
Another life, Another me

Apparently, God made a mistake. That mistake wasn't only for my death but for MY WHOLE LIFE. Imagine dying, meeting God, and learning that your life was a mistake. I better be receiving compensation for my boring life or else! Next thing I know, I'm reincarnated into another world. But something is off.

DaoistOdN6me · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Welcome Clara, Another world

 Where in the world am I? I thought I was supposed to be reincarnated! Shai was supposed to send me to another world, but why am I here? It's dark yet bright at the same time. I'm out in the open. It seems to be nighttime. The sky is pretty and the field of flowers is enchanting too. BUT WHY AM I HERE!?

"Hello! Is anyone here?" I said out loud. I didn't expect anyone to answer me back, but a moment later, I hear a grand voice.

"Hmm...? Are you the one Shai sent? He must be going blind. Blessing such an ugly child won't be good for anybody," said the voice. Ok. What the heck. Rude! I swear...the moment I see this guy...I'M GONNA PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE!

"Well, Mr. Trash, thank you for blessing me with your annoying presence today! Now, any chance you can get me out of here or present me with your disgusting self so I can kill you?" I said with a snarl. No one gets away with insulting me ever. Besides, there doesn't seem to be a police force around that will stop me from killing him, so it will be okay I think.

"Hahahaha! There's no need for the police force in my domain, ugly. I'm a god. All who defies me just go to the underworld!" said the "god" with a snicker. Really? Another god with a weird personality? Just my luck.

"Don't you dare read my mind, Mr. Trash! You'll be corrupted. Also, if you're a god, shouldn't you be compassionate and understanding?" I said. This guy was getting on my nerves. What gives him the right to treat me like this?! 

"Humph. Don't you realize you are going to be reincarnated into my world? Shai chose to reincarnate you, but for some reason, he sent you here without my knowing! I kindly accepted to reincarnate you anyway, so you should be treating me with respect, ugly!" Now, I am REALLY mad. Stupid Shai! Why send me here or all places!? He probably messed up again with that stupid, annoying, pointless, weak, clumsy, idiotic, rage-inducing, disappoin-

"Jeez, ugly! You know I can hear your thoughts right? Wow, show some restraint!" Suddenly another hot guy showed up in front of my face with a frown.

"Well excuse me, trash. Quickly reincarnate me so we can continue this story! Too much filler isn't good you know," I said. Get me away from this guy. Like Shai, he had white silky hair, but it was short instead of long. His face was regrettably hot, and I hated it. 

"Alright, I only sent you here so I could see who you were. It was very disappointing. Anyway, your wishes were to keep your past life's memories and to live a fun life? Hmmm...you also let us gods decide your third wish?" For a moment his face was in deep thought, and then an evil smile showed up on his face. "Hahahahaha! For your third wish, I'll gift you the power of the mind. It will allow you to have your personal library in your head! Plus, it comes with a cool feature that allows you to view your stats, infinitely store your things, or pass the time, but the cool thing is, it's all in your head! It's like having your secret base that you can visit physically, except only those allowed in your head can find it. But, it won't be fun if you already have this at birth...I'll give it to you when you're four years old!" said the god with a snicker.

"You're being oddly kind right now, trash. What do you plan on doing to me?!" I said with a hint of suspiciousness in my voice. There was no such thing as something free, especially from this guy.

"Haha! Don't think about it too much. Besides, I have the perfect person to reincarnate you as! You will definitely have some 'fun' in this world," he said with his sadistic smile. Ok, now I'm scared. WHY SHAI! WHY SEND ME HERE?!

"Just...give me some mercy in my next life..." I said. I wasn't going to lie but he was starting to get a little scary. 

"You aren't going to ask me for my name, Clara?"

"Nope. Never. I don't need to. Now send me off!" I had no intention of learning his name when he already knew mine without me telling him. Wait, that was the first time he didn't call me "ugly." Yay!

"Well, I'm the god of fortune...and karma. Anyone who is blessed by me is guaranteed a life of fortune...if they can overcome some challenges. Anyway, my name is Gadia. Have fun in my world! I give you my blessing." Gadia is seriously making me scared. What will happen to me in my next life?! He said it would be fun, so it can't be that bad...right?

Now, I am in another dark place...but it's a little different. I was floating around in this weird area. This place was cramped and I was starting to get claustrophobic, so I kicked the walls to try to get out. All of a sudden, I hear some screaming and someone yelling, "Push!"

Calm down, people. You don't need to yell "push" to push something. I wonder what is going on. Without me knowing, I was being sucked away to another place. Save me! What's going on?! It hurts!!! It feels as if though my whole head is being compressed and my body is becoming smooshed. I see a light! Oh my god! Oh my god! Shaiiii, Gaadiaa, save meee!!

"Waaaaahhh!!! Wa-waaaah!" Who's baby is crying so much? I'm the one in pain, not the baby! Shut the baby up or...wait. Am I crying? Why is my voice so different?! Hmm. I can't seem to move my limbs right either! What's going on?!

"Can I see her?" Ahhhh! I giant in white clothes picked me up and handed me over to an extremely beautiful giant! 

"Waaah! Waaaah!" Oopsie! I've started crying again...


Five Minutes Later


I've finally understood my situation. Apparently, I was born just now. So, I'm a baby. The beautiful lady I was handed over to is probably my mom. She is extremely beautiful. Sadly, her heart isn't as beautiful. Her eyes say it all. When she looks at me, all I see in her eyes are disgust, greed, and jealousy-the same eyes my other parents gave me. 

After looking around the white room for a while, a handsome man steps in the room. Yikes. He seems worse than this lady. There was no greed in his eyes, but there was anger, disgust, and hatred towards me and this lady. Toward him, though, the lady showed pure greed. The smile on her face was fake. The hot guy was probably my dad. Since both of my parents seem to carry good genes, maybe I will be pretty hot in the future!

"So, what should we name her?" the man asked. He clearly wanted to leave the room, but he prioritized my name. Thanks...I guess?

"Oh. Yes, sweetie! I have the perfect name for our sweet daughter!" Her voice was shrill and pitched to the point where I wished I could cut off my ears. 

"Just quickly name her," my father said in an irritated voice.

"How about Cordelia de Boren Cyllia? It's a lovely name for such a beautiful daughter!" She said sweetly(?).

Huh. That name reminds me of someone...Hmm...I can't seem to remember. Oh well. It might not be that important anyway...WAIT A MINUTE! Cordelia?! CORDELIA?! ISN'T THAT THE VILLAINESS OF "LOVE, LOVE IN THE SUPER COOL MAGIC ACADEMY OF INCREDIBLY HOT GUYS?!" Shoot. Now that I think about it, my parents are exactly like how they are described in the game. 

In the game, Cordelia was a stupid lovestruck character who tried to stop the protagonist from getting near the male leads! In all endings, she is either tortured for months until her death or is executed! This is bad! But isn't this a little...interesting? My past life was pretty boring since I was lonely and good at almost everything I did. It was boring. Now, life may be a little more fun now that I know I'm going to suffer more than anything in the future. Trust me, a dangerous death game is better than wasting away in a world with no friends or people to call family. 

I guess Shai and Gadia properly granted my wishes, even if it was a little different than I imagined. Don't get me wrong though. I'm still mad at Shai for sending me to Gadia's world and at Gadia for being stupid. Next time I talk to the two of them, they are going to wish they were dead. But I have other things to worry about right now. 

Alright! I have decided. My goal is to survive this game and live happily ever after as Cordelia de Boren Cyllia!
