
Just another Twist...

At the safe.

"You didn't think this all was over, did you?"

One of the remaining chiefs said as he kicked the Professor in the two legs and made him fall on his knees. The Professor kept the mild but indifferent face as he looked up finally.

He was in the middle with the two chiefs who were taunting him. To his right was a row of his people and to the left were the women who had taken him there. To the place his people had been held.

He didn't know what to say to the women. But he didn't want to make irrelevant hypotheses though he was tempted to.

For what other things could he possibly think than the fact that the women had taken him there as a plot. Like their bowing and submission was but a charade to lead him to a death trap!

Other than that, there was nothing else to think about. Plus the fact was that he wasn't scared, neither was he disappointed. The expression on the women's faces were ambiguous too.