my hometown."

As I glanced at the rest of the party members, I noticed their eyes were on the candy Lily was holding. I decided to hand out candies to each of them as well.

After everyone finished their breakfast, they returned to their rooms to make preparations before heading to the guild.

As for me, I am fully prepared for any situation around the clock, with everything I need stored in my waistbag.

Once all the members were ready, we headed straight to the guild.

I was eager to see the adventurers' guild I had always read about in fictional novels.

When we arrived, we were met with a large wooden door that was triple my height and wide enough for six people like me to enter simultaneously.