
Animeverse Slayer!

A new life. A new world. A destined path. Someone once asked, what's a demon? Leo replied, "They are the incarnation of evil." Then what about Humans, Pirates, Hollows, Ninjas...? Are they demons as well? Through his life Leo found his answer. In every world there will always be evil. I won't look away when evil reigns supreme in front me. Why? Because, I AM A DEMON SLAYER!

DreAm_b0At · Andere
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357 Chs

303. Reversal

(Visit WWW.PATR...EON.COM/SONUAMEER for more. Thank you.)

"This is impossible! Impossible!!"

The man with long wavy hair roared. He struggled to get up, however every time he gathered a bit of strength it would disperse very quickly.

Shinobu walked towards him and stepped on his chest.

The shinigami who had partially undergone hollow transformation felt a heavy pressure on his chest. He could feel his chest bones caving in.


Finally his sternum broke. Several ribs snapped in his half and pierced through his internal organs.


The man coughed out blood. He wanted to roar in anger but the pain and stuffiness he felt in his chest stopped him from doing so.

Shinobu walked past and stood infront of the two women. She bent down and traced her slender fingers across their cheeks.

"Are you wondering why a poison made by a human was effective against you, a shinigami?"

Hana and the other woman glared at Shinobu.

Smiling sweetly Shinobu continued, "You should remember your friend, that crazy guy with a Bankai that manipulated shadows."

"Well, he was a test piece. Shinigamis and hollows are different from humans, your bodies are made of spiritual energy. That is to say, your physicial body represents a completely different system."

"That crazy guy gave me an opportunity to test how effective my 'Breath' is on you guys."

Hana and the other woman listened to her words and hatefully looked at Shinobu.

Shinobu's smile suddenly faded away. Her expression turned icy.

"You dare threaten me with my friends? Is it because you are strong and can toy with the lives of those weaker than you as you please?"

"Since you are so high up above and don't understand what it feels like to be on the low end of things, I'll make you."

"Also, I'll have to thank you guys. I've been wondering how to analyse a shinigamis body. Now that you guys have delivered yourselves to me, I'll gladly accept it."

"Don't worry, slowly, slowly you'll come to understand what true pain is."

As they listened to her words, Hana and the other women felt their scalps tingle. Fear started to creep into their hearts.

Even Hana, who had spend most of her as the Captain of the Interrogation Squad started to feel unease.

This woman...


When he saw Shinobu, Yoshi's eyes nearly popped out.

"N-no, you can't be that strong!!"

His bloodshot eyes stared at Shinobu in shock and hatred.

However the next moment he calmed himself and said, "You can't kill us."



(Visit WWW.PATR...EON.COM/SONUAMEER for more. Thank you.)