
Another Life - My Hero Academia (Bakugo X OC reader)

The start of the second year rolls around at U.A. for Class 1-A. The school are hoping for a quiet year after all the madness that occurred last year. But they're not that lucky, there's always something. A villain rehabilitation story, but not one that's been told before. Unique students. Old feuds. New dramas. Past secrets.

Ashleigh_McDowell_7254 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

1. Young Assassin

Eclipse had spent her night just as she did many other nights. Adorned in her villain assassinating outfit that consisted of: an all-black and leather-like bodysuit, black weapon belt and leg straps, black buckled boots, black ¾ jacket, black half-face mask and a black hood to hide her unique hair. She made a point of making all her working clothes and accessories black in order to become a shadow and blend into the night, as well as avoiding being easily noticed with any identifying features being detected. Out in the city, she dealt with a steady stream of regular business, managing to get two targets checked off her list and leaving no evidence behind. Her late nights usually left her exhausted and only just climbing into the comforting warmth of her bed at four in the morning, and last night was no different. But unfortunately for her, after what felt like only minutes had passed, her restless sleep was interrupted by a loud banging on her door. She unconsciously growled lowly towards the annoyance and glanced at her clock on the nightstand, it read 6am!

Eclipse's POV

You've got to be f***ing kidding me?! Nope not getting up! Unfortunately, though, ignoring the a***hole at my door was only making them knock more erratically. Soon it changed, and I could hear shuffles with hushed conversations in front of my door as another person joined the incessant knocker.

"Rory get out of bed; I know you're in there cos' I heard you come in through the window earlier!" Called Dabi through the door, somewhat irritated. Dabi is a work/league partner, as well as a slightly older brother to Toga and myself. He joined our little army camp of aggressive misfits only a few years after me, and then Toga followed a few years after that. Dabi is our hardcore, 'emo-esque' brother of our little trio of troublemakers. His quirk, Cremation, makes him a fierce ally and a dangerous enemy, however not without its few drawbacks. His spikey but silky black hair and striking turquoise eyes, are marred by his burnt and scarred patchwork body. This was caused by his dark past and difficulty controlling his quirk in the beginning. Though damaged and scary, he is caring and protective of those he loves.

"Stalker!" I grumbled to myself.

"I heard that!" Dabi called back with a smirk sounding in his voice.

Even I couldn't 'not' subtly smirk to myself at that. In the end I just resound myself to the fact that I had to get out of bed or I wouldn't be left in peace. As I moved the duvet off me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, I heard a whispered breath and then two small and cold hands launched out from the darkness under my bed and grabbed my ankles. Instinct took over at that point; I reached behind me with one hand and picked up the knife I keep under my pillow, then with my legs I pulled the attacker out from under my bed and climbed onto them; pinning them to the floor with my other hand, while sitting on their back and pushing their face onto the floor, my blade at their throat and growling deeply into their ear. A shrill giggle started to erupt from the body under me as I began to pick up a familiar scent, "Toga?!" She responded by bursting out into roaring laughter and I could feel her body shake underneath me. Toga is the third member of our little trio, and much like the immature menace of a little sister to Dabi and me. She's an innocent looking blonde that spends her days in an old scruffy school uniform and hair in two buns. But like the rest of us, she has her issues. Even we don't know all the details, but even though she is a huge handful, we have been through too much together and would protect her always.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get into my room?"

A moment later and the bedroom door was swung open as Dabi stormed in. "Stop messing around both of you! And why aren't ready yet Rory?" His face calmed and instantly became serious as he continued, "Shigaraki is waiting for you downstairs, and he's in a pretty good mood this morning." That ceased our rough play immediately, we all knew what this meant, my day was about to suck big time.

The others left quietly and solemnly after that whilst I got changed. I had an idea of what today would now entail, and it would not be an easy one. So, I took a deep breath and pushed myself into the back of my mind whilst I prepared. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and brushed my teeth, then changed into my stretchy tight-fitting workout clothes, but decided to stay barefoot as I didn't want to ruin another pair of trainers so soon. I made my way downstairs in haste to not anger Tomura or make him wait.

As I walked through the communal area on the ground floor, I could see many villains had already gathered for the start of another day. Kurogiri called to me softly, drawing my attention to the small group that sat at the bar, and to Tomura Shigaraki whom stood to the side quietly waiting. I smiled kindly at Kurogiri, whilst I walked over to Shigaraki with forced confidence. He met me halfway and smiled at me fakely yet expectantly. So, I behaved myself and cast my eyes to the floor; tilting my head to expose my throat to him and waited patiently. After learning of my quirk and extra abilities some years ago, before Master was captured, they researched its meaning and how to manage me, and since then I learnt how to behave to limit the unpleasantness and torture. Tomura hummed in acceptance and gave me a half-hearted hug, which immediately dissipated the tense atmosphere that had steadily grown in the last few moments.

"Well good morning Eclipse, Beast is going to join us later for your training. As you know the rules are as they normally would be: we start with hand to hand and fighting style techniques, and then managing your abilities, which Beast will be in charge of, and no breakfast until we see a positive start or at least a good improvement, understand?"

"Yes sir."

<<<<<<<The other side of the city at the same time>>>>>>>>>

The second academic year had just started at U.A. high school for the class of 1-A, that would now become 2-A. It was a quiet start, compared to how their first year had played out. They were going through the motions of getting settled back into school life and seeing each other again after just a small break over the summer that they spent with families. The students were buzzed and excited to catch up with each other again first thing, in their registration period time before their first class.

"OMG this new clothes shop opened near my house..."

"Eeekkk I finally tried sushi..."

"Did you hear about the latest Eclipse attack?"

"I wonder what the League of Villains are up to?"

"What are we doing this year?"

"I have these new ideas for a new suit..."

"Please quieten down class, you're all so noisy." The class suddenly when silent upon hearing their much-loved homeroom teacher scold them as he entered. "I will be your homeroom teacher again this year. What did I do to deserve this?!" The class' silence only lasted a matter of seconds before the whole class called out for him in excitement, "Mr AIZAWA! We missed you!"

"I can't take the level of energy in this room right now. Catch up and entertain yourselves before the bell rings for first period." He groaned in reply as he climbed into his faithful little yellow sleeping bag.

"He's down more than usual today."

"I thought he'd be happier to see us."

"I wonder if he's ok?" The students all started muttering and whispering about their concerns for their teacher until they had to attend a second-year notice assembly in first period.

<<<<<<<<Back in the League of Villains hideout>>>>>>>>>>

Eclipse's POV

Lucky for me, I had improved enough during in my assassin training to be allowed to eat breakfast. But that luck didn't last long as training with Beast was another story entirely.

I woke up writhing on the ground, after I had just blacked out for a minute or two. I had completely lost track of time. I was a mess; I was drenched in sweat, blood was trickling from the corner of my mouth and from inside my ears, my limbs were shaking in agony, and my wolf ears and tail were showing now that I had lost my concentration and struggling too much to be able to keep them hidden.

"I don't understand. It is your birthday tomorrow, so you should be becoming stronger and therefore have more control. You should be able to fully shift whenever you choose, not just forced to follow the lunar cycle." The professor contemplated aloud to himself as one rubber gloved hand rested on his waist and his other rubbed his cheek in frustration.

"I...am...sorry...Sssir Sh...shigaraki! I am...trying." I panted out whilst trying to stand back up, off my hands and knees on the concrete floor. "I can go again", I just managed to push out before shakily standing back up.

"Kurogiri, get the serum, this needs to be pushed along." Shigaraki ordered the shadowy figure behind him.

"But Young Master is that really necessary..."

"Now! Don't make me repeat myself, Kurogiri."

"Please not the serum! It makes me lose control. I'm getting better, I can try again, I'll get it this time." I begged any of them that would listen to my pleas, while really starting to fret.

"If you allow me to use the serum, and you show marked improvements, then I will let you have tomorrow off to celebrate your birthday. How about that?"

"You promise?" I asked my Master, with the slightest flicker of hope starting to flutter in my chest.

"You have my word."

With renewed resolve and growing determination, I gave myself to them willingly. I sat on the ground, in front of my Master with my head lowered and not making eye contact, to show my submission to them and the task. I then raised my arm towards Kurogiri and The Professor and didn't fight them off as the serum was slowly injected into me. Once the vial was emptied, I took one last glance at Master and saw a satisfied smirk that caused a shiver to run down my spine, as my vision turned black and I became lost to the world.


The following morning, I awoke with the mother of all headaches. My body felt like it had been run over by several trains, but I felt oddly warm and comforted. "Mmnnnggrrr", I groaned croaky and incoherently as I started to become aware of reality again. I looked down at myself and saw I was held tightly in Dabi's arms whilst Toga was curled up into my side. As if sensing me looking, my big brother figure was the first to open his eyes. He looked at me with love and concern, but then it changed to surprise as he looked me in the eyes. "Are you in pain?"

"What?" I asked him baffled, but also not wanting to worry him. Without another word he got up out of bed and left the room. While he was gone I carefully pried Toga off me and went to relieve myself in the adjourning bathroom. When I was finished, I spent a moment to just look at myself in the mirror, to see if there were any changes or any evidence left on me from last night. My eyes had darkened bags under them and my hair was mucky and greased, half out of its bun. Everything appeared normal and the same as before, if you didn't include the dried sticky blood and grime coating any visible skin and hair. Bloody typical. Well this is my life, so what do I expect really. Before I could analyse any further and gross myself out even more, I peeled out of my soiled and ripped training clothes and treated myself to a long hot shower.

As I arrived back into my room, a newly awakened Toga and a returned Dabi were sat cross-legged on my bed and huddled together whispering. "What's going on?"

Stunned they hadn't heard me come in, they stopped talking immediately and then Toga jumped off the bed and clung to me, "Hi sis, nice shower?"

I smiled down at her and nodded a response, while Dabi handed me some strong pain relief and a glass of water. I graciously took them while giving him a confused look. He understands the meaning behind the look straight away and answered with a simple "your eyes". Ah, ok that makes sense. My eyes glow a bright and icy blue colour with strong emotions and if I am close to shifting. So, the pain I was in must have been enough to outwardly show through my eyes without my control.

"Happy birthday Rory!" They both screamed at me seemingly from nowhere, shocking me into stunned silence for a moment.

"Hahaha. Wow it's back around already?"

"Well we wanted to make you a cake but Shigi wouldn't let us." Toga started to whine and complain with the biggest pout imaginable.

"But they said we could go out and that we could have the day off." Dabi stated, saving the day and my sanity in the process.

We were so excited for a bit of fun and normalcy that it took us no more than twenty minutes to be fully ready, dressed, geared up and out the door. I had chosen to let my hair down free, wearing my black skinny jeans, black combat boots, red corset and black studded leather jacket. I hid away my casual daytime number of weapons into my boots, one of my leg straps and inside my jacket, instead of my usual assassination arsenal I'd be loaded up with.