
New Vassals 3

Tirant's POV:

The woman was perplexed, but the voice of the young prince managed to calm her. As I thought before, Aelius' voice was magic itself. He could've even commanded anyone to kill themselves and even the sanest person would think of doing it for a single second. Yet he would keep his manners and address everyone equally and not once he shouted at someone. He was affectionate and kind towards even the newly released serfs, let alone his own vassals and aides. However, the half-dead woman lying there was a criminal, guilty of killing an important aide of the baron of this land. Even though Pergamon lacked the technology of Alta and the nobility conducted our trials in the many temples of Pergamon, I was certain that the trial of the woman in front of us was conducted fairly, and there were testimonies and witnesses proving she used magic on the aide of the baron before he died.

Aelius kneeled and held the hand of the sick witch, then he began to unleash his magic powers to scan the body of the witch and try to heal her and help her body to repair itself. This healing spell, as Altans call it, was a unique sorcery technique that only a few priests among the believers of the Goddess of Light could do, at least it was the case before Aelius thought his people this sorcery.

The witch was crying and shaking, but she didn't reject Aelius. I could swear that I saw her limp hand holding Aelius' hand tighten its grip. The bright light of Aelius's magic power shined through the house and the vassals of Aelius immediately kneeled and bowed down their heads. I too kneeled just before my body lost its strength and my knees gave up. The sheer amount of magic power that Aelius was using to heal one person was equal to the total amount of magic power of tens of thousands of people.

Aelius started praying

"Mother of miracles, bestow your holy breath unto the pulsing heart before me. O heavens blessed with sunlight, servants who despise darkness, swoop down into the ocean of light, the pure white of your wings spread wide. Let this divine power be as satisfying nourishment, giving the one who has lost her strength the strength to rise again! Let this divine power be as bright as the sun, giving the one who has lost her warmth the warmth to live again! Amillë Eruva lissëo, Heri meneldëa Eru órava (o)messë! (Mother of Divine Grace, Lady of Heaven have mercy on us!)"

Aelius' magic power showered us all while we were keeping our heads down. Sir Thalandir and the two other servants of Aelius were praying in their own ways.

The light of Aelius' magic power slowly until it finally faded and we slowly lifted our heads to look at a snow-white beautiful woman with beautiful bright blonde hair reminiscing the sun, the sickly woman who was covered with severe burns was standing in front of us without even a single scratch on her skin. It was as if she was reborn. Would the gods I believe in would be capable of such a feat?

The woman stood still for a while, before moving her shaking hands. She was breathing heavily from the shock when she started unwrapping the old blanket on top of her and touching her own skin. She checked whether what she is experiencing was real, then when she finally comprehended the situation, she held Aelius' hands with both of her hands, leaned towards his small shoulder, and started crying.

"It's okay. You're okay. I am here for you, my dear."

Aelius soothed the woman until she calmed down enough to talk. However, Aelius didn't look satisfied. Perhaps because the woman remained blind.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, my Lord!"

"I am sorry, dear. I couldn't give you your eyesight back."

The woman started shaking her head in denial.

"My Lord, yo-you've healed me and given me control of my body! How can I ask for more than this when I... I don't know how to even repay you?"

"If controlling the cycle of life and giving life is the job of Lady Aenna, then it is my duty to protect that life. Therefore it is your birthright to receive fair treatment, so there is nothing to repay. However, you can help me by answering my questions. Will you do that for me, my dear?"

"Yes, I'll do anything!"

Aelius turned toward his servants.

"Could you bring the Scales of Goddess?"

The servant brought the lie detector device and Aelius helped the woman sit on the chair. Aelius was still holding her hand, or rather she was the one holding his hand. The woman had no intention to be separated from her savior.

When the device was prepared, Aelius started asking his questions to the woman.

"Now my dear, I'll ask you a few questions, but please don't panic. I just want to learn the truth, okay?"


"Did you perform a magic spell, what Pergamonians call "sorcery" on the aide of the Baron?"

The woman was taken aback, but she tightened her free hand into a fist in determination, took a breath, and started speaking."


"Why did you perform the sorcery?"

"When the Baron's aide came to my house, I first tried to help him with medicine, but it didn't work, so he demanded I heal him with magic because he heard rumors of me using a healing spell that I learned from one of the wandering priests of Alta."

"Did the aide of the Baron ask you to perform the surgery himself?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Go on."

"He asked me to perform it, so I did perform the spell, but it didn't help him. It made it worse and he died when I was using my magic. The men who investigated his corpse blamed me because his heart turned black and they thought I used black magic on him to poison him, but I swear I don't know how that happened! My Lord, I really just intended to heal him!"

When the woman became agitated and panicked, Aelius started petting her head to calm her down.

"It's okay. I believe you."

Aelius turned his head towards us, specifically towards Sir Thalandir.

"Cardiac tumor causes parts of the heart to be black. She may have accelerated his death, but she wasn't the cause of it. Such a disease was considered to be a fault of sorcery and black magic in primal societies. As of this moment, I decree that physicians, doctors, and pharmacists are exempt from punishment when their patients die during or as a result of their treatment if their intentions were only to help them. Convey my will to the palace."

"Yes, sir."

"Also, tell the elders of the Temple of Alta to send healers to teach local pharmacists, physicians, and midwives the correct practices of medicine of Alta and enlist them into their ranks."

I understand. I will convey your will, Your Highness."

"Thank you, you may take your leave."

After making his swift judgment and sending Sir Thalandir out, Aelius turned towards the woman.

"Come to think of it, I never asked your name. I read the report on you, but I want to hear it from your own mouth. What is your name, my dear?"

"I am Theoris from the island of Lemnos."

"And I am Aelius from Alta. Would you like to work for me?"

"Aelius from Alta? Uh? Aelius? A-Alta?? Awawa! Yo-Yo-You're the Prince of A-Alta?? Aaah!"

Theoris freaked out after properly meeting and hearing the name of Aelius. She immediately jumped from the chair she was on and was perplexed. Aelius laughed at her behavior and after calming her down he convinced her to work for him.

At this point, I was still kneeling on the ground. I felt like I was drowning deep in the sea. I still remembered the miracles I saw one after the other. Even though I wasn't particularly pious, I still believed in my patron god Lugus. But this man, rather this... kid in front of me seemed more divine and Godly than anything I had ever seen. That was why I was more confused. Why would he, who possesses power over life and death, as well as mysterious wisdom and knowledge to build devices that only gods can have in the stories be more generous, forgiving, and compassionate than anyone else? Why doesn't he just take whatever he wants? Does he have no desires other than charity? And why can't I forget the joy of Theoris, of all the villages that Aelius helped? Why can't I bring myself to think of their cries and cheers as repulsive? And why can't I stop comparing myself to him?

If the most powerful man on earth only ever shows his genuine smile when helping people, then what was it that all these nobles, generals, and kings fought and lived for? What do I live for? Were all our lives wasted by our greed? If Aelius' way of life is the true way, then what did my life even amount to? What am I even worth?

I barely lifted myself up and left the house and headed to the woods behind the house. I rested my back on the nearest tree, crouched down, and broke into tears.

A few minutes later Aelius came to look for me. I lifted my head and looked into his eyes.

"You asked me why I was lowering myself and serving serfs. Did you get your answer?"

Aelius smiled and raised his hand as well as a few stones from the ground with his magic power.

"Do you think these rocks and dirt are worth anything?"

He waited my response. Then seeing that I had no intention to answer, he continued.

"No, they aren't."

Then he opened his arms.

"Then what do you think is the worth of this land, any land?"

"What would you even gain by controlling it? Fame? Honor? What is the worth of your honor when an innocent woman is being burned alive in your land for a crime she never committed? Where are the famous Emperors of the Old Empire now? Where is the Old Empire that once conquered all the lands around the Mediterranean Sea? What good did their fame ever do to the people living in it?"

"You don't understand it. None of you really know just how fleeting this world is, that's why no matter how much land you conquer, no matter how much wealth you accumulate, it will amount to nothing. But people? These serfs that you see beneath you... these citizens of my Kingdom, will remain. It is their collective memory that keeps your fame alive."

"They, and their contribution to my civilization is my greatest reward. What do you think is easier? Conquering the world or creating a system that makes everyone happy? You have the wrong impression of me, for I am far far greedier than anyone you ever met as I strife for the latter. I will not stop until I accomplish my goal. I will fight every single Kingdom in this world if it is necessary. I will paint this world red in blood if that's what it takes to achieve it. If such a dream can come true only by my death, then I'll plunge my blade in my own throat and gladly end my worthless life, but as I have promised to my Lady Aenna, I'll try to create my ideal world."

"(And I won't fail again)."

I still didn't know my own worth, but I found a way to figure it out. I kneeled on one knee in front of Prince Aelius.

"I, Tirant lo Blanch, the Duke of Philadelphia, the former Crown Prince of Pergamon swear on my faith in Lady Aenna that I will in future be faithful to Prince Aelius Alkimos Cala, and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit. As of this moment, my sword will be yours to command."

Aelius smiled, then put his hand on my shoulder and blessed me with his magic power, accepting my oath.

Lugus is the Pre-Roman Spanish Equivalent of the god Mercury.

The oath of Tirant to Aelius is the same oath of fealty that the vassals of Count of Flanders William Clito made to him.

Theoris of Lemnos was a real person who lived in Ancient Athens and she was one of the first recorded victims of a (sort of) witch hunt. It's an homage.

Aelius is very much goal oriented, that’s why I can’t really include details such as his interactions with others. That’s why a different POV was necessary.

ryuutauruscreators' thoughts