
Anno Novo

With the ever growing tale of conquest, the earthen empire managed to rule even the entire galaxy. However the twisted fate seem to be against the stubbornness of human, and thus decided to end them. In a single clap of a newly born human baby, a catastrophic level event that triggers an unknown occurrence within the center of the galaxy caused it to deform. A quantum disaster merging two dimension in a single galaxy and it didn't end fare well to humans. Then, thousands if not, millions of years have passed... And the stuborn species is born once more.

Helfenite · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Eternal Sleep

For a thousand years of technological advancement and prosperity brought by the emperor of earth, Luigi was among the people who benefitted of it all.

He was nothing but a scumbag, who laze around, fool around, that even his father, who pride him as his only son, lost all hope. He even always came late on his curfew, either beaten up or handcuffed by the police.

His sister even got a lot of trouble due to the connection between them. She always get called for the dean's office, and sometimes even threatened to be expelled if they don't take action against her brother.

It all happen simply because of that incident that led to one another. If not for that, then her brother wouldn't have change for the worst.

Still, things cannot be taken back now.

Thus, they are to endure the troublesome kid that grew out of anger.

But it all change once again when the Emperor called upon those who have potential to become one of the people who will contribute to the breakthrough of the human civilization.

And unexpectedly, the one who was hated the most by his surrounding, was the one chosen by the emperor himself.

At first, Luigi frown from this unprecedented situation... It is the greatest honor of someone to be able to be called upon by the emperor, and yet his expression says otherwise.

But he can do nothing against it, for it is the calling of opportunity.

There came the invention of immortality... Or what other calls--- Eternal Life. It was the best, yet the worst invention made by humanity of all.

They didn't know what the side effect would be, they only know that it will benefit humanity. And that's where they are wrong.

In the process of their creation against the natural order of the universe, the Gods were enraged, the universe itself oppose.

A universal scale storm entered the galaxy, destroying by either merging or separating all entity from other universe. This includes the stars, planets, and even the race that live within it.

No one was able to predict such occurrence, for they only know that it can never happen. It was against the law of physics after all.

And that mistake of a belief result to the mass extinction of humanity... A death of a super advance civilization.


Fast forward a millions of years to the future after the storm.

Beneath the rocky mountain that stood still, taller than the everest, is a metallic cube structure that barely hold itself.

Within it, there lies a single chamber where a human sleep in his eternal slumber. It's a man.

And around it is a busy floating objects they call an AI, working hard to function the barely functional system of the shelter.

Soon, while in the middle of a busy work, they all suddenly notice a strange happening within the chamber. When they approach it, they see the moving fingers of the pronounced dead master of them.

[Luigi Sercros... He's awakening from his eternal slumber... Be prepared.]

The one who spoke is none other than one of his companion, Eve. An AI given to him personally by the emperor with an objective of surpassing human current technology.

That was the time he felt awe and motivation.

Eve is an artificial superintelligent that behaves no different than humans. She express emotion, give opinion, and even decides full of awareness. This masterpiece became the advance human foundation.

And now, that very thing is surpassing the expectation given by her creators. To feel a sense of relief, joy, and excitement upon seeing her master's movement.

Minutes later after the preparation, Eve ordered the rest of the AIs to open the chamber. Upon opening, a cold smoke was released from the tube, and once it was gone, there appear an unmoving man.

His black hair is still frozen, but his precious crimson eyes slowly reveal itself. His bare body starts to arise from his metaphorical coffin when suddenly Eve jump in front of him.

[Master, you shouldn't move recklessly. Due to the longivity of your sleep, there might be an anomaly that lies in your body.]

Luigi is confused, but he nodded in agreement before returning to his original position. Once done, Eve did a general check of his body.

His bones, tissues if there is any trauma, organs that still has yet to warm up, his blood flow, his nerve that barely response to his need.

Every seems running in expected normal level.

[Everything seems alright, master. You will then be moved to your personal room where we will assist to your needs. Please don't move.]

Two automated hands attached to the roof appear from the room, slowly and carefully, they carry the tube where Luigi lies. He felt a sense of pain from his back, which Eve notice and immediately took action.

His back pain seems to be a cause of the unexpected movement of the tube.

[Be careful.] She warn the two hands.

Without further incident, Luigi's body was move successfully to his room, where two humanoid robots readily took care of his fragile body. Four heavy looking humanoid then enter the room and swiftly but carefully move their master to the bed.

His bare body was then clothed with pure white, his eyes and ears were tested for brain function.

Upon collecting the data of his master's health, she heave a sigh of relief in her head before approaching the unconscious man.

[Welcome back, Master.]

He looks calm, sleeping soundly without nothing to worry. Not knowing that he just slept for an entire 3 million years.