
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

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Chapter 13: The Chakra Routine and Freedom to Train

Haruto Takeda was nothing if not methodical. While the other children at the orphanage played games and wandered around aimlessly, Haruto's days were planned down to the hour. His mind, still sharp from his previous life and even sharper thanks to the system's cognitive rewards, was always working. As long as his chores were done, he was essentially free to do as he pleased. That freedom, he quickly realized, was his greatest advantage.

Most days, the orphanage caregivers didn't bother with what the children did as long as they stayed out of trouble. Haruto took full advantage of this. He had his eyes set on the Ninja Academy in three years, and that meant his time had to be spent preparing. Part of that preparation was figuring out how to properly train his chakra, and for that, he needed to go back to basics—starting with the simple exercises he remembered from the anime.

Brainstorming Chakra Exercises

Haruto had seen it all before. From balancing a leaf on your forehead to walking on water, the fundamentals of chakra control were essential. He knew the exercises, having watched countless episodes of Naruto in his past life, but now he needed to bring them into his reality.

1. Leaf Concentration Exercise:

The leaf balancing exercise was an obvious starting point. Simple, subtle, and something even a three-year-old could practice without drawing too much attention. Haruto planned to gather a few leaves, place one on his forehead, and focus on channeling his chakra to keep it in place. This would teach him to control the flow of his chakra with precision—something vital for more advanced techniques later on.

2. Chakra Flow Meditation:

While leaf balancing focused on precision, Haruto knew he also had to learn how to feel and control the general flow of chakra in his body. This meant daily meditation. Each morning before the other children woke up, he would sit quietly in his corner, focusing inward and feeling the faint pulses of chakra coursing through him. His goal was to be able to gather and distribute his chakra evenly throughout his body, making sure it wasn't leaking away unnecessarily.

3. Grip Strength Training (Disguised as Play):

Haruto had no access to chakra tree climbing just yet, but he could mimic the early exercises by focusing chakra into his hands and practicing gripping things. This could be done easily with small toys or sticks, giving him the appearance of an ordinary child playing while, in truth, he was practicing precise chakra control through his fingertips.

4. Body Conditioning:

It wasn't just about chakra. Haruto knew that his physical body needed to keep pace with his chakra development, so he incorporated body conditioning exercises like squats, push-ups, and tree-climbing (without chakra assistance, for now). This not only helped his physical development but also provided the necessary endurance he would need to mold larger amounts of chakra in the future.

With these exercises in mind, Haruto crafted his weekly routine.

A Week in Haruto's Life

Monday - Friday:

• 5:00 AM: Wake up. Before the sun rose, Haruto was already meditating, focusing on his chakra flow. He would sit cross-legged on his small bed, his eyes closed as he visualized the energy moving through his body, centering it in his core.

• 6:00 AM: After meditation, it was time for chores. He would help clean the orphanage, sweep the floors, or help in the garden. The chores were simple and, frankly, didn't require much time or effort. By 7:00 AM, he was free for the rest of the day.

• 7:30 AM: The rest of the morning was dedicated to body conditioning. While the other kids played or ran around, Haruto would casually engage in tree-climbing, pretending it was a game. Each climb helped him build strength and coordination. Later, he would do sets of push-ups and squats in a secluded corner of the orphanage grounds, again disguised as playing.

• 12:00 PM: After lunch, Haruto practiced the leaf concentration exercise in secret. He'd slip away to a quiet spot, gather a few leaves, and place them on his forehead, using all his focus to keep them in place with chakra. Sometimes, he'd practice with other objects, like a small rock or a stick, to make it more challenging.

• Afternoons: By the afternoon, the orphanage was more relaxed, and Haruto took this time to observe. He listened carefully to the adults and older children, gathering as much information about the village and its history as he could. He also used this time to practice language skills, sometimes mimicking conversations under his breath to refine his understanding of Japanese.


The weekends were a bit more relaxed, though Haruto kept his routine largely intact. He'd add in longer meditation sessions and take time to gather any materials he might need for his training.

The Cooking Incident

Not everything went according to plan, though. Haruto prided himself on his ability to stay under the radar, but there were times when even he got a little too bold for his own good. Like the time he tried to secretly cook fish he had caught by the river, thinking he was being stealthy.

It had been a normal day for Haruto. He had finished his chores, snuck out early in the morning, and caught a decent-sized fish by the river. Cooking the fish had become something of a routine for him, but today, as he crouched by the small outdoor fire pit behind the orphanage, focused intently on grilling his fish to perfection, a voice behind him nearly made him drop it into the fire.

"Haruto-chan, what are you up to?"

He turned around slowly, his heart racing, to see Obaa-chan standing there, her wrinkled face creased with amusement. She wasn't angry—just curious. Haruto blinked, speechless for once. How had she sneaked up on him like that?

"I, uh…" He struggled to think of a believable excuse. "Just… cooking."

Obaa-chan raised an eyebrow, then laughed softly. "I see that. You've been doing this for a while, haven't you?"

Haruto nodded sheepishly, expecting some kind of reprimand. But instead, she just smiled and patted him on the head.

"Well, as long as you're being careful, I don't mind. Just clean up after yourself, okay?"

And with that, she walked away, leaving Haruto stunned and relieved. He watched her disappear into the building before turning back to his fish, feeling a strange warmth in his chest. Obaa-chan had always been kind, but he hadn't expected her to let him off so easily.

From that day forward, Haruto made sure to be even more careful about where and when he cooked his secret meals, but the encounter with Obaa-chan made him realize something: he had more freedom here than he'd ever imagined. As long as he didn't cause trouble, he could do what he wanted.

Looking Ahead

With his routine firmly in place and his exercises growing more intense each day, Haruto felt more confident in his ability to handle whatever came next. The world of shinobi was one filled with unknown dangers, but Haruto wasn't afraid. He had a plan, he had his freedom, and most importantly, he had time.

The Ninja Academy was still three years away, but by the time he set foot in its halls, Haruto would be ready. He might be an orphan now, but the path he was on would lead him to far greater things.

And who knows—maybe next time he wouldn't get caught cooking.