
Defining Purple

Ilia Amitola returned to the new headquarters of the White Fang and gave her report to High Leader Sienna Kahn. The Bengal tiger woman looked over the information the chameleon girl gave her and asked.

" Is this information accurate, Ilia?"

" Yes, High Leader, I got confirmation from the residents of the slums and a description from the tavern owner of Silva Branwen, the one behind the Red Auction Incident."

When Sienna read that Silva was a snow leopard fanus with his animal trait being fur-covered arms and paws, she thought back to a memory from a few years ago when Ghira was still the leader of the White Fang. They were making their way to Mistral for one of their protests when a group of humans decided to attack them simply because they were faunus. A child no older than 11 with the same exact features as the person in Ilia's report subdued them without killing them. She briefly considered that they were the same person or even related to one another but put this aside for now and thanked the chameleon girl.

" Thank you for your hard work Ilia. Take a well-deserved rest until your next assignment."

" Thank you, High Leader."

Ilia left the throne room, and Sienna focused her thoughts and said out loud.

" Branwen, huh..."

She then ordered her subordinates.

" Some get me the last information on Branwen Bandit Tribe."

They silently complied, and the Bengal tiger woman then focused on her plan for Atlas for the time being.


Whitley Schnee was at a loss as to what to do now. His father up and vanishes into thin air and has mixed emotions on the matter. On the one hand, he feels relieved that he didn't have to do his very best to please his father with him being gone and all. On the other hand, he is worried about Jacques as, despite his fear of him, he is still his father. The youngest Schnee sighed and decided to play it safe for now and tried to do things his father wanted of him because he may yet return.

As Whiteley maintained his social life and school grades, he didn't dread returning home after school like he used to, with his father's ire not a possibility at the moment with him no longer at home or being informed of his actions. The youngest Schnee kept his vigilance until he felt reasonably sure that he wouldn't suffer the consequences of being more laid back, at least in his personal life. He did consider what would happen if his father didn't return and drew a blank as Jacques was a very controlling part of his life and saw that he didn't know what to do at that point.


Silva felt surprised that James Ironwood decided to arrange a meeting between them at Argus when he honestly expected the general to make him come back to Atlas or at least Mantle. Not that he minded, as he wanted to check up on Pyrrha eventually at some point when he had more free time on his hands. He showed up early in Argus to get a feel of the city to see if Tindick was planning on arresting him in case he didn't agree to a deal of the general's liking. The snow leopard faunus had already hacked into Argus's systems and saw no strange positioning of troops that suggested his capture.

Silva decided to take it easy until the meeting and explored Argus. While, like some parts of Mistral and all of Atlas, there were quite a few shops that refused to cater to faunus, there were at least a few shops that were faunus-friendly at the western end of town where most of the community of faunus lived at and worked. He treated himself to some local seafood that was pretty good and walked along the beach afterward. It wasn't beach season for Argus, so it was mostly empty except for a pair of brothers.

" Oh, come on, Neptune, it's just water."

" It's a drowning hazard, Jupiter!"

Silva would recognize that blue hair anywhere, Neptune Vasilias, try-hard, wannabe cool guy, and resident hydrophobic. Next to him is a tall blond guy with blue eyes, and considering he looks like him, the snow leopard faunus is guessing he's Neptune's brother. Silva watched as the older brother tried to drag his younger brother into the sea with amusement. Jupiter had Neptune's legs as he pulled the hydrophobic to the ocean while Neptune clawed at the sand desperately and noticed Silva then called out.

" Hey, you there!"

The snow leopard faunus pointed at himself, and the hydrophobic guy confirmed he was talking to him.

" Yes, you! Help me; this guy is trying to drown me!"

" Seriously, Neptune! I am trying to help you overcome your irrational fear of water!"

" By drowning me!"

Silva couldn't help but smile in wry amusement and asked Jupiter.

" So how bad is his fear of water?"

" He can't take a shower or bath without goggles, a snorkel, and water weenies!"

The snow leopard faunus blinked in surprise and asked incredulously.

" Seriously?!"

" Seriously!"

Jupiter replied, looking exasperated at his brother's fears, and continued to drag Neptune to the sea. Silva walked over to them, and the hydrophobic guy looked hopeful, thinking the snow leopard would help him. Silva then asked Jupiter with a wicked grin, much to Neptune's dismay.

" How can I help?"

Jupiter was surprised at first but smiled back at Silva after a moment and answered.

" Mind grabbing his arms."

" With pleasure!"

Neptune started to scream bloody murder as the two lifted him as he struggled to break free. Silva and Jupiter got ready to toss the hydrophobic guy into the ocean, and Neptune begged.

" Come on now; you seem like a nice guy; I mean, you could help me, right?"

" But I am helping you!"

Silva replied with a devilish smile, and Jupiter then asked.

" What's your name, big guy?"

" Silva and your Jupiter, right?"

" Yep, Jupiter Vasilias, and this is my little brother Neptune."

As the two got nearer to the water, Neptune's brother said.

" On the count of three, we toss him into the sea."

" How about instead you let me go?"

Neptune tried to get out of this situation, and Silva replied.

" But that's exactly what we are going to do. One!"

" Two!"

Jupiter picked up on the pace as he got ready to help his brother embrace the sea, and Neptune whined.

" No, no, no!"

" Three!"

Silva and Jupiter sent Neptune flying to the sea. The hydrophobic guy made a big splash and immediately tried to reach the shore in whatever way he could. Neptune soon reached the beach and ran like he was set on fire, and his brother sighed as he complained.

" What am I going to do with him?"

"Keep on trying is all you can do for him."

The snow leopard faunus answered as he enjoyed every minute of tormenting that hopeless and pathetic flirt. He never liked Neptune, period; the guy didn't take Weiss to the dance simply because he couldn't dance and was embarrassed by it, plus he literally tries too hard to be cool. Jupiter extended his hand toward Silva as he thanked him.

" Thanks for the help there."

Silva shook the blonde's hand and said.

" Not a problem."

The two chatted for a bit, then went their separate ways.


I can't believe I just helped Neptune get tossed in the water; that made my day. It is still a while before my meeting with Tindick; hmm, maybe I should check out the park to see if Pyrrha's training. As I walked through Argus, I checked my Scroll to see if there were any changes in the Atlesian forces station here at Argus to see if the general would try and strong-arm me. Nothing suspicious, but I better keep my eye peeled just in case. As I made it to the park, I saw my favorite redhead practicing with her weapons.

I took a seat at a nearby bench and decided not to interrupt her. While Pyrrha swung her weapons with increasing speed and strength behind her movements, I picked apart her fighting style. She still uses her Semblance subtly, like using it on the metal armor she wears to move faster and hit harder. The redhead uses her shield offensively as well, whether through shield bashing or using the bladed edges to cut. Pyrrha still hasn't made her signature weapons yet, but it probably won't be long now. The redhead finally stopped and took a break, then noticed me.

" Oh! Hello."

I casually waved back, and Pyrrha asked me.

" Your Mai, I mean Silva, right?"

" Nice to see a pretty girl; remember little old me."

I smiled at her as she blushed slightly, which surprised me a little as she shouldn't be unuse to that kind of compliment. The redhead walked over to me and asked.

" So brings you to Argus?"

" I have an appointment with someone here, and I am just killing time for now."

Pyrrha looked curious and asked me politely.

" If I'm not prying, can you tell me who you are meeting?"

" Sorry, that's confidential."

While Tindick didn't say anything along those lines, he probably wants to keep things quiet regardless; plus, I doubt she would believe me if I told her that I was meeting General James Ironwood. Pyrrha apologized for asking.

" Sorry."

" It's fine, no big deal. Putting that aside, how have you been, Pyrrha Nikos?"

" Please, just call me Pyrrha, and I have been well; thank you for asking."

We exchanged small talk for a bit, and the redhead asked me.

" Silva, if I am not imposing on you, would you spar with me for a bit?"

" Sure, but might I recommend a different set of rules from tournament style?"

Pyrrha looked at me with curiosity and asked.

" What do you have in mind?"

" Rather than letting our Aura get low or break, how about the winner is decided by the first one to draw blood."

The redhead looks at me with caution and asks.

" Why would you suggest that?"

" Let me ask you this, will bandits or Grimm stop just because you run out of Aura?"

Pyrrha frowned a bit as she replied.

" I see your point but are you sure?"

" Yes, I am, but if you don't want to, that's fine."

The redhead thought about my proposal for a moment or two, then said.

" I agree."

" Good, let's take our positions."

We soon stood against one another, and I took a casual stance, leaving myself open. A leaf from a tree fell off, and the wind carried it in front of us. I immediately used Flash Step to get behind Pyrrha and used a front kick to knock her down. The redhead rolled with the kick and got into a crouching position, then thrust her javelin at me. I leaped back to evade it and used my Semblance Dark Wrath, formerly called Emission, to coat my body with the dark, destructive energy. I wanted to show Pyrrha that I pushed my Semblance even further and motivate her to do the same.

While I am doubtful, that she could reach Magneto-level polarity, she could probably push herself to come closer to that Marvel villain's level. My improved speed threw Pyrrha off balance as I rushed her in this form and clawed at her defense which was barely holding together at my offense. I knocked her shield away and sent her flying. The redhead's Aura flickered, and I fired off a beam that knocked her down as she got up, which broke her Aura.

Pyrrha got up again with her javelin at the ready and looking ready for me. I used Flash Step to appear in front of her and grabbed her weapon as she thrusts at me. I swiped at her exposed flank, and she cried out in pain as Dark Wrath burned her slightly. Thankfully I kept some first aid on hand, just in case. As I applied ointment to the burn I had caused, Pyrrha asked me with emotion.

" How... how did you get so strong?"

" I was never satisfied with my current level as I knew if I were weak, I would die if I wanted to be a Huntsman. I always push myself to the limit, whether physically, mentally, or with my Semblance. You can't protect anyone if you're too weak to protect yourself."

At my answer, Pyrrha sighed and said.

" I guess your right on that account."

As I treated the burn, I suggested the redhead.

" Your Semblance is polarity, right?"

" Yes..."

" Have you considered using iron sand?"

I finished treating Pyrrha, and she looked at me with interest as she asked.

" What do you mean?"

" Well, with iron sand, you can manipulate it from a distance and use it to jam guns and mech-shift weapons. You can even use a large amount of it to make defensive fortifications or tidal waves with it if you train enough."

Pyrrha looked like she was considering my suggestion and said.

" I never considered using my Semblance like that."

" From my personal experience, a Semblance is only limited by one's imagination regardless of its type."

After that, Pyrrha and I started to exchange ideas about what we could do with our Semblances. She was surprised I could use Dark Wrath to imitate flight and told her she could probably do the same with Polarity by lifting herself up. My Scroll went off as my alert for my appointment with Tindick was soon.

" I got to go, Pyrrha."

" Okay, thanks for the spar and pointers."

I waved Pyrrha goodbye as I went to the bar I was supposed to meet the general at; this was undoubtedly Qrow's idea. Before getting too close, I checked my Scroll to see the position of Atlas's troops and saw nothing out of the ordinary. As I entered, I saw Qrow drinking; why am I not surprised? Tindick was also nursing a drink of his own, and the both of them noticed me enter.

" Ah, Snowball, good to see you!"

" Drunk as usual, I see, old man."

Qrow retorted while puffing his chest up.

" I am not old; I'm distinguished!"

" Keep telling yourself that."

The general loudly cleared his throat to draw our attention, and I focused on him as I introduced myself.

" I'm Silva Branwen, as you already know."

" James Ironwood."

Tindick smiled as he extended his hand toward me, and I shook it. My drunken uncle interjected.

" Okay, with that out of the way, let's get started."

The general then gave his sales pitch.

" While you may have had your reasons for what you did, it does not change the fact you broke the law. However, I would like to offer a solution that would prevent you from having to face trial for the assault of military personnel and civilians."

" What's your offer?"

I asked the general plainly, and he replied.

" Join Atlas Academy and-."

" I'm going to stop you, right there. I have plans to attend Beacon, and it's not simply because I lack formal education, but overall, it fits my personality best. Haven and Atlas are full of bigots and racists that I would undoubtedly crack their skulls when dealing with their idiocy. Atlas is the worse of the two for me because I am not one to follow orders unless it's from someone I completely trust. Shade is out of the question because I hate deserts, and their mentality is not something I can completely get behind. So, in the end, Beacon works out best for me in terms of personality and entrance requirements."

Ironwood frowned and asked me.

" Then what do you suggest then?"

" You know my history, correct?"

The general nodded, and I made my counteroffer.

" Allow me to a set amount of missions for you as payment and work from there."

" He's got a point, Jimmy. Trying to make him into a soldier is not going to work on him."

Qrow agreed with me, and the general sighed then said.

" Very well then, but you will be working with who I designate as your partner or team."

I was surprised at how easily he agreed to it, and I don't mind working with others so long as they are not idiots.

" I am good with that. Anything else?"

" Yes, I want to know your history from your own words."

I took a seat and told him.

" Well, it's a bit of a long story, but if you got time."

" I have nothing else to concern myself with today."

After that, I told the general about my past while withholding certain parts of my story, like Raven being the Spring Maiden and the Relics in my possession.