
Annethaxia Luo Princess of the Land of Snow

Follow Instagram @sere_nity_lee for new info novel of Serenity Lee Not a story about Snow White, Cinderella, or Beauty and the Beast. This is a different story than it has ever been. * Jacob Mandel, co-owner and heir to the Mandel Hills farm and plantation, in a remote village called Karaskas in a hemisphere that has four seasons. His daily life is so monotonous. Taking care of farms and plantations, also taking care of his elderly mother. Yang always collects the promise of his two sons to give him grandchildren. Everything changes, when Jacob dreams of meeting Annethaxia Luo, and asks him to help the youngest daughter of the Snow Land Kingdom, when he wakes up. A kingdom that is in a different dimension to the earth where Jacob lives. Jacob then meets a girl who has lost her memory in his farm. How is this story next? The story of two worlds, different dimensions of space and time. Follow two different love stories. Find the answer by sticking to this love novel. So that you can always be updated with new chapters.

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005. Stupid Girl

The first drop of dew at the start of the Jacob day was about to pass had done its job.

The sun on the eastern horizon slowly shows its light and warmth. Sneaking in small crevices, seducing the owner of a beautiful body.

The body squirmed slowly, its sleep disturbed by a voice outside the room.

With his eyes still closed, one of the Mandel Hills heirs got up from his soft bed. Then threw his big body on the sofa in his room. Massage his temples.

The voice came again, accompanied by another distinctive voice, "Jacob, are you awake?" Aunt Lee's voice came from outside, along with a knock on the door.

Reluctantly, Jacob went to his bedroom door and opened it slightly, to take a peek.

"What's the matter, Aunt Lee?"

"Mrs. Jen, waiting for you downstairs." After answering her foster children's questions since he was still in the cradle, aunt Lee's quickly left him.

Jacob closed the door again, cleaned himself up as fast as he could, changed, and rushed to meet the woman downstairs.

The feeling was, Jen, his mother will keep his promise last night.

Jacob smiled wryly.

The reason is, he has not received a clue about the surprise for his mother, except for the meadow at the beginning of his dream. Which, it could be meadows anywhere in the countryside.

Most of the livelihoods of the people in the village are farmers or ranchers. Either by managing it byself, like himself, or by hiring someone else to take care of the land.

Jen smiled when she saw her son who had been neatly dressed in a blue and red flannel shirt, plus tattered jeans that clung to his lower body.

Her eyes followed where Jacob was looking for his seat, to both enjoy breakfast, which was too early than usual.

Jacob took a piece of toast that had been served on the dining table. Spread it evenly from the inside out with his mother's favorite strawberry jam, plus a little cream cheese.

Take another sheet of toast, and spread a thin layer of strawberry jam, laying it on top of the first toast. Then put it on a serving plate, handed the bread to the mother.

Jen smiled at her son's behavior.

"Don't give me that smile, Mom," Jacob said as he grabbed a piece of toast.

And repeated as he had originally done, for his own breakfast, only with a different filling. Jacob added his favorite peanut butter to his toast.

"What kind of smile?" Jen looked blushed, a rosy hue showing on her protruding cheekbones.

"Like Mom is doing now." Jacob made a gesture on his face, showing his mother's seductive smile.

The smile that the middle-aged woman usually shows, if she is going to collect a promise. And that promise was the surprise Jacob had to give her today.

Jen sliced ​​her breakfast bun with a knife, stabbed it with a fork, then popped the small piece of bread into her mouth.

Enjoy a few moments, the taste of toast combined with the sweet and sour taste of the strawberry and the salty and savory cream cheese. A murmur was heard then.

"Mom will be waiting for a surprise from you today," she billed.

'That's right,' Jacob thought.

Jacob swallowed the bread in his mouth, before answering.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll keep my promise." Jacob finished the last piece of bread in his hand, sipping on Aunt Lee's black coffee. Then he walked over to his mother.

Gave her a kiss as usual, on both cheeks. Then passed.

Jacob took his cowboy hat, and walked out to the stables of his favorite horse, Black Beauty.

Black Beauty was jogging outside his cage, still inside the guardrail. Apparently Sam, his workers had prepared his horse in advance.

Jacob guessed this must be on the orders of the big lady of the house. His mother wouldn't miss a second so that her son's surprise would be too late to prepare. Which, made Jacob gloomy for a moment.

He took a deep breath, fiddled with the hem of his cowboy hat, then called out to his favorite black horse.

"Hey BB—Jacob's favorite nickname for Black Beauty, are you ready to explore the countryside with me today?" Jacob stroked the neck of the black horse's mane.

Black Beauty responded with a horse-like neigh. Sam was putting the saddle on his back. Tighten it well to make the rider comfortable.

Now, Jacob and Black Beauty are ready to start their adventure. Finding his mother's ideal daughter-in-law, correct—the woman he must help.

With a vague memory of a broad field of grass, Jacob started from his ranch.

Explore 395 million hectares of grassland, of which 333 million hectares are used for cattle grazing.

Until now, the farm that Jacob has managed for generations since the 1800s has owned 30,000 dairy cows, and manages around 19,000 beef cattle which makes it one of the largest dairy and beef cattle producers in the world.

It looks like some of his workers are grazing their livestock, apart from cows and horses, Jacob raises goats and sheep to use for milk, meat, skin, and fur.

His workers had recognized him from a few hundred yards before Jacob approached.

Riding the Black Beauty, it was impossible for Jacob to go unrecognized. Only Jacob was allowed by the dashing black horse to ride it. In addition, the horse will arrogantly bring down its rider to deterrence.

This provides a distinct advantage, as any horse thief who tries to take Black Beauty, will not be able to master it.

Before acting, the wild animal instincts, which are still inherent in the black blood, will make the thief lie down, at least unconscious.

The deadly kick launched by the former wild horse, will not be inevitable.

Ramos, one of the foremen greeted his master, as Jacob approached on his tame-looking mount. Jacob responded with a nod.

Jacob was renowned as a master who spoke very little, much less smiled. Unlike his late father and older brother Javier, who were always friendly with their workers. Creates a warm atmosphere.

In stark contrast to Jacob, who was cold.

"Ramos, did you find anything unusual, while watching my cattle?"

What Jacob meant, of course, was the existence of a mysterious woman he had to find out in the meadow, somewhere. And how would that woman suddenly be in the middle of the meadow?

Something crazy, crazy and weird idea that popped into Jacob's head was, Alien.

One of the fictional figures in science fiction films, about the existence of Alien beings, outside the earth.

How the Alien entered the earth by riding a UFO, a means of transportation that is always described as being shaped like a giant saucer that can fly.

And the mysterious woman would suddenly be dropped off in the middle of the meadow by the blinding lights of her UFO, like a movie Jacob had seen.

Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) or sightings of strange flying objects, closely intersect with the creatures that ride them.

The types of Aliens who have met humans are quite a lot. However, according to a page that discusses the existence of Aliens that Jacob accidentally reads, there are four main types that are often seen, namely: Greys, Reptilians, Nordics and Hybrids.

After Ramos answered his master's question that nothing had happened at his ranch, Jacob got back on his horse and started walking again.

For almost two hours, Jacob wandered around his farm, until he arrived at the flower plantation he was cultivating.

The flower gardens are planted according to the same type and color. To look beautiful. Jacob liked things that looked beautiful.

Bunch of white roses, white daisies and canola with their yellow flowers. Looks look different. Not because of the color combination of white and yellow. However, the presence of someone in the middle of his flower garden.

Someone, unexpectedly by Jacob, plucked one of the flowers without permission. Immediately made Jacob's blood boil.

"Hey , stupid girl! What are you doing with my flowers?!"