
The Son Of 'The Ogre'


Shiro soon started to gain consciousness, and as he fully awoke he noticed his different surroundings... It seemed as if he just came out the womb...

"Twins... RAHAHAHHA" A deep laughter came from beside Shiro

'Don't tell me...' Shiro's eyes pulsed open, and his tiny eyes stared at the cause of the laughter...

'Yujiro Hanma is... My father...' Shiro, had expected something like this, but being in the situation is a lot different.

'The World's Strongest Man... You will be my goal.' Soon after thinking this a faint aura of determination was released from Shiro that his new father noticed.

"It seems like you have some potential..." Yujiro mumbled. He then looked at a woman who some would recognise as Baki's mother 'Emi Akezawa'.

"Train them. Train them into meals, fit for the strongest."

After promptly saying this Yujiro walked away, leaving Emi alone, with 2 babies.


(Timeskip - 15 years)


2 figures could be seen walking down a road, at midnight.

"Baki, you sure you wanna handle this yourself?"

"No... This is my fight, Shiro."

These 2 figures were the now grown up Baki and Shiro. Baki, with orange/reddish hair and Shiro, with Red hair, and black tips. Baki had a short cut, that made him look rather messy and Shiro, the same but a bit longer.

They looked rather similar... But not to the point where you would confuse them, but to the point where you knew they were brothers.

They spent their childhood training constantly, to surpass the monster known as Yujiro Hanma. Their father.

Their mother, Emi Akezawa did not show much care... Instead being infatuated with Yujiro himself, and wishing to please him by training her sons into people who could give him a good fight. However, even though she did this, they still respected their mom and cared for her a bit...

In terms of combat ability Shiro, was definitely stronger, and a little crueller towards his opponents, sometimes even crippling them. Shiro was no stranger to pain... Or even death, and the people he crippled were evil anyways, committing crimes of murder and more. This was still a naive mindset, however. And he would learn later on...

During this time Shiro created his own style of combat. So far it is not fully developed, but it's enough to be put into practical use. He named it 'Heavenly Demon Style'. A chunni name, but he was a fan of murim novels in his initial life...


'This is exactly like the first episode...' Shiro thought.

"Look at them... Nothing but muts" A large black male said. Behind him were many delinquents, amounting to around 100, and next to him was a man with a sword... The one that had just shouted.

"Watch how I beat them all Shiro!" Baki then confidently sprinted and jumped over the large fence, and with ferocious speed landed on the black male, and continuously pounded him with his fists...

"Naito!" The man with a sword screamed with worry. Baki then jumped off his victim as he turned towards the man with a sword.

"YOU BA-" Baki swiftly interrupted with a side kick into his stomach, plunging him back a few feet before sliding across the ground in pain.

'Huh? it's... different.' Shiro had guessed that he couldn't rely on much of the plot. But he hadn't anticipated it would be this soon... Even if it was a slight change of dialogue.

The rest of the delinquents looked startled and hesitant to attack. But a man in green attire stepped up.

"YOU think you scare us!? HUH?" He shouted, "There are a HUNDRED of us and only one of you!".

Baki laughed at his remark, and said "You're barely as strong as 4 men, I'll take care of you in no time." After this was said, Baki went onwards with his fight against 100 delinquents.

At this point Shiro, who was currently observing found his focus on 2 men murmuring just a few metres away, in the dark. These 2 were officers, who had observed Baki during the fight in the anime. 'Guess that hasn't changed' he thought.

Shiro then jumped over the fence cleanly, but the landing made no sound, coolly flexing his body control...

"Hey Baki! Need help yet?" It was at this point, that Baki was starting to get overwhelmed, and unable to dodge or counter the overwhelming amount of attacks.

"NO!" Baki screamed. Even though he was getting beat up he still wanted to win... Desperately. 'I will get stronger and defeat that man.' Baki thought.

Shiro could no longer let his brother get beat up anymore. After all he wouldn't be a good brother then, right? Plus, he was itching to fight.

"HEYYYY!" Shiro shouted. The shout was so loud it immediately caught the interest of the many delinquents surrounding Baki.

"Looks like this one wants to get beat up too! RUSH HIMM!" The delinquents immediately changed target, leaving Baki, with his back on a gate with his guard up.

Deciding to make a great first impression Shiro used a unique move from his style.

'Heavenly Demon Style: Pierce'

Shiro stood in an odd way, pulled his fist back and with deadly speed threw his fist onto the body of a delinquent who was in front of him.


A small shockwave permeated in a straight line.

As Shiro's fist came back, slowly the delinquent standing in front puked up his dinner, while both hands on the ground, hunching his back.

However the delinquent in front wasn't the only one affected, a few directly behind the delinquent could be seen on the ground, with a faint bit of blood on their lips, and their eyes reeled back.

'Still not strong enough' Shiro thought. He had developed this move a year ago, and it was still not perfected. He could only develop it due to his talent coming from his bloodline, and a certain inspiration from an anime he watched in the past...

Eventually, he found a way to create a punch that pinpoints the strength in his fist, to create an explosive air pressured punch that could puncture through multiple enemies, directly damaging both their insides and outsides. (This probably does not make sense. At all... But let's blame it on anime logic... Pls.)

While the move may seem strong. In reality it is not that strong yet and would probably need upgrading in future.

After all... A certain person can stop earthquakes, with his fist... This level of strength was near the bottom in the Baki world.

After a brief astonishment from the delinquents, they rushed forward to attack Shiro.

Shiro readied his stance for a hard battle, against the 60ish delinquents left.

Baki watched Shiro defend and attack simultaneously a bit surprised. While he had multiple spars with Shiro, he never knew of his previous technique as Shiro never showed it.

Multiple punches ravaged Shiro, but never seemed to hit him. He elusively dodged while attacking the delinquents with barrages of precise punches and strong kicks.

He continued this for a few minutes before getting a bit tired. He was only 15 after all...

Many of the delinquents fell, and soon there were only 11 left. It was at this point Shiro was rather fatigued, and decided to finish it with 1 final barrage.

He speedily moved behind someone, swept their legs and chopped their neck.

He then grabbed the body, using it as a shield and threw it hard at a few of the delinquents, knocking them down.

7 Left.

He dodged a kick coming from the back, and smashed his elbow into the stuck out leg, deforming it in an odd v shape, completely shattering the bone.

An anguished scream could be heard, and the remaining delinquents started to get scared...

6 Left.

Shiro stood still, a pile of bodies behind him making him look menacing (ゴゴゴゴ) the remaining delinquents decided to charge idiotically, as if Shiro had not just defeated around 60 of them in a brawl.

They charged from every direction leaving Shiro to defend from a 360 degree angle.

Shiro's muscles bulged for a second...

'Heavenly Demon Style: Demonic Judgement'

Shiro's eyes flashed purple, leaving a faint purple trail, everywhere they moved, and in what looked like slow motion to Shiro, a vicious high kick hit the neck of one of the delinquents...

5 Left.

A deadly punch rapidly zoomed into a delinquents gut, siphoning the air out of his lungs.

4 Left.

A low sweep forced it's way into the legs of 3 delinquents, and a roundhouse kick followed right after, hitting all three mid-air, sending them sprawling onto the ground.

1 Left.

Shiro could see the punch moving slowly towards him. He lightly pushed the outstretched arm towards the right, with his left palm, and prepared one final move...

'Heavenly Demon Style: God's Descent'

A deathly black aura encompassed Shiro's leg. Shiro then swiftly jumped. spinning his body and delivering a devastating spinning hook kick, into the delinquents skull...

Silence pierced the atmosphere...


A limp body, crashed into the ground.

0 Left.

Shiro let out a deep breath, then looked at his bruised brother. "Baki, get up and lets go..." Shiro then looked at the 2 detectives who were observing, before walking off with his brother.


"How did you do that?" Baki said.

Shiro, Baki and the 2 detectives were currently walking, towards Baki and Shiro's current apartment.

"Well... It's my own martial style I created, it's not too shabby." Shiro boastfully replied.

A small smirk crept unto his face and his hands were placed in his pockets.

"It seems I overestimated myself" Baki let out a sigh...

"You two done with your chit chat yet?" The detective's were currently a bit behind the 2 youths, and couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Wanna stop following us already!" Baki loudly said, currently wanting to reflect on his battle and improve.

"There might be some more of those hooligans creeping in the shadows. Besides I need to show my partner your kind... It's part of the job." A short detective said.

While walking the other detective, who was staying quiet decided to talk. "Kido, are you sure we shouldn't put these kids, in-" The detective was interrupted, by the person now known as 'Kido'.

"A detention centre? No... Besides you think we would be able to? They just beat up 100 hooligans, all at once." The detective then looked at his colleague, "Besides... These 2 are Shiro Hanma, and Baki Hanma. These 2 kids are only 15 and fight the nastiest thugs daily."

"Only 15!?" The detective said, surprised. They didn't exactly look 15 with their muscles like that...

"Do you 2 ever stop talking?" The group, had reached a house full of vandalism, and graffiti which were comprised of death threats. Before Baki had gotten fed up, with the chat.

"Sorry, kid" Kido said "Let's go." He turned away and started walking.

This home was the house of Shiro and Baki.

As the group split off, Shiro and Baki walked into their house.

'15 years...' Shiro thought. He really felt like he was living a new life, like this was real. He had changed a bit during these years... Not too much, but a certain aspect. Being the son of 'The Strongest Creature' and 15 years of training, devoted to become stronger does that...

In fact, during these 15 years, Shiro become a lover of 'dancing' as Madara called it, or essentially 'battle', though he summed it up to the Hanma bloodline that enjoyed the feeling of becoming stronger... Or maybe he liked it? Who knows?

Shiro turned to Baki, with his hands in still laying in his pockets, "I'm going to leave... Baki." His brother looked at Shiro, with confusion plastered onto his face.

"This place doesn't do it for me anymore... I need more of a challenge and I'll be back soon. At that time... We face 'The Strongest'." And without giving Baki any time to reply, Shiro started to walk away coolly...

As he walked he waved his hand goodbye.

'We will meet soon... Baki" Shiro thought.

"Goodbye, brother" Baki quietly said.


As the sun raised, so did a young man. This young man, was filled with dense and compact muscle, which could definitely gather the attention of ladies. If he wasn't 15...

'99...100...101...' Shiro, was currently shirtless, doing one handed pushups. The location he was at was definitely not Japan, but was America. He had to convince his mother, with the reason being he could get much stronger there, than Japan. Of course she mentioned Baki, but Shiro said he didn't want to come.

He was currently inside a small apartment, which looked rather plain. And it had been only a few days since he left Baki.

'Baki should have already fought that monkey right?' Shiro thought.

Shiro already had a plan. First he would train his moves and himself to an acceptable level, then proceed to fight stronger and stronger opponents before repeating.

First up on his list was something he never thought existed. Let alone fight... 'Bigfoot' Shiro thought. Through a specific source he knew the myth was, no myth... At least in this world. And he knew bigfoot should be a worthy first opponent.

He swept away his sweat while getting up, and proceeded to put on a normal white shirt, with his black joggers, which were already on. He then marched forwards for his first step of the plan.


Shiro soon made it to a forest, with tall strong tree's reaching high above himself. This was the home of Bigfoot. Shiro named this place, 'Bigfoot Forest' a rather simple name, but... Does the job.

Shiro decided he would first stealthily find the beast, before alerting it and challenging it directly. He could train his senses and observation finding Bigfoot. Then his skills in battle.

'I thought it would be easy, finding a tall overgrown gorilla...' Shiro thought bored.

At this point Shiro had been searching for nearly 1 hour. his belief in his 'source' was wavering at this point, and he used all his stealth techniques and senses to find the beast.


A sudden torrent of wind flew past Shiro, ruffling his clothes in the process. Shiro turned fully alert, ready for whatever caused that...




Loud footsteps could be heard, sending vibrations that Shiro could feel through the ground. 'How did I manage to miss this exactly?' Shiro wondered exasperatedly. 'Wait... I didn't look above me.' Shiro chuckled at his stupidity...

As the noise came closer, a tall figure shrouded in brown fur and huge bulging muscles appeared.


The creature known as Bigfoot stood menacingly around 11 foot tall, staring at Shiro.


Bigfoot loudly roared, causing nearby trees to bend slightly backwards, due to the sheer wind pressure.

Shiro readied his stance, anticipating the attack that would come.


Bigfoots arm swung towards Shiro, aiming for the right side of his head. Shiro was just able to capture the speed, and moved his head inches away from... Decapitation.

A rush of excitement filled Shiro...

"Let's dance you monkey!"

'Heavenly Demon Style: Pierce'

Shiro's fist powered towards Bigfoots knee.

As it was just about to reach it's target Bigfoot, who had sensed the danger due to it's keen senses, twisted at an odd angle narrowly dodging the attack.

The wave of air created from the punch impacted the ground, blowing leaves up into the air and leaving a small fist sized hole in the dirt.

Bigfoot spared no time thinking, as it instinctively attacked Shiro with a barrage of random movements, intending to distract Shiro.

It then suddenly sped up, so fast that Shiro couldn't react and grabbed Shiro's leg squeezing hard.

"ARGH" A pained moan, escaped Shiro's mouth. Bigfoot had hid it's speed and sped up at an unexpected moment. This would be a lesson to Shiro, who had clearly underestimated the beast's IQ.

Bigfoot then, threw it's fist at the now upside down Shiro, and Shiro plunged backwards hitting a large tree, before sprawling onto the ground.

'Sh*t. That hurt... I didn't think it would use tactics.' A sigh sounded, and Shiro noticed he needed to think calmly and stop underestimating his opponents.

Shiro's blood pumped faster through his body. His Hanma Bloodline enjoying the fight.

A purple/red mixed aura seeped out of Shiro's body. This was his killing intent. And Bigfoot felt it.

Shiro, raised from the ground ready to fight again.

As he raised, Bigfoot had picked up a rock, hurling it towards him.

'Heavenly Demon Style: Pierce'

The rock cracked into pieces, and a strong pressure hit Bigfoot, standing behind it.

"RARURRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHH" Bigfoots scream resounded. But this scream wasn't just out of pain, it was anger... Both anger and pain.

After being the king of this forest, it was injured by a human. It didn't like that.

However Bigfoot didn't rage, but instead disappeared?

Shiro, stood perplexed... before remembering his stupidity earlier and looked up into the trees.

He stood guard, his senses keen. And the wind rustled the leaves creating a tense atmosphere.


Shiro barely dodged...

A strong pulse of wind created a small cut, ripping his shirt and leaving a cut on his abdomen.

'Fast' Shiro thought.

Shiro then focused his senses on feeling the wind. Each little breeze, Shiro tried to feel.


Another pulse plunged towards Shiro, who quickly snapped his head towards it and swiftly parried before jumping and delivering a strong kick on the curled form of Bigfoot.

Bigfoot, crashed into the ground, and Shiro rushed towards him before using an axe kick to injure the downed beast.

Shiro, jumped far back observing the Beast calmly.

Bigfoot raised, from the ground rather uninjured. Intending to brawl with the human.

Shiro sprinted towards the beast, and the beast did the same.

And soon a full brawl of strength occurred between the two. Shiro having to weave and dodge attacks, but still getting hit a few times, and Bigfoot ragingly throwing it's limbs at Shiro, while tanking attacks could kill normal people.

After continuing this for 2 minutes, a battered Shiro, and bruised Bigfoot could be seen...

Both sides intent on ending the fight, prepped their strongest attack.

Bigfoot reeled it's heavy fist back and it's muscles bulged.

While, Shiro readied his stance and prepped his move.

'Heavenly Demon Style: God's Descent'

Shiro's leg pulsated with, a void-like aura. Shiro then, spinned releasing a powerful spinning hook kick, that collided with the beasts fist.


A strong shockwave was released throughout the forest, and Shiro, could be seen on his back looking into the sky, with what looked like a broken foot.

While his opponent. Bigfoot, was currently missing one arm, which was stuck in a tree and it's body a few metres away sprawled out in a large rock profusely bleeding...

'I won' Shiro thought, before passing out.


As Shiro eyes opened, he could see the change in the sky. It was night, and judging that he was still alive he concluded that he won the battle.

"Ouch!" Shiro's leg was in a large amount of pain. It seemed broken...

Shiro dragged himself up slowly, and found his sights on a dead Bigfoot.

To respect his first strong opponent. He took an hour to grab dirt, while his leg was broken and covered the beast, giving it a simple burial.

'You were a good fight, Bigfoot.' Shiro sighed, before limping towards his home in pain.