
Another world:With my Creation ability

A young teenage girl, living a solitary life, faces disdain from her own family and relatives. Frustrated by her surroundings and the unfairness of reality, she takes a dark path toward genocide, targeting her entire family, even attempting suicide. Just when she believes everything is over, a mysterious voice reaches out to her. Initially attempting to seduce her with a single ability, she negotiates and ends up acquiring three distinct abilities. Embark on the adventure with this teenage girl, possessing overpowering abilities, as she ventures into another world. but Is it truly just a coincidence that she arrived in this world, or is it fate, or perhaps the influence of some unknown entity? This world is full of mysteries and rich history. That she will need to uncover. English isn't my primary, secondary, or even tertiary language. Nevertheless, I've made an effort to share my story

Teaaddict03 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Adventures Guild

Don't have too many expectations of the world; reality is often harsher than a butcher to a pig.

The scenes I had imagined didn't come close to what I was seeing.

Everything inside was made of wood: the floor, the roof, the walls, the tables, and chairs—wait a minute, tables and chairs are always made of wood.

Anyway, the whole place reeked of sweat. It was spacious but crowded.

I pinched my nose and walked in.

Lily and the others, noticing my discomfort, tried to reassure me. "Miss Kaira, this might be little uncomfortable but once you register as an adventurer, you won't have to come here often. We'll accept the quests while you wait outside."

"Yes, just this once. Once you're registered, we'll handle everything except for important tasks like ranking up or updating your guild card," Hanz said apologetically.

They really think I'm a noble and can't handle this much. Well, one thing is for sure, I can't handle it now, but I have to get used to it.

So, I just nodded and made my way inside, heading directly to the receptionist.

Thankfully, I didn't have to stand in line; everyone else was busy at the quest board choosing their quests.

My eyes fell on the receptionist, dressed in a white shirt and green skirt, with a green beret hat.

She looked at me and the people behind me and asked, "What can I do for you?" with a fake smile.

It was clear from her eyes that she thought we were trying to cause trouble.

"Excuse me, I'd like to register as an adventurer," I said politely.

With my calm demeanor and alexithymia, which resulted in my emotionless face and cold voice, I exuded an elegant aura. Plus, I was still pinching my nose.

Her expression changed, and the annoyance in her eyes faded.

"Is that so?" she said, her whole face becoming blank.

I could tell she definitely thought I was a noble's daughter trying to play adventurer.

"H-here, you can fill out this form and we will carry out a test for your rank confirmation," she said, taking a paper from the drawer and placing it on the desk as politely as possible.

I looked at the form. My eyes stayed on it for more than ten seconds.

'As I expected, I understand nothing at all.' I should have asked for a universal language as a parting gift from her.

I turned to Lily and asked, "Can you help me fill out the form?"

She looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Miss Kaira, don't tell me you can't read or write."

"I'm not from here, and I don't know the language used here."

"Then how are you able to communicate smoothly with us?" she asked in surprise.

'You're asking me? Who should I ask!'

I really don't have the slightest idea how, but I can communicate with them normally.

"It's because I'm using a magic called Universal Language, which is why we can communicate without any difficulties."

I then made up a bunch of nonsense about how I accidentally discovered this magic and blah blah blah, and blah blah blah, and blah blah blah.

Listening to my explanation, they all nodded.

Lily then borrowed the quill and ink from the desk and started filling out the form.

"I will ask you some questions that I need to write down," she said, and I nodded.


"Kaira Springfield."

"Gender, race—I already know. As for job, mage, and age."

Finally, she filled out the form and submitted it while I hurriedly walked toward the testing site to confirm my rank.

This assessment is conducted to assign ranks to individuals based on their abilities.

There are some individuals who already possess power greater than their current rank and have to start from scratch, which wastes time and manpower.

To prevent this waste and ensure their abilities are fully utilized, an assessment is carried out to assign ranks according to their power. However, they can't give a rank above C without the required experience.

The ranks start from G, the lowest, and end with S, the highest. Above S rank is the National Adventurer rank, which is rare, with numbers that can be counted on a single hand.

When I reached the assessment site, I saw four other people who seemed to be taking the assessment. Out of the four, three were male and one female, and they all looked a year or two older than me.

The testing site was more of an open ground. To my left, wooden swords and spears were placed on a wooden rack. A man with a balbo beard and handlebar mustache walked toward us.

"Hello everyone, I am your examiner who is going to test your strength."

He looked at everyone, and disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"You can call me Mitchell. I'm a swordsman and a B-rank adventurer."

He then looked at the boy standing in the front.

The boy at the front immediately understood.

"Hello, my name is Jules. I'm a swordsman, and my dream is to become a national rank adventurer," he said enthusiastically.

"Vlad, and my weapon is a greatsword."

"Ren, a mage."

"Jully, an archer, and my dream is also to become a national rank adventurer."

After her introduction, she glared at Jules, showing her competitive attitude.

Now it was my turn. I looked at everyone and then the examiner.

"Kaira Springfield, and I'm a mage." My voice was cold and emotionless as always.

After my introduction, they looked at me with surprise, and as always, I could tell what they were thinking.

Suddenly, a thought arose in my mind: 'They don't seem to have family names, nor do Lily and her party.' So all the commoners in this world do not possess family names.

So, my family name is the Problem.

Well, that doesn't matter. I don't need to change my name or hide it for their comfort.

The examiner, who had been giving me a surprised look, shook his head and shouted.

"Now that we have introduced ourselves, let's start the assessment."

"Each person will have a small spar with me, and based on your performance, I will assign your rank." He paused for a second and then added in a mocking tone, "That is, if you have the ability. Otherwise, you all will be G rank."

My eyes shifted from the examiner to the other examinees; they all looked angry.

Teenage years are when they are the most hot-blooded and eager to prove themselves.

"Then Jules, you were the first to introduce yourself, so you will be first."