
Another Runaway in the Multiverse

Max is a Mutant in the Multiverse. Max will be apart of Cloak and Dagger, The Runaways, The gifted, and Supergirl (along with the rest of the Arrowverse).

Jay_Rich · TV
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The Beginning

My name is Maximilian Alexander Aurelius and I have live in New Orleans for the last 7 years. I used to live in LA, and my parents died when I was 8 then I was forced to go live with my Grandparents. I was walking home on a bridge by the ocean when an oil rig blew up. the bridge rocked and the next thing I know I'm falling over right into the water. I was drowning, lost consciousness and the next thing I know I wake up on the beach. This was the moment I met my best friend Tyrone Johnson. Look long story short we got home and he may have lost his brother but we both got a new one that day.

15 years old at home in New Orleans

(Picture of Max)

I was chilling on my bed tossing a ball and watching TV when I got a call.

M: Hello

T: Hey Max , look I got invited to a party

M(interrupting): Great for you, but what's that got to do with me

T: I don't want to go alone man

M: Ty parties aren't really

T: Please man

M: Fine send me the address.

I hung up, and got ready. A minute later I got a text from Ty with the address. I threw on my letterman and headed out to my dirt bike. when I finally got there it was exactly as I thought a bunch of kids drinking, and the drinks weren't even free at that. "Yo, its good to see you. Thanks for coming." Ty said as he walked up " Yeah, you're lucky you're my friend." I said with a laugh. we started walking when some girl bumped into Ty and spilled her drink on him. " Im so sorry." she said as she started to wipe the drink off, after that I kind of zoned off before walking off to find something to drink.

I eventually did and was talking to a girl when I hear " Hey blond girl!" when I looked I saw Ty chasing the same girl who bumped into him earlier. Damnit, I sighed before chasing after them. I followed them into a cemetery and even though I knew it was wrong I climbed up onto of the tombs before running and jumping not to lose sight of them. I was coming at them from the side so I jumped down to grab them, and when we all touched we all got blown backwards. I hit a tomb, Ty and the girl hit the ground. I looked at my hands and saw my left hand shrouded in darkness and my right hand shining with light. looking at Ty I could see his right hand shrouded in the same darkness and the Girl's right hand shining in light as well.

"What did you do to me, look at my hand" the Girl said looking at Ty. " What are you talking about look at mine." Ty said. " Fuck your hands look at mine." I said as we all got up. and our hands stop glowing or whatever. "Wait are you the guys from the beach?" she asked us. I looked at her with confusion before remembering that night. She went to leave before Ty grabbed her " Stop running." he told her, she just looked at us before screaming as her hands glowed again blinding us. When my sight came back she was gone. " Shit. Man why the fuck did I let you talk me into this." I say before turning and walking away back to my bike " Where are you going?" Ty asked " Home" I reply.

After that night I knew things were different, my parents said that things would happen to me, they told me I was special. I always thought it was just a thing your parents tell you, but it turns out it was real. I was meditating when I felt something, something dark pulling me, next thing I know I am somewhere else. When I reappear I see some red head dude holding Ty before he lets him go. I ran up and punched the dude in the face before pushing Ty and saying " Come on dude run." we ran and got stuck against a gate, he caught up and pointed his gun at us. We raised our hands up and Ty said " Wait don't shoot us please." before I pushed him to the left and we ran into a tarp before disappearing again.

When we got back up we were in Ty's room (M) "What the fuck just happened, and who the hell was that" (Ty) "I don't know man. That guy he's the one. The one who killed billy." I looked at him before putting my hand on my head. (M) "Shit man." (Ty) "Shit is right." we just look at each other before I leave and head back to my grandparent's house.

After that I would love to say that was the last time I got randomly teleported, but it wasn't. the next time it happened I had been getting control of my powers. I learned that I needed a clear place in my mind if I wanted to teleport I was practicing when I started glowing with light and shadows. " God damit not a" I disappeared from the warehouse I was in and on the hood of a car. "gain." I finished. "You know if I keep getting dropped into whatever bullshit you have going on Ty, I'm gonna kill.(pause) Not you again."I said seeing the blondie again as I got off the car. "Look whatever shit you guys have going on leave me out of it."Blondie tells us as she starts to get in the car Ty looks worried and says " Wait you can't drive we don't know what kind of injuries you have., wait is that." Blondie answers "Yep and I'm going." She drives off. Ty looks like he doesn't know what to do before I shake my head and grab him saying "come on" then I teleported us to the back of his house. Ty asked in a surprised tone "How did you" I interupt "Don't worry about it you'll figure it out. That being said, Peace." Then I disappear back to my room. "Let's hope that it the end of all of this." I say before taking my shirt off and heading back to sleep.

A few days later in my sleep Im pulled into some kinds of dreams, I see Tandy watching Ty keep trying to kill some cop. No matter what he did he was always chased by the cops. I it didn't stop until she put a glowing knife she made on the table. The knife turned into cuffs and the cop runs away. Then I see Ty watching Tandy constantly running away from some guy being water boarded, every time she would run, until he stoped her. then I ended up back with Tandy, she was watching a younger Tyrone sitting in checks crying. Next I see Ty watching a young Tandy handing out pills to men and then the men dropping. After they both walk up to this glass like the ones in a church with Jesus on it, but this one had a lady on it. They both place their hands on it before they both disappear.

I knew that whatever was happening in the world the two of them were at the center and I was going to be there to help them, how ever they would need. The three of us were connected, and it all stems from back when we were on that beach as kids.