CHAPTER NINETEEN - an ominous use of full name
"And, who are you?" Asked the god in the center. They were all just shapeless silhouettes of humans, glowing white. Me too, I realized, looking at my fingertips. I was now also a glowing white silhouette, but glowing brighter than the gods. "Wow, look at the color of that soul. Who are you, dear?" Asked one of the gods on the left, resting their head on one of the armrests.
Soul? "This is my soul?" I asked, turning my fingertips around. Asa was watching from a distance, for some reason, not stepping foot into the hall. The god in the center nodded. "Yes, that's your soul. We are the council of Gods, supreme beings, and I am Frsk Sfsn. It's good to see you again, Amaria Feet. Or, should I say, Eden Byrd?" Ah, what an ominous use of my full name. "Eden is fine," I said sheepishly, still busy admiring my bright hands. "I'm here to ask if we can team up to stop the descent of angels. Or if you could tell them to screw off, you know since they're your disciples." I said, putting my hand down to look at the gods. My eyeballs were getting deep-fried, but it was okay.
The gods were all silent. "What, as I supposed to curtsy or something?" I asked, and they all exchanged glances. "We can't meddle with human affairs." Another god, this time on the right, informed me. "Yes, there will certainly not be any descending of angels." Frsk Sfsn snorted. I frowned and then brushed back a strand of my hair. 379. 379 years of toiling, deaths, and Angel invasions. The gods were staring at me intently now.
"Do you believe me or not? Stop them, or help me stop them by giving me some power." I said.