
Anime Mashup: Life Simulation

Rozen Tendou awakens in a futuristic world, a blend of various fictional narratives he had seen in his prior universe. This new world is an enigma, filled with advanced technology and unforeseen adversities. In the heart of this enigmatic reality, Rozen unveils a peculiar power within him - the Goldenfinger. This mysterious capability allows him to run life simulation scenarios, not just limited to the world he finds himself in, but extending to other diverse universes, exploring life in different cosmologies. How will Rozen, armed with the ability to simulate life in different cosmologies, navigate the intricacies of this alien world to ensure his survival? Every simulation unfolds new scenarios of hope, danger, and the enduring spirit of human resilience amidst a reality that constantly challenges the limits of what he knows and where he belongs.

Arata_San · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 4 King and Gate

"Who are you?" the lieutenant asked, frowning. He did not appreciate the behavior of the bespectacled man who entered his camp without permission.


The bespectacled man smiled and showed a badge from his pocket, declaring, "We will take over this issue from now on."


Seeing the badge, the lieutenant seemed to witness something extraordinary. He immediately changed his attitude, saluting the man respectfully.


Rozen, witnessing this, could only be stunned and confused. Yet, somehow, seeing the group of men evoked a sense of déjà vu in him.


Is he a character from an anime I once watched? But, what is it... Wait!


He realized it after seeing a voluptuous and sexy woman beside the man. Perhaps the difference between 2D and 3D made it hard for him to recognize other anime characters, but the unique physique of such a sexy woman was unforgettable.


King! I never thought there would be Kings in this world too! Seriously, this world is too mixed up.


Yes, the origins of the bespectacled man and the sexy woman were from the underrated anime K-Project, which tells the story of seven color-coded Kings with unique powers that manifested as giant Damocles swords, originating from a mysterious slate called the Dresden Slate.


Each King could make others their subordinates and bestow all their powers upon them. The man and the sexy lady were the Blue King, Reisi Munakata, and his voluptuous assistant, Seri Awashima.


Honestly, I wouldn't be very surprised if I meet another action anime character next time.


After all, this world is clearly too chaotic, and who knows what other anime and franchises exist here that Rozen has yet to discover and encounter.


"Hmm? It seems this young man knows me?" perhaps sensing Rozen's earlier realization, Reisi Munakata asked with interest.


"Ahahaha, I can't hide from the Blue King. Let me introduce myself, I am Rozen Tendou, just a normal high school student with a bit of expertise in computers," Rozen replied in an awkward tone.


"Just a normal high school student?" Munakata asked again doubtfully, knowing that ordinary students wouldn't be aware of the Kings unless they were also subordinates of the Kings.


"Indeed! I am just a normal high school student, I learned about your existence through a secret forum," Rozen lied, hoping Munakata wouldn't trouble him since he was just a human with the world's strongest hacking specialty.


Fortunately, Munakata didn't delve deeper and quickly returned to focusing on the current issue.


"Can you tell me in detail what's happening in Shibuya? I was just notified by my subordinates that a mysterious attack occurred in Shibuya," Munakata asked seriously as he adjusting his glasses.


"Yes! This is what happened…" the lieutenant began explaining the entire chronology of events, with Rozen adding what he had witnessed during the attack.


"This is worse than I thought," Munakata frowned, hearing about the many victims slaughtered in a short time by the mysterious forces.


"Scepter! Let's save Shibuya and restore proper order!"


"Yes! Captain!" Afterward, they all left quickly, disappearing from Rozen's and others' sight.


It's so fast! As expected of the King and his subordinates.


Rozen found it unsurprising that the Blue King's group could leave and vanish so quickly, as their powers allowed them all to fly and run at sonic speeds.


"What the hell…Is that the mysterious powerful faction rumored about?" It seemed like the first time for the lieutenant to witness the rumored superpower users.


Soon, loud explosions were heard from within Shibuya, indicating they had started their action to eliminate all the mysterious forces.


Rozen excused himself and quickly went to hide, watching the Blue King group's power through CCTV.


With swings of their blue-aura swords, all the enemy forces were destroyed along with the buildings behind them, showcasing the immense strength of the Blue King's group.


Many cries and blood-curdling screams emanated from the enemy forces, and it didn't take long for all of them to be annihilated, with the Blue King's group securing the mysterious gate.


"As expected, they are indeed a very powerful group, even their subordinates are strong. What if the King himself takes action?" This fueled Rozen's desire to become strong, eagerly awaiting to possess superpowers for self-defense.


In my next simulation, I will train my body and learn martial arts throughout my life!


Rozen made his decision and waited impatiently for his simulation to cool down. As he focused on his phone, someone approached him from behind.




Startled, Rozen reflexively turned off his phone and saw that it was Asuna behind him. He asked, "Yuuki-san? Is there something you need?"


"T-That's," Asuna began, awkwardly scratching her cheek in embarrassment. "I forgot to ask for your contact number so we can communicate."


Rozen was surprised to hear this; after all, it was his first time a woman, especially one as beautiful as her, had asked for his contact. He had heard that usually, it's men who have to ask women for their contact details.


He gave her his contact number, and Asuna left with a smile on her face. Once again, he couldn't believe it and doubted whether his charm had increased since arriving in this world.


"I didn't increase my charm attribute stats, so why would she be interested in me? Can saving someone's life make a woman fall in love with a person? Hmm, or maybe this is a unique aspect of the anime world?" Whatever the reason, Rozen was very pleased with it.


Afterward, Rozen went to a hotel provided by the government, due to the closure of Shibuya, which was currently secured until the situation with the mysterious gate was under control.


News spread quickly, and Shibuya went viral worldwide about the attack and mass slaughter caused by the mysterious forces from the gate.


The internet heated up with numerous comments from netizens curious and demanding answers from the government about the attack.


As a result, many journalists and even ordinary people flocked to the JSDF camp and the isolation line to see the current situation in Shibuya. Many people even tried to enter but failed after being caught by the soldiers.


"These people are really stupid; they are lucky not to have been in the attack," Rozen sighed, suddenly receiving a chat notification from Asuna.


[Yuuki Asuna: Tendou-san, have you returned home? I still can't go back because my house is in the Shibuya area :'( ]


[Rozen Tendou: Well, I am currently at a hotel provided by the government for all the attack victims, are you there too?]


[Yuuki Asuna: Yes, I'm in the same hotel. Are you okay? I'm a bit worried because you looked very tired after the incident.]


[Rozen Tendou: I'm fine, thanks for your concern. The event was indeed stressful, but fortunately, I didn't get hurt.]


Rozen and Asuna continued their chat, discussing the events and making small talk for hours.


[Yuuki Asuna: Thank you for chatting with me, Tendou-san. It means a lot to me. Maybe we can meet tomorrow for breakfast?]


[Rozen Tendou: Sure, that sounds like a great idea. I'll wait for you in the hotel breakfast area at 8 am.]


Rozen turned off his phone, feeling surprised yet happy that Asuna wanted to meet again. While he was still puzzled by Asuna's interest in him, he couldn't deny the happiness that welled up inside him.


That night, Rozen lay in his hotel bed, reflecting on the day's events. From the mysterious attack in Shibuya to his encounter with Asuna, everything seemed surreal.


That Gate... I'm sure it's the same gate from the anime Gate, the attack and its forces are exactly like what happened in the anime.


Gate, or Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There!, as the title suggests, is an anime about the JSDF exploring a mysterious gate that causes an attack incident in Ginza following its enigmatic appearance.


The only noticeable difference from the anime and this gate is its location, where the gate here emerged in the middle of Shibuya instead of Ginza. Nevertheless, both incidents are equally tragic with many casualties, as both Ginza and Shibuya are known for being some of Tokyo's busiest areas.


"But an isekai, huh? I never thought there'd be another chance to go to an isekai in this world," he smiled happily, but then he remembered that he wasn't the main character in the anime Gate nor a member of the JSDF, which meant he likely couldn't enter the world within the Gate.


"Alas, what a pity," he sighed, a tinge of sadness in his voice at the missed opportunity to venture into another world. Fortunately, he possessed a life simulation that enabled him to become both powerful and influential in the world.


With this capability, he could effortlessly enter the gate, unimpeded by any opposition.


"Oh, and don't forget to acquire that technology company on the brink of bankruptcy," Rozen reminded himself. He promptly sought out and purchased a company he deemed of considerable value.


After successful negotiations and acquisition, he meticulously screened the company's former employees, retaining those he found useful and dismissing those he deemed incompetent.


As the life simulation's cooldown period ended, his face lit up with excitement. Eagerly, he opened the simulation panel.


"This time, I will focus on strengthening my body and mastering martial arts, So I'll allocate my free status points to Physique and Talent!"


(A/N: I have made a change in the status from "Physical Strength" to "Physique" to make it more appropriate.)


[Physique  = 8 -> 11]


[Talent = 10 -> 12]


[Life Priority = Becoming Stronger and Mastering All Martial Arts]


Satisfied with these changes, he opted not to alter the personality traits he had set, believing them to be well-suited.


"By the way, I wonder if the previous world is now available in the [World List]?" Rozen wondered, only to discover that it remained locked. The simulation explained that he had forgotten to anchor the world after his last session.


"I see. Next time, I must remember to anchor the world post-simulation."


He harbored no regrets, for the previous world was doomed to end due to the presence of monsters from Cloverfield. Re-running a simulation there would be futile.


[Are you sure this is alright? If so, please select YES to initiate Life Simulation, or NO to return.]




[Searching for a World to simulate…Done.]


[Preparing to anchor a soul and transfer consciousness.]


[Simulation initiating in 3…2…1…]


Rozen's consciousness began to fade as his physical body lost awareness, lying on the bed.


[In a tribe at night, you are born into this world.]


Gazing at the woman cradling him, surrounded by many people, Rozen realized that his new family in this world was much larger than in his previous life.


[Observing your father, a robust and imposing man, you come to understand that you are born into a tribe, deduced from everyone's attire.]


Rozen's lips twitched. He hadn't expected his simulation to place him in a tribal setting rather than as a typical modern citizen. He speculated that this world was in an ancient era, a time of primitive civilizations and tribal communities.


[Watching the men of your tribe return with their hunt confirms you are indeed in the ancient times.]


"Seriously? The ancient era? While it doesn't interfere with my priorities, I certainly didn't expect this," Rozen thought. Although this era was far less comfortable than modern times, there was nothing he could do. After all, the simulated world was entirely random and beyond his control.


[Throughout your childhood, you displayed no miraculous abilities, behaving like any other normal child.]


[At the age of two, you asked your father to teach you hunting, a request that filled him with pride and joy.]


"Rozen, see that deer over there? Aim your bow at its head and wait for my signal," Rozen followed his father's instruction diligently.


"Suppress your killing aura and hold your breath as long as possible. Deer are extremely sensitive to even the slightest disturbance," his father whispered, and Rozen complied.


The distant deer sensed something amiss but remained confused due to the faintness of Rozen's killing intent.


"3…2…1…Go." Rozen released the arrow, which swiftly struck the deer, surprising it. The animal fell quickly, ceasing to move shortly after.


"Hahaha, you did an excellent job for your first time! Even your dad failed on his first try. This proves you're a naturally gifted child," Rozen's father exclaimed with pride and a hint of surprise, while Rozen smiled at his accomplishment.


[With your father's guidance and consistent practice, you managed to master archery and hunting skills in just 2 years, which once again shocked your father and led him to proudly showcase your talent to other members of the tribe.]


[Consequently, you became the strongest and most influential among your peers.]


(A/N: I'm skipping the rest, as there are no significant events worth noting in this part of the simulation.)


While Rozen was fully occupied with his simulation, on the other hand, Reisi Munakata along with his blue clan was still busy investigating in Shibuya.


"Report! Out of over 15,000 people in Shibuya, the number of fatalities is recorded at over 12,400, with more than 2,000 injured, of which 70% have suffered serious injuries. Additionally, over 500 people remain missing and unaccounted for, while another 100+ managed to escape safely from the attack. Moreover, the assault resulted in the destruction and damage of more than 1,000 androids!"


Munakata's face creased into a frown upon hearing this news. The situation was dire, and he was certain that the public would react with outrage upon learning the extent of the devastation caused by the attack.


"Excellent work, now return to your duties."


"Yes, Captain!"


Reisi Munakata then turned his gaze toward the enigmatic gate, standing in silent contemplation. He was intensely curious about the origins and true nature of this mysterious gateway.


Despite being familiar with many unexplained supernatural occurrences on Earth, this was the first time he had encountered something as bizarre as this. Creatures like orcs, goblins, and even Wyverns, seemingly straight out of a fantasy world, appeared to be emerging from the gate, fueling his curiosity about what lay beyond it.


"Captain? Where are you headed?" Seri Awashima asked, puzzled as she watched her captain approach the gate.


Driven by a deep-seated curiosity, Munakata mused aloud, "I am intrigued by what might exist beyond this portal, Seri. Could there be a fantasy world inside? And is it possible to destroy this gate?" His words left his efficient yet stunning secretary momentarily speechless, but she understood his reasoning, as she herself harbored similar thoughts.


Drawing his sword, Munakata instructed his secretary and the others to stand back. He then channeled a powerful blue aura into his blade before swinging it with all his might at the gate.




A quake erupted, followed by billowing smoke, causing everyone to shield their eyes and peer curiously towards the gate. Once the smoke cleared, they were all stunned and in disbelief.






"Unbelievable! Even the captain's full blow doesn't scratch the gate at all." Indeed, if one looked from afar, the buildings and roads within a 1km radius of the gate were completely devastated, as if hit by an earthquake and bombing, while the mysterious gate stood unscathed amidst the destruction.


"Captain…" Seri Awashima looked at her captain with concern, but she felt relieved seeing his calm demeanor despite the outcome.


As expected, it was indestructible.


Munakata adjusted his glasses and confirmed his conjectures. If the gate had been destroyed, it would have been a disappointment to him, as he knew that many supernatural phenomena possess their own quirks and are difficult to overcome.


With this in mind, Munakata decided to enter the gate himself. "Stay on guard, everyone. I'm going in," he announced, causing concern among his subordinates, but they could only obey his orders.


"It's so dark... Could there really be another world beyond this gate?" Munakata pondered as he ventured into the gate.


He walked for a while until a bright light appeared ahead of him, revealing a new, verdant world.


"So there really is another world beyond this gate." Munakata smiled, intrigued as he gazed upon the lush natural landscape, a rare sight in the modern era. Verdant hills and dense forests stretched as far as the eye could see, and with his keen vision, he could even spot a kingdom in the distance.


But soon his elation turned to a headache. He was certain that if other countries, especially America, learned of this, they would pressure Japan to share ownership of this interdimensional gateway.