
Anos voldigoad reincarnated in the Tensura world.

[heroine and lover: Shizue iawa] [Reincarnation][Slow life] =========================== In the mesmerizing realm of "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime," our protagonist is reborn as Anos Voldigoad. Armed with demonic powers, he embark on a captivating journey Navigating complex relationships and confronting formidable adversaries, our demon lord delves into this vibrant world, Join them on this unique quest,

X_MinecraftYT · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Revelations and Resolutions


Now, I'm stuck dealing with the chaos he unleashed. Why did he have to amplify this threat so much? Well, it's on me now to take down the orc disaster. As I gaze at the menacing creature, I let out a sigh. It's my responsibility now, even if it feels a bit cowardly.

"Alright, Great Sage, you're up," I say, calling upon the powerful companion. [Great Sage: Understood. Switching to auto-battle mode.]

"Let's go," I command, and the orc disaster launches its attacks. However, with Great Sage in control, the attacks prove futile. In one swift move, She effortlessly severs its right arm. Surprisingly, this time, the orc disaster can't regenerate the lost limb, thanks to Great Sage's sword enhanced with white flames.

"Wow, nice! I knew I could count on you, Great Sage," I commend. She persistently attacks, repeating the successful move. However, this time, the orc disaster manages to block the strike. As their swords clash, it becomes evident that Great Sage's blade is overpowering, causing the orc disaster's weapon to melt in two, But the orc disaster proves to be more ruthless than I anticipated. It coldly tears off the remaining shreds of its limb, determined to fully regenerate. Suddenly, it shoots red lasers into the sky, aimed directly at me. Yet, as the lasers approach, Great Sage swiftly absorbs them into my stomach.

Caught between attacks from the front and behind, Great Sage doesn't have the luxury of dodging the orc disaster's, And there we were, gripped in his hand. He boldly proclaimed, "I'm going to devour you right now! And then that bastard named Anos Voldigoad." In that moment, Great Sage swiftly deployed one of the new skills I acquired when I absorbed this body.

Anyway great sage aktived activated the Ethereal Purge—an intense skill summoning a searing white flame with the distinctive power to scorch and thwart all attempts at recovery.

This ethereal fire delivers instant damage while impeding the regenerative capacities of any entity. The flame instantly enveloped both him and me. However, as the caster, its effects didn't affect me. The Orc disaster began to scream in pain. I exclaimed to the Great Sage, "This will do it." The Great Sage responded, "Operation complete," and with some pride added, "Way to go, Great Sage! That went perfectly!" Before we could celebrate, the white flame dissipated, and the orc disaster emerged unscathed – it appears he has fire resistance.

The Great Sage exclaimed, "An emergency has arisen." I responded, "I figured as much." Great Sage declared, "Immediately recalculating." "I'll take over, Great Sage," I said. However, my statement surprised the Great Sage, to which I added, "No need to feel bad. I think I've figured out how to defeat him, thanks to you." And added "So leave the rest to me, partner." So, the Great Sage allowed me to regain control. The orc disaster remarked, "It seems fire has no effect on me." I retorted, "Is that right? Perhaps you should have been more delighted about your impending demise."

I added, "I've acknowledged you as an enemy. Now, I'll take you on for real." He responded with laughter, saying, "Does that mean you weren't serious before? There's nothing more you can do." Meanwhile, he activated his skill, proclaiming, "Just accept that I'm going to eat you!" I replied, "Before you can eat me, I'm going to eat you," and added, "I'm a slime,"Initiating the process to devour him and transform back into a slime, as we began to consume each other, I remarked, "You're not the only one who can eat things! Will you eat me first, or will I eat you first"?

Between your starvation and my predatory nature, let's see which is stronger... The victor shall be the predator. If you're 'starved', then I am the 'devourer'. He exclaimed, "Even if you're a slime that can eat anything, I cannot let myself be eaten." I responded confidently, "When it comes to eating, I have the advantage. You'll lose." He replied with emotion, "I ate all the monsters I encountered, I even devoured Lord Gelmund. My brethren are starving, so I cannot lose."

I exclaimed, "In this world, it's eat or be eaten." He responded, "I cannot lose. If I die, my sins fall upon my brethren's shoulders. It doesn't matter if I am sinful; to ensure that they don't strive, I must take all the world's hunger upon myself." I replied, "You're still going to die, but rest easy. I'll devour all your sins along with you." Confused, he responded, "Devour... my sins?" I clarified, "Yeah, and not just yours, I devour the sins of all your brethren, too." He exclaimed in confusion, "Even the sins of my brethren? You are greedy." Which I responded "Yes, I am very greedy."

.... a bit later ....

Great Sage said "Confirmed, the Orc Disaster is gone,". I exclaimed, "Rest in peace, Geld." Now, with the Orc Lord defeated, the effects of Starved also vanished. At the moment, the orc advance was more than halfway. I glanced over at Benimaru and the rest, saying, "I guess it's over." Benimaru responded, "Yes," to which I added, "I promised that you'd be free once the Orc Lord was defeated, ." And Benimaru asked"... "Great Rimuru, I have a favor to ask," he said. Confused, I replied, "Yes, what is it?" He expressed, "Please accept our allegiance. We will continue to serve you." I responded, "Are you sure?" and they affirmed their certainty.


It has been days since the war with the orcs. Currently, Shizue and I are traveling to the Royal Capital of the Kingdom of Ingrassia. You may wonder why – it's because we're visiting Shizue's students, The reason why Shizue began looking after the Demon Lord Leon was to find a way to save her students, and unable to contain Ifrit any longer.

The reason we are visiting now is that, accidentally, during a conversation about her students, I mentioned knowing how to save them. She essentially forced me to reveal everything I know, It would be much easier to teleport, but since I've never visited the Kingdom of Ingrassia, I lack the necessary location conditions, It seems we have arrived. Although the gate appears simple from the outside, reminiscent of the anime, the interior is stunning and beautiful. However, there is one problem—I have no identification,I glanced at Shizue and said, "Shizue-san, we have a problem is that I have no identification."

With a proud face, she responded, "Don't worry, I already solved that." She took out two identification cards and handed one to me. There, I found my name listed: Anos Voldigoad, with the age stated as 25 and my birthday marked as ×××××, along with the fake place of my birth.


[ here is author, I really didn't find how the calendar works in tensura so it's marked as ××××× for now]


Then she glanced at me with a smug face and said, "You should know, although I retired, I still have connections and status. It was easy for me to obtain things like that ID."

I responded, "Yes, oh almighty and all-powerful Shizue-san, but right now, we should calm down and show them the ID." After we got our identity verified, I asked Shizue, "Where are we going now? Are we going directly to your students?"

She replied, "We are going to see one of my older students." I said, "Okay, let's go, huhu." She looked at me with an expression that spoke volumes and said, "Sometimes you're acting like a child, you know." As we walked, I gazed at the blue sky and remarked, "Maybe you're right, but I definitely enjoy this world much more. Compared to my old world, this one is definitely better, although sometimes, this world is cruel."

It seems we have arrived at the Free Union headquarters. Hmm, the building looks very modern, and in my opinion, it's quite ugly. Shizue looked at me and said, "Why are you staring at the building so much?" with a disgusted look. I replied, "It's an ugly building, very ugly." She touched her chin and said, "Although it looks a bit weird, it's not that ugly." I responded, "Anyway, it doesn't matter now; we should go in."

Shizue took the lead and walked in. However, just as we entered, the lady who is always at the front approached Shizue and said, "Miss Shizue, why didn't you announce that you were coming so that we could arrange a time for you?" Shizue replied, "It just happened that I was in the capital. Can you tell the Grandmaster Yuuki to meet me?"

The lady nodded affirmatively, saying, "Yes," and then continued, "But first, let me guide you to his office." We followed her to the teleportation room, soon finding ourselves alone. Seizing the moment, I inquired with a smile, "Shizue-san, it appears you hold significant standing in this guild."

She modestly replied, "I assisted Yuuki in building it, so I have a bit of influence." The lady expression hinted at more, though I chose not to delve into it. Taking a seat on the sofa, Shizue joined me, and our conversation unfolded. In under ten minutes, the door swung open, revealing Yuuki Kagurazaka, the Grandmaster. Seating himself across from us, he greeted, "Good to see you, Shizue-sensei." Shizue reciprocated, "Likewise, Yuuki."

His gaze turned to me, prompting Shizue to introduce, "His name is Anos Voldigoad, my companion on this journey, he's from a different world, much like us." I interjected, "But the peculiar thing is, I wasn't summoned; I was reincarnated into this body." Curious, he inquired, "How did you die?" and added, "Did you come from Japan? You look a little Japanese."

I replied, "One question at a time. Firstly, I passed away in my sleep. Secondly, I'm not from the same world as you two; we don't have a country called Japan." Terrified, he exclaimed, "How terrible to die without knowing or experiencing the pain of dying!"

I calmly responded, "Initially, I was confused, questioning if it was all just a dream. Then, I realized it was indeed real." and He responded, "I see, I see. Shizue-sensei, will you visit the academy?" Shizue responded, "That's precisely why we came to the capital this time—Anos-kun found a way to save them."

Surprised, he exclaimed, "Really, Shizue-sensei? After searching for so long, there's finally a way?" He glanced at me and asked, "How do you plan to save them?" I pressed my finger to my lips and whispered, "That's a secret." Additionally, I suggested, "I think it's time for us to leave now." Surprised Shizue responded , "Oh yeah, it's getting late, I suppose we need to go now."

We stood up, and Shizue said to Yuuki, "Goodbye until next time." I also bid my farewell. As we walked towards the door, I glanced back and stated, "I know you two have a plan. I won't involve myself, but if you dare to do anything to hurt her, I swear both of you will experience something worse than death itself."

With a creepy smile, I activated Demon Lord's Presence (unique skill) for a moment. Deactivating the skill, I added, "Got it?" Before he could respond, I closed the door. I looked for Shizue and saw her near the teleportation room. I shouted, "Wait for me."


[Next day]


As we walked to the academy, Shizue began discussing her students again; she clearly has a deep affection for them. Anyway, it seems we have arrived. I looked at Shizue and asked, "Do we need permission to visit it?" She replied, "No, we can visit them anytime." A little later, we found ourselves in the classroom, and Shizue was embracing the little devils—ahem, I mean little angels. Shizue said, "I missed you all too," and added, "Calm down now."

After that, the blond girl looked at me and asked, "Who is this? Are you Sensei's boyfriend?" Shizue blushed, saying, "No, no, he's just a close friend." She regained her composure and continued, "Ahem, let me introduce you. This is Anos Voldigoad; you can call him Anos-sensei because he found a way to save you all." Their tears welled up, and overwhelmed, I pleaded, "Please, don't cry." I looked at Shizue and said, "Please help." However, she just smiled at me, and after they calmed down a little

Shizue then turned to the five and said, "Now introduce yourselves." The one with short brown hair, spoke first, "I'm Gale Gibson, 11 years old, and I use fire's aura bullets." Next, the one with orange hair, "Hey, I'm Kenya Misakid, 10 years old, and I use fire magic." The girl with blond hair, giggled, "Haha, I'm Alice Rondo, 9 years old, and I specialize in puppetry." The one with a gloomy look, introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Ryota Sekiguchi, 8 years old, and I use the berserker skill." Lastly, the one with blue eyes, stated, "Hi, I'm Chloe Aubert, 8 years old, and I specialize in water magic." Then Shizue said " Now that we're are finished with the introducing, let's do.....


today's chapter is shorter that the last one

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