Then Lulu said ',yes it is me as her doll came out of the Shadow.
The next day.
The orphanage lady that throw her out of her room.
Came inside the children's room. Where is that witch, as she entered the room. She yelled.as Annabelle hear voice she woke up,
Someone want to adopt you. So get your dumb body and get to the office now,
adopt me but I want to see my parents ,she told her doll Lulu,
since it is only her that could hear her voice.
I know you are the one that killed your parents, you witch said the caretaker
Before she left I need you in my office now.
Annabelle ; (tears fell out of her eyes)
she promised self anyone that insult her parents, she will kill them. Don't worry I am still here with you .'Lulu said

Then she went to the care take
As she entered the room she saw two couples.
How are you, honey, said the caretaker this are your new parents said the Care takers.
Go and pack your things.
Annabel just nod and her dolls
And went to pack her things she only collected two of her clothes and gave the rest of her clothes to the orphanage children
And then left.
When her and her new parents reached home.
Her new mother said.
Annabel right would you like to go school and Annabel nod her head
This is your room.
At mid night
A boy came inside the room through the window.
and shouted when he saw Annabel in his bed.
Who are you,. And shouted. Who are you
Annabel Just looked at him but Said Nothing.
(she just Shrugged at his question )Then the boy, went to his parents room, and complain, that a girl is in his room,' but his parents did not answer him, they just told him that girl is his sister, and that is her room from nowadays.

the next day, she went to school and saw one of her old neighbors daughter was going to her new school, as they saw each other ,
her old neighbors daughter whispered something to her friends ear,
And suddenly they laugh at Annabelle,
Annabelle just pretended as if she didn't hear her or see them.
she decided to stay on her own, because Klara is a troublemaker.
the next day
she came to school you murder your parents was written in a locker. so she cleaned it.

And she immediately knew who it was, especially when she's done, she saw her old neighbor's daughter laughing at her.
so she waited in the night and went to her house. Her and Lulu .
when she reached, she was not in her room, so she sneaked from the window and enter the room
when klara enter her room ,she on the light went to her bed
suddenly Annabelle off the light hits the knife on the wall as she came here to Kara who was lying down already asleep. she stabbed the knife straight at her throat, as blood rushed out.

Kara cried and she hold her throat and fell on the ground
(with a horrifying smile on Annabelle face) as Lulu laughed
then she heard someone coming and jump out of the window,
when she got home, she sneak inside her room and I slept off (with a satisfied heart,
the next day, the principal announce the death of Kara's to everyone, as they were all sad, most of them cry why the other were just
Dad after school she went to home, when she got home, she saw the caretaker , as the caretaker saw her, she made an excuse and left
Annabelle honey did you kill your parents her new mother asks, and Annabelle started crying, then her new father said oh now she is crying, that means she did,
give me that, as he snatch Lulu out of Annabelle's hand , you are the wicth that is making her do all this stuff, then he went outside, took a gallon of fuel and pour it on Lulu's body and set her on fire.

Annabelle try to rescue Lulu but her new step brother throw her on the floor and block her way so that she won't pass. Annabelle watch in horror as Lulu tried getting out of the fire but the fire 🔥 was on her body and she burn then she stopped moving.
that night Lulu was standing on her bed room window, and she came near , Lulu asked Annabelle if she could enter her body, And Annabelle nodded her head
suddenly Lulu spirit entered Annabelle body , and she smiled with teary eyes

And her body and face expression change to a scary looking ghostly monster with yellow eyes