
Animorph Hunter

The story happens in the Hunter x Hunter world over 60 years before the main plot of the manga. The Mc is a pretty much normal person, and the build up will be slow ish. Nen ability: Specialist. Animorph( change into different animals) So basically a Druid. This is just for fun, so no promises on fast updates and so on. https://ko-fi.com/scruffymcduck

Scruffy_Mcduck · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs


a year has passed and I was finally able to transform into my bear form. It was quite exhilarating becoming an animal.

Some of my senses were boosted tremendously. especially my sense of smell. They say a dog can smell thousands of times better than a human. the same went for bears.

I still had just my bear form. focusing on mastering it before trying any other animal.

The coordination on how to move did take some time.

while i had quite a low affinity for Enhancement i was able to boost my physical stats quite a lot while in my bear form. And it was VERY useful in battle.

All my basic Nen abilities were up to par, and Sakamoto even commended me for my mastery over the basics.

I had attained a certain mastery over combat. I was not a powerhouse, not even close.

But I could keep my Ren active for 6 hours, which was enough for me, for now.

I had decided to take the next hunter exam. It was more of a interview and sparring session.

not like the challenging test later.

zoology interested me deeply, not just because of my ability, though it helped.

In my old life I loved to watch animal Documentaries, and all the wonders nature produced.

in this world none had heard of the scientific approach, and if i was going to study animals for a living. I was going to do it right.

Science makes sense of the world, at least in my old life.

and i was going to try that here to the best of my ability.

I could of course try to lay back. steal lots of money, and fuck a lot of women.

But that felt so meaningless, what's the point? Where is the accomplishment?

I had seen some of the students at the dojo do exactly that.

Make money being a Bodyguard, mercenary or steal. the last one could get the expelled from the dojo tho.

Not those who did cared after they had attained the strength they needed to be a big fish in a small pond.

Me? I craved something more purposeful.

Luckily I am in the prime of my life, and have decent strength.

For now i was going to take the hunter test, and devote my time to studying animals, and gain more forms to morph into at the same time.

I had already planned which form to choose next, A bird. it was very suitable for traveling and gaining an overview of the terrain. if i found the right one, even for fighting.

Netero was planning to tag along to the hunter with me. It was quite ironic that I talked the future chairman of the organization into joining.

i had started to like the battle manic over the time i had spent here, you could even say we had started to become friends.

We had started to prepare for the journey. without airships or cars it was going to take about a month to travel to the headquarters.

the route when thru some pretty dangerous territory. we could travel a safer path, but we considered it a part of training.

Nothing makes you grow like real battle and I was ready to explore some of the more dangerous aspects out there.