
Anomaly In World Of Reversed Sexual Morality

What will happen when a foreign guy is transmigrated into a world where norms regarding sexual morality are reversed: Boys are the sexually selective ones, whose chastity is to be protected, while girls are the sexually aggressive ones, whose chastity is something to be lost as quickly as possible.? Lots of Chaos and smut~

KyuuSushi · Urban
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2 Chs

A day like no other 1.1

Reincarnation. A common trope in anime or light novels. A person who gets hit by a truck reincarnates into another world, gets superpowers, and saves the world.

The cliche happened to me, except instead of going to another world, I reincarnated into the same world but the concept of gender is interchanged. The women act like men, and the men act like women, more or less.

It took me a while to get used to the sudden change but I adapted nonetheless. Of course, the memory of one James Chad, helped a lot. A foreigner who returned to Japan to stay at his Uncle's house.

So, here I am, in front of the house of the person I have never known yet in a way know.

"Go in James, I will bring the luggage." My aunt slapped my shoulder and encouraged me to enter the house.

"Thank you, Aunt. but I could carry it myself. I don't want to trouble you." I say looking at my aunt who looked about 25 and seemed quite young. Then again, the Japanese seemed to have mastered the art of looking young even back in my old world.

"Haha! A boy should not worry about such things. Go in, I will bring the luggage." The aunt laughed quite boisterously as she led me in.

Entering the house, I was greeted by my uncle who was a man about thirty years old. He had the standard Japanese look but seemed welcoming nonetheless. Though the image was distorted by the pink apron he was wearing, I managed to keep my expression normal.

"How are you, James? How are your parents doing?" My uncle pulled me in a strong hug which I returned uncomfortably.

"I am doing fine, Uncle. My parents are doing okay. You know how they are." I say recalling my parents in this life. They were an adventurous couple, never staying in a single place. To be frank, even in the memory of James, his parents rarely visited him.

"Yes. They should not leave a lone boy alone." My uncle sighed a bit but quickly recovered and said pulling me out of the hug. "Moreover, leaving such a beautiful boy alone. Don't they know that recently several violent cases are happening?"

"It's okay. I am used to it." I say my voice containing a hint of sorrow.

"Ha...let's leave the sad talk for later. Come inside." Uncle led me inside the house and gave me a general tour of the place.

"Where is my cousin? Uncle. It's been a long time since I have seen her." I said plopping down on the sofa, a bit tired from the long ride.

"Aiko, This girl. Wait I will call her. Always engrossed in her room. Not even coming out to visit her cousin." Uncle sighed ruefully and then took a deep breath.

"AIKO! Come out and meet your cousin." Uncle shouted in a loud voice as a thud can be heard from upstairs.

"DAD!! I am coming." A panicked voice of a young girl could be heard from above.

"What does this girl always do upstairs, keeping her doors locked?" Uncle couldn't help but sigh again.

I smiled and comforted my Uncle, "Most teenagers need personal space so, I hope Uncle doesn't scold cousin too much."

Hearing my kind words, Uncle smiled and said with remorse, "I hope this stupid girl could be as mature as you."

At the same time, hurried footsteps could be heard. A young girl a year or two younger than me appeared before me. She looked carefree with her hair tangled and wearing just a tank top and trousers.

"Dad! What happened? I just reached the impo-" Aiko stopped midsentence, spotting me. I smiled at her as she sputtered.

"D-dad. You didn't tell me we have guests over." Aiko tried to play it cool as she hurriedly started to tidy up her clothes.

"I did tell you that your cousin will be living with us for a while." Uncle sighed in disbelief and then introduced me. "This is your cousin, James coming from the US. Treat him well."

I approached the girl and took her hands, making her gaze turn to me, "Hello, Aiko." I say with a warm smile. She gulps audibly. "Please treat me well."

"Ah, that's um." She sputters out, her eyes wildly surveying you. She then decided on a word to say. "H-H-Hello."

I could hear my Uncle laughing and saying, "Why is this stupid girl suddenly so shy?"

I just smiled and said, "You can call me, Brother James. I didn't expect my cousin to be so cute."

"C-C-Cute..." Aiko seems to have short-circuited as she blushed heavily. I just patted her head and continued to talk to my Uncle.

Aunt also entered the living room and put down my luggage, then gazed at her daughter. "Aiko. Have you greeted your cousin? Get along well in the future."

Aiko seems to be brought back to reality with the cold gaze of her mother as she nodded quickly, "I will."

I just smiled at the interaction as the Aunt turned to me. "You can take the room next to Aiko, upstairs. If your cousin troubles you in any way, then you can tell me."

"I won't Mom." Aiko's voice echoed out but she was ignored by her parents.

"Thank you, Aunt, for your help." I bowed slightly to express my gratitude.

"No need. You are a part of our family after all." Aunt said warmly. "Aiko, Take your cousin to his room."

Aiko nodded as she sneaked some glances at my face and blushed.

"L-let's go Brother James." Aiko led me upstairs, and the journey was filled with a strange atmosphere.

Soon, we reached a room, Aiko opened the door and what came to view was a simple and neat room.

She then turned to me and said, "Um, this is your room, b-brother James. You can call me if you need anything."

Aiko put on a face of false bravado as I smiled.

"Oh! How dependable." My voice contained a teasing tone.

In this world, my behavior is probably equivalent to a busty Onee-san teasing you as I could see the immediate effect of my action.

"It's okay. It's okay! Don't worry we are all one family!" Aiko blushed instantly and turned her head to one side, not daring to look directly.

"Yes, one family," I continued to tease her a bit.

"U-Um...I think mom just called me. So, I will go check on them." Aiko ran like a frightened rabbit, as I laughed in amusement.

Closing the door, I plopped down on the bed. The whole experience from transmigration to the present flashed through my head as I sighed.




It seems this is my life now.


A/N: A new novel. Let's go...

The premise of this book is about reverse sexual morals. In general, the world James transmigrated is as same as ours, except for sexual morality. The gender is flipped as the expectations regarding them are also reversed. So, Have Fun~

P.S.: Support the cute author with a powerstone~

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