
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime und Comics
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280 Chs

Wandering Remnant

The five processed the implications of what Dream Willow had just said, and Glynda asked for confirmation.

" Mrs.Schnee, could I trouble you to give us an... Overview of this world?"

" It's no trouble at all. Let me get out a map and show you."

Dream Willow then used her computer to bring out the blinders to darken the room and then displayed a holographic representation of Silva's dreamscape and started explaining.

" Currently, we are at Night City, the heart of the western coast of the main continent, and as you head east, the other cities of the main continent come into play. First, there is Sunset, the city of sin and pleasure."

" Of course, the womanizer has a whole city to satisfy his degeneracy."

Weiss commented as she was seriously considering leaving in order not to deal with Silva's particular brand of madness. Dream Willow continued her introduction of the world.

" Then there is Mechianica, the center of Engineering, robotics, and advanced technologies research, followed by Honor, the main graveyard and burial mound just south of Mechinanica. After that, there is Freeform, the city of the arts and music, then Soul Archive, the city of knowledge. To the north, there is Martial Peak, home to the Coliseum and its lesser arenas, and lastly, there is the city of Magic, Arcane, on the west coast. That sums up the main continent for the most part.

Aside from the main continent, there is the Island Nation of the Rising Sun which is home to various islands and similar but different cultures depending on which island you reside on. Lastly, there is the Dark Continent, where just about anything can happen there but is rich with unique resources that make establishing a port there a venture worth considering despite the risks of it being wiped out all of a sudden. The Dark Continent is also home to a massive tree that reaches past the sky that is commonly referred to as the world tree.

And that would be our world in its entirety."

Weiss sighed and muttered less-than-flattering things about Silva under her breath. Yang jokes to lighten the mood coming over the group.

" Do you think Silva is compensating for something with how big his dream is?"

" Yang, I don't think Silva really has to compensate for anything."

Ruby replied as she realized just how more difficult this would be compared to Pyrrha and Weiss's dream. Pyrrha then added with a strained smile.

" I guess this shows just how complicated Silva really is."

Glynda sighed and pinched the brigade of her nose before saying.

" Thank you, Mrs.Schnee, for your... Informative explanation of the world. Is there anywhere the girls and I can speak in private?"

" Certainly, there is a private break room just down the hall to your right."

Willow tells them, and they leave to discuss their next strategy.


" This is honestly ridiculous."

Weiss said as she sat down on a couch with Pyrrha. Yang agreed with her teammate.

" Yeah, compared to your and Pyrrha's dream world, Silva's seems excessive."

" Girls, you have to remember that Silva is not possessed by a normal Nightmare but clearly a very old and powerful one considering the sheer scale of this dreamscape, and I suspect our trouble has only just begun."

Glynda reminded the younger members of the exploration team as she stayed standing while the rest sat down to relax for a brief moment. The strict professor also told them.

" We may not make any progress in saving Silva for a while, and we may even need to send multiple teams at the same to find and confront the Nightmare in his dream, considering its scale."

Ruby stayed quiet as she seemed to be thinking, then exclaimed after a few minutes.

" I got it!"

" You got what, Ruby?"

The blonde sister asked, and the little cookie monster explained excitedly.

" What we lack most is knowledge about where the Nightmare could possibly be, right?"

" That is correct, Ms.Rose."

Glynda nodded in acknowledgment, and the others did as well.

" Then let's head to the city of knowledge then and see what we can find there!"

" Well, it's something, at least."

The polite spartan was on board, and the strict professor added as she adjusted her glasses.

" We have nothing to lose but time by checking Soul Archive, and we have nothing else to go on for the time being."

" Nice going, Lil sis!"

Yang grabbed her little sister and gave her a playful noogie, much to the cookie monster's annoyance. As the two fool around, Weiss volunteered.

" I will go see if I can arrange some transportation."

She got up and left to speak with her dream version of her mother.


" Well, they are on the right track, at least."

I said aloud, but I did leave some obvious hints to anyone who knew about my multiple Semblances. Soul Archive has the necessary clues to point out where the Nightmare and myself are at. With that in mind, I decided to give them some surprises for when they arrive at the city of knowledge. For now, I will sit back and enjoy the show.

" Huh? Where is this?"

I heard an unfamiliar and unexpected voice call out; much to my surprise, I turned to face a girl I met in my travels through the multiverse. I exclaimed as she was one of the few people I would give a wide berth as much as possible. She is not a dream construct but is actually here through her own dream, if I am making an educated guess.

" What are you doing here!?"

" Hey, you're that world traveler! Take me with you!"

She demanded, and I flatly asked.

" And why would I do that with a brat like you?"

It is not simply a matter of me not wanting to, as I honestly can't, as this girl is unknowingly the foundation of her universe, and trying to take her across dimensions is like trying to shove a planet through a needle-sized hole. The girl just selfishly demanded.

" Why wouldn't you? I want to, and you can do it."

" My answer is still no."

Of all the versions of Japan I have come across, her's was the one I regret coming across the most since she saw me enter her universe and did not leave me alone until I finally left. Even then, her interference with my journey made me have no shortage of setbacks because of her. I finally managed to escape by tricking her, but here she was in my dream world, undoubtedly by her will and power she unknowingly uses. From my experience, I know Dreams tend to blur the concepts of time and space to a surprising degree.

The girl then asked as she took in her surroundings.

" Where are we? Is this your homeworld?"

" No, this is my dream world, and you honestly should not be here at all since it's an artificial construct. I am guessing the last thing you remember is falling asleep correct?"

" You're right! I went to bed like usual after school and winded up here!"

Damn it! She somehow managed to connect her dream with my own. I need to handle this carefully; otherwise, who knows what sort of effects this selfish girl's power may have here. I sighed and told her.

" You need to listen carefully. This is the kind of dream world that you may not wake up from if you are not careful."

" That's fine."

This selfish little! I restrained myself and asked.

" Why would you be fine with that? Don't you have family, friends, and even a boy you have a crush on? Your death would sadden them."

" What's waiting for me back home? Ordinary happiness, ordinary life, and ordinary death! I wanted to meet aliens, time travelers, and espers because I hated it! Doing the same thing as everyone else until I die feeling boredom of being ordinary!"

Of course, it would not be easy to convince this selfish little brat that she could very well end an entire universe on her whims without knowing anything. Worse of all, I couldn't tell her what she really was, as the effects of such knowledge could have unimaginable consequences. This girl is literally the center of her universe. I sighed and massaged my temples as I had more significant concerns now with her being here. It looks like Glynda and her group won't be having too much trouble getting here as I got my paws full with this selfish little nuisance.