
Anime mashup with... Equivalent exchange and inequality authority?

Main world : fate (ubw, stay/night and Heaven's feel combination) Merged worlds : SAO, Angel next door, Death note, etc... World travel : another world smartphone, danmachi, etc... Main skill of MC : Equivalent exchange, authority of inequality (incomplete). If any of those caught your intrest, you are free to read. If not, it might be boring for you. (Warning : contains r-18, incest?(I don't really understand. Her and MC are not blood related but were raised as siblings?), Some extreme scenes such as detailed murders, rape attempt, destruction of multiverse? (Maybe?), etc.)

Void_of_outer_box · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Diving into hell

"hmm... It's too cliché."

I thought to myself after examining my condition. Somehow, I woke up in body of 4 year old boy. 

I said "somehow" because I can't really remember anything. I just have a feeling that this body is not mine. More like, this body doesn't even exist. A variable that should have been eliminated long ago-

Wait! Why am I even thinking like this? That's quite a weird way of thinking...

Anyways, let's try to remember something from original brain of this body.


After five whole minutes of trying, I got a little information out of it. 

So... My name is Aisiwon tohsaka. I am from a family of magi, and have one older and one little sister. Okay, not bad? 

I guess it should be fine? 


"Ai-chan! Come here!!" 


This body and mind are already used to this family. I don't even need to pretend.

Well, let's see how it goes.


One year later,


It's been a year but I still can't believe it's true. 

Reincarnating in this body in fate multiverse with a system and unique skills. Yeah, you're thinking right. I did regain some of my memories but not really enough to understand what I was.

The system I got was a basic self appraisal screen with a simple ability of letting me learn anything I looked at once. Though, I turned that function off. I hate the feeling of memories flooding into my mind and I would rather learn something while enjoying it than learning it in a second.


[Name : $¢¥°€®≥]

[Age : @₹\$¥$]

[Unique skill(s) : Equivalent exchange (locked until 15 year's of physical age)]

[Authority(s) : Inequality (incomplete. 20% inequality)]

[Common skills : cooking (max), running (max), graduate-level studies (max), kendo (beginner)]

[Magic : tohsaka family crest (max), conversion (bloodline magic) (max)]

As it can be seen, my status screen in too flawed. It can't even properly show my name and age. Those things should be obvious to see, right?

Apparently, until I was able to turn off the instant learn ability, it was all too late. It really took me total one second to achieve all the max-level skills and magic.

But at the end, these things don't value in front of the news I just eavesdropped on.

"We are planning to send Sakura to makiri family. Their magi bloodline is running dry so this will be a help to both the families."

After hearing this sentence, my head felt heavy as I remember some things from my past life. I remembered the future that Sakura will face after going to matou family.

I can't let that future happen if I still have a chance. Even in past life, I felt save her if possible. Not to mention, in this life she is my younger sister whom I spent a whole year with. I can't just throw her into fire knowing it's gonna burn her to death, right?

Still the point is... how? As a child I can't just go and deny this order from head of the family. I don't even have enough power to stop it.

Then there's only one way...


[First system mission issued.

- Save Sakura tohsaka by sacrificing youself. Become the hier of matou family.

- Reward : Saber-class sword skill and sword talent. ]

Hah, so you can even do something like this? There's not even an option to reject. 

Well, I was gonna do the same anyways. 

"Wait, dad!!"

I barged into the room without any hesitation.

"What are you doing here, Aisiwon?"

"I want you to change your decision."

He looked surprised by what I said but his face turned into disappointment.

"It's a family decision for future of magi bloodline. You have no say in it. Just go back to your room."

"No. I am not asking to abandon this decision. I am asking for you to change the candidate."

His prior disappointment immediately disappeared and his eyes became much serious as he looked at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked in a calm but authoritative voice.

"I want you to send me to makiri family instead of Sakura."

"Are you saying that you will sacrifice yourself for your sister?"

"...yes" I said without any fear even though his eyes were staring at me like a predator.

"...fine. honestly, it doesn't even matter who goes. Tohsaka is the heir so any of you can go to makiri family. I was letting you have a nice life but you jumped in hell yourself."

After saying this, I was sent to prepare for going to makiri family.


Sakura cried when she heard that I was going to the Makiri family and Rin still wore a unfazed face but her eyes showed all what she was thinking.

It didn't take long before I was sent to makiri family.

From there, the cruelty of makiri family started raining on me.

It was not much bad in the beginning but as the fourth holy grail war ended, it all started falling towards hell at a rapid rate.

Crest worms, holy grail pieces, constant mental and physical torture, and no hope to hold onto.

Soon, my body started getting paralyzed and my mind became very weak. My body turned into almost a skeleton.

Positive effects of the worms were that my magic circuits were expanded. My magic ability were 10 times of before and it was still increasing. Keeping myself alive was much difficult but one thing kept me safe till the end.

[Don't worry. You won't die from just this much. After 10 years, you will be fine.]

This was the last message from system before my body grew weaker than what was needed to interact with the world. 

It was too dark...

Too lonely...




[Unique ability, Equivalent exchange unlocked.]

[Host has too low life energy. Activating Equivalent exchange to exchange magic energy for life energy...

Inequality authority used. +20% life energy produced.]

...huh...? Is it morning...?

I feel like I had a really long dream... A really scary one...

Why can't I move? Ah, right... I was implanted with crest worms and holy grail pieces.

Atleast I can open my eyes... Are 10 year's really over?

[Congratulations on your rebirth. You are free to use your equivalent exchange now.]