
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Anime und Comics
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308 Chs


Haruto woke up after only four hours of sleep, his body refreshed and alert thanks to his tier 2 stamina and tier 2 cognitive ability. The short rest had been more than enough to recover from the previous day's activities, and now he felt eager to continue working toward his goal of mastering the Thunder Scalpel. But first, there was the matter of resupplying his apartment.

After six days on a guard mission, his food stores were nearly depleted, so Haruto decided to head to the Forest of Death for some early morning hunting. He enjoyed the self-sufficiency of hunting and fishing, and today, his efforts rewarded him with a small doe. Using his chakra scalpel, Haruto quickly and cleanly butchered the deer, working with a surgeon's precision. The meat would last him a good while, providing the sustenance he needed for his intense training regimen.

By the time he returned to his apartment, it was still early, and the village was just beginning to wake up. Haruto prepared a large breakfast—rice, eggs, and fresh venison from his hunt. As he ate, he reflected on his progress. The Thunder Scalpel technique was almost within his grasp; the Shadow Clone he had left to work on it during the night had returned with some very promising ideas.

Satisfied with his meal, Haruto released the clone, and his mind was flooded with the clone's experiences and thoughts. The progress was clear. He was close to the first phase of mastering the Thunder Scalpel. The excitement coursed through him—he had spent so long theorizing and practicing, and now the technique was almost ready. But today wasn't the day for personal training. There was another mission ahead, one that required his full attention.

After tidying up, Haruto made his way to the mission hall, where he met with his teammates, Daichi Uzumaki and Shisui, along with their sensei, Sakumo Hatake. They had been assigned an escort mission to the Land of Rivers, a seemingly straightforward task. Their client was none other than a prominent young author, Reika Ueda, a woman well-known throughout the Land of Fire for her romantic novels and captivating beauty. Her works had gained widespread fame, and with it, she had accumulated a sizable entourage that accompanied her on her travels.

Reika was young, perhaps in her mid-twenties, with long, silky black hair that fell in gentle waves down her back. Her eyes were sharp and intelligent, but her warm smile softened her features. She wore a stylish yet practical traveling outfit, adorned with subtle accessories that reflected her wealth and status. As she arrived at the mission hall with her assistants in tow, she greeted the team with a dazzling smile.

"Thank you for agreeing to escort me to the Land of Rivers," Reika said, her voice melodic and friendly. "I've heard so much about the strength of Konoha's shinobi. It's a pleasure to have such esteemed protectors."

Daichi, ever the charmer, took a step forward and offered a bright smile of his own. "The pleasure's all ours, Miss Ueda. We'll make sure you're safe and sound during your travels."

Haruto couldn't help but smirk to himself. Daichi's confidence knew no bounds, even at the age of eight. With his bright red hair, sharp Uzumaki features, and natural charisma, Haruto figured Daichi would be quite the lady killer one day. For now, though, it was amusing to see how easily he slipped into the role of a smooth-talking shinobi. Even Shisui, usually silent and focused, gave Daichi a small look of respect, though he didn't say anything.

Reika's eyes sparkled with amusement as she studied Daichi. "Well, with someone like you looking out for me, I feel much safer already," she teased gently.

As the team set out, Reika kept up a steady stream of conversation. She was naturally curious and had a keen interest in the shinobi way of life, asking questions about their training, missions, and what it was like growing up in Konoha. Daichi, eager to show off, was more than happy to indulge her with tales of his Uzumaki heritage, his rigorous training sessions, and his future plans to become one of Konoha's most powerful shinobi. Haruto listened with mild amusement, watching as Daichi effortlessly charmed the author and her entourage.

For all his bluster, Daichi was surprisingly good at this. He had a way of making people feel comfortable, and it didn't take long for Reika to seem genuinely interested in his stories. Haruto had to admit, Daichi had "real game" for a kid his age. He was going to be trouble for the ladies when he got older. Daichi seemed to understand the importance of this part of being a shinobi, something their instructors had drilled into them: impressing and making the client feel valued was part of the job. A happy client was a repeat client, and a repeat client meant more work and respect for Konoha. Daichi was naturally good at this—ensuring Reika not only felt safe but important.

As the day wore on and they traveled deeper into the Land of Rivers, the atmosphere shifted. The open conversation between Reika and Daichi began to quiet down, and a sense of unease settled over the group. Haruto, who had taken on the role of a sensor, activated his tier 2 chakra sensitivity and expanded his awareness, scanning the surrounding area for any signs of danger.

Haruto's eyes narrowed. There was something out there, a large group of chakra signatures. At least fifty. His heart rate spiked, but he stayed calm as he quickly signaled to the rest of the team. The attackers were hiding ahead, just before the border to the Land of Rivers.

Sakumo's sharp gaze met Haruto's, and the seasoned sensei nodded in acknowledgment. With silent hand signals, Sakumo and Shisui moved forward to engage the ambush, while Haruto and Daichi stayed behind to guard Reika and her entourage.

As Sakumo and Shisui slipped into the shadows, Haruto kept his senses alert, tracking the incoming attackers. He felt Sakumo's sword flash through the air, sensed the brief surge of chakra as two enemies fell in quick succession. The muffled sound of bodies collapsing onto the forest floor followed soon after, their lifeblood pooling into the earth. Sakumo's precision was terrifying. There were no wasted movements, no hesitation. His blade struck with absolute certainty, cutting down enemies before they even knew they were being hunted.

Shisui, meanwhile, moved like a ghost. He slipped from tree to tree, a kunai flashing as he silently slit throats, leaving only the faintest spray of blood to mark his passage. The attackers were being culled rapidly, their numbers dropping as Sakumo and Shisui worked in deadly harmony. But still, nearly thirty remained.

Haruto's focus sharpened as the remaining enemies began to panic. Sensing their diminishing forces, they charged recklessly toward them. Haruto, knowing they couldn't afford to let the attackers overwhelm them, quickly caught Daichi's eye. He used silent hand signs to give his instructions.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu, Uzumaki style."

Daichi didn't need further explanation. Haruto had chosen Daichi specifically because of his Uzumaki heritage, which gave him access to vast chakra reserves. Daichi could release far more mist than most shinobi, creating a thick, impenetrable fog that would completely blind their enemies. Daichi formed the hand seals quickly, and in a matter of seconds, a dense mist began to roll over the battlefield, obscuring everything.

Visibility dropped to zero for the enemy, but Haruto wasn't hindered at all. His chakra sensitivity allowed him to see through the mist with perfect clarity. The incoming attackers fumbled through the thick fog, confused and disoriented, while Haruto moved swiftly and decisively.

Haruto flung several shuriken through the mist, and each found its mark. He heard the soft thuds of bodies falling as the sharp metal sliced through flesh and bone. His movements were precise, and his strikes were meant to kill. He felt no hesitation as blood splattered the forest floor. One attacker staggered forward, clutching at the wound on his chest, his breathing ragged and uneven. Haruto closed the distance in an instant, igniting his chakra scalpel as he made a swift, merciless slice through the man's neck. The body dropped lifelessly to the ground.

Behind him, Daichi stood in front of Reika, his chakra continuing to pour into the mist as he maintained the jutsu. The fog swirled around them, keeping their location hidden from the enemy. Haruto continued to cut down anyone who tried to get too close, his movements quick and deadly. No one would get past him.

Meanwhile, Sakumo and Shisui were relentless. Shisui darted through the mist like a shadow, his kunai striking with pinpoint accuracy. He slashed across throats, pierced hearts, and left a trail of bodies in his wake. Sakumo's strikes were devastating, his blade cutting through flesh and bone with frightening ease. One attacker let out a scream as Sakumo's sword cleaved through his torso, splitting him in two.

Within minutes, the battlefield was silent, save for the rustling of leaves and the soft drip of blood hitting the ground. Haruto stood still for a moment, his chakra sensitivity still active as he scanned for any remaining threats. There were none. The attackers had been wiped out, their attempt to ambush the group ending in bloody failure.

Reika, naturally, was shaken by the encounter. As a civilian, she wasn't used to the dangers that came with travel in the shinobi world. But Daichi, ever the smooth talker, reassured her with a heroic air, playing up his role as a protector. Haruto couldn't help but admire how Daichi handled the situation. While they had learned in class that impressing clients was part of ensuring repeat business, Daichi seemed to have a natural talent for it. He was doing exactly what every good shinobi knew how to do—making the client feel valued. A happy client was a repeat client, and Daichi was ensuring Reika would leave with a favorable impression of the team.

"Don't worry, Miss Ueda," Daichi said, puffing out his chest slightly. "With us around, you're in good hands."

Reika smiled, clearly impressed by the team's professionalism. "I must say, I feel much better with all of you protecting me. You've been nothing but extraordinary."

The rest of the journey went without incident, and soon the team returned to Konoha. At the mission hall, they collected their pay and received an unexpected surprise—Reika had left them a generous tip of 20,000 ryo in addition to the standard mission fee.

Sakumo raised an eyebrow as the pay was divided. "A very generous client," he remarked, a rare smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

The village only took a 5% cut from tips, meaning most of the windfall went straight to the team. Along with some minor loot from the confiscated assets of the attackers, it had been a highly profitable mission.

As they walked out of the mission hall, Daichi grinned widely, clearly proud of his contribution to the mission's success—not just in battle but in leaving a good impression on the client.

"I told you, Haruto," Daichi said with a wink. "Future Uzumaki legend right here. I'm just getting started."

Haruto chuckled, shaking his head. "Maybe so. You've definitely got a talent for impressing people."

As they made their way home, Haruto reflected on the day. The mission had been more eventful than expected, and their performance had been flawless. But his thoughts kept drifting back to the Thunder Scalpel. With the progress he had made, he knew it was only a matter of time before he completed the first phase. The excitement of that moment was building within him, and he could hardly wait to dedicate himself fully to mastering it.

It was a little bit late Haruto thought, but there was always time for training.

Tomorrow was a training day with the team.