
Annethaxia Luo Princess of the Land of Snow

Follow Instagram @sere_nity_lee for new info novel of Serenity Lee Not a story about Snow White, Cinderella, or Beauty and the Beast. This is a different story than it has ever been. * Jacob Mandel, co-owner and heir to the Mandel Hills farm and plantation, in a remote village called Karaskas in a hemisphere that has four seasons. His daily life is so monotonous. Taking care of farms and plantations, also taking care of his elderly mother. Yang always collects the promise of his two sons to give him grandchildren. Everything changes, when Jacob dreams of meeting Annethaxia Luo, and asks him to help the youngest daughter of the Snow Land Kingdom, when he wakes up. A kingdom that is in a different dimension to the earth where Jacob lives. Jacob then meets a girl who has lost her memory in his farm. How is this story next? The story of two worlds, different dimensions of space and time. Follow two different love stories. Find the answer by sticking to this love novel. So that you can always be updated with new chapters.

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10 Chs

010. Find Out

Jen stood next to Jacob. Her gaze was fixed on Jacob's bed. Look at the girl sitting there. From toe to tip of hair. So did the girl.

A smile that looked awkward, was shown by the girl.

"Jacob." Jen tugged at the sleeves of her second son's shirt so he lowered his head slightly. Lowering his tall body.

"Are you wearing this old lady's clothes, for that girl?" Jen whispered, in Jacob's ear.

Jen, of course, recognized her clothes when she was younger. A cool cotton overalls, ivory white, with a small floral motif on the top of the dress. Short sleeve.

Jen's favorite outfit, when she was young. And because of the clothes, Jacob's father was attracted to her. Then propose.

The clothes that fit the girl's body.

Jacob cleared his throat once. Feeling guilty, for not asking permission from his mother first. Before the clothes were used by the mysterious girl in front of them.

After all, it was the maids in his house who chose the clothes. Not Jacob himself. Jacob didn't even know what clothing was appropriate for the girl.

All Jacob left to Luna and her fellow servants.

"Yes, Mom. I'm sorry ..." Jacob said hastily.

"Well suited!" Jen interrupted Jacob's words excitedly. Her face was bright.

Jen slowly approached Jacob's bed and sat down next to the girl. Look at it carefully. Examine every part of the girl's body.

"Very beautiful!" Jen smiled, looking at the girl's face who also smiled. Although it still looks awkward.

"Where did you find her, Honey?" Jen turned her gaze to her second son who was still standing in the doorway.

His mother's cheerful tone made Jacob's feelings even more awkward.

"Can we talk outside, Mom?" Jacob gestured for his mother.

Jen got up and left the girl alone in Jacob's room. Followed his second son to the lounge.

Jacob's suddenly serious face made Jen curious.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Jen smiled sweetly.

The smile that Jen always showed, when she wanted something, and desperately wished her wish was fulfilled.

Jacob took a deep breath before finally starting the conversation. "I found her at the Mandel Hills flower garden, Mom."

Jen raised her eyebrows. As if to say, that Jacob, her beloved son was boasting. Something Jacob did occasionally do to tease or please Jen.

"I'm serious, Mom. That girl is stealing flowers from the plantation."

"Nonsense!" Jen waved her hands in the air.

"You must have seen it wrong."

Jacob sighed. Yeah, that's exactly what her mother was like. A good woman, and always thinks others are as good as herself. Rarely is prejudice against other people.

As long as Jen treats other people well, then Jen will think that other people will be nice to her.

And that's how Jen has felt in all her years living in Karaskas. More than fifty years in the world. Everyone, treat her well.

"That girl looks good and so innocent, Jac. There's no way she stole your flowers." Jen stomped her wand on the floor, which made a loud sound. Surprised Jacob.

Unusually, Jen behaved like that. Was Jen that mad at Jacob? Her own son. Didn't even believe his honest words this time.

"Believe me, Mom. That girl, isn't as innocent as she looks." Jacob was still adamant in his argument.

"Nonsense!" Again, Jen stomped her wand on the floor.

Jacob took a deep breath, was about to say something more, but Jen preceded him.

"You said the same thing about Shasa. On your first date." Jen started bringing it up again.

Jacob was taken aback. The same thing?

Jacob frowned. Thinking out loud. Remembering what he said about Shasa, one of the daughters of his trusted employee, Hansen.

For as long as Jacob could remember, he had never said anything bad about Shasa, much less said that 'Shasa is not as innocent as her mother thought.' Like what Jacob said to the girl who stole the flower.

Jacob only reasoned that he didn't like Shasa. Just that. There is no other reason. So that Jen finally forgot the events of five years ago. But now, his mother brought up the issue again.

Jacob admitted, it had made Shasa cry after their first date. And made Shasa reluctant to meet Jacob face to face, in the days after their date.

They even always avoid or look away, if they accidentally cross the road on their farm.

Inevitably they will meet often. Shasa works on his farm, as a milkmaid. And, Shasa including diligent employees. Liked by everyone, including Jen, his mother.

For that reason Jen intends to match Shasa with Jacob. And, Hansen also agreed with Jen's request, when she asked Shasa to be introduced closer to her second son.

The two of them even arranged a date for their children in such detail, in a famously romantic place. And hopefully, Jacob and Shasa come home from their first date with good news.

"What's lacking in Shasa?" Jacob remembered that Jen had demanded clarification from him.

Really, Jacob didn't see any flaws in Shasa. The girl has a beautiful face.

Her body is slim and plump in the right places. Smooth white. Her hair is wavy brown. Her height can match Jacob's tall height.

Her voice was melodious. Unheard of, Shasa raises her voice when talking to other people. Even when Shasa was angry or disappointed with Jacob. Shasa sticks with her polite personality.

Until the term 'flower village' in Karaskas, it is appropriate to be pinned for her. Shasa is the kind of girl any guy in Karaskas wants, yeah, except for Jacob, of course.

Jacob has no interest in Shasa's charm of beauty, which is said to have radiated from her birth.

To him, Shasa was too perfect for Jacob. Too shining. Who knows. What is clear, Jacob has no intention of continuing a relationship with Shasa since their first date.

And only Jacob knew why. He kept the real reason behind from anyone, including Jen.

For Jacob, Shasa deserved a better man than Jacob. A man who really loves her, and can be a good life partner for Shasa.

"What thing, Mom?" Jacob asked at last.

"Shasa has flaws."

Oh, it turned out to be. Not a word about Shasa's innocence. thought Jacob.

"I never said that, Mom." Jacob needed to defend himself. Because indeed Jacob never mentioned his assessment of Shasa.

"Shasa is the perfect girl. The ideal woman to be a good wife," Jacob continued.

The compliments Jacob had heard from his workers in Mandel Hills. At least according to them, Shasa is that type of woman. And Jacob agreed.

"What nonsense, Jac?" Jen sounded annoyed.

"What do you mean, Mom?" Jacob, he really don't understand.

"Shasa is not perfect enough for you. In fact, not ideal enough for you to be my daughter-in-law!"

"Tell me, do you like the same sex, Jac?" Jen's accusations took Jacob by surprise.