
Anime's Best Teacher? A Transmigrating Demon, Of Course!

A heavenly demon fights back against the hellish hordes of the Demon King, for one purpose - to protect. For life to prosper as it should. Not for it to be wasted on war and wanton slaughter. So, with the help of a party of Heroes, the heavenly demon fought the Demon King...and won. But with this great task finished, the Goddess of that world asked him to complete another: To spread peace. Not through war or conquering but through teaching. The great Goddess Venus wanted the heavenly demon to journey into the myriad worlds and teach others his brand of peace. His brand of...excellence. So, ever-faithful to Venus, the heavenly demon stepped through a portal and found himself in a peculiar world a teacher of something called...a highschool? He wanted to question the new information in his mind but first he had to deal with the robed people kneeling to him.

Satoru_Gojo · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

A New World

Don frowned as he walked through the golden portal - people were on their knees, praying...no, worshiping him. This wasn't the first time such a thing had happened and because of his nature, Don suspected that it wouldn't be the last time. But right now, he wasn't in the mood to deal with zealous people, "Stand up, please," he said, his voice booming through what looked like a church.

The people, priests and nuns, quickly looked up before scuttling up from their knees. Each and everyone of them had black or brown hair and most of them had black eyes, that, Don, could easily see. Their appearances corresponded with the information in Don's head and told him that he was somewhere in Asia on...Earth? Yes, that's what it was called. Don jumped down off of the altar and walked toward the nearest person.

His horns were gone, just as his wings were but his height was still inhuman. The nearest person seemed to be around 6 foot but even he only got to Don's shoulders. Don wasn't quite sure how tall he was but he was sure it was above 7 foot.

Shrinking himself down and suppressing his own aura, Don was more or less the same height as the priest in front of him albeit a bit taller, "Thank you for opening the portal for my entry," Don nodded before going to walk past him - as the information was being continuously uploaded to his head, he quickly knew exactly where he was and where his new living quarters would be.

But the priest hurriedly stepped in front of him, "My Lord, please, wait!" the man spoke in a language Don hadn't heard before, making him raise his eyebrows in surprise. Luckily for Don, however, his Divine origin made all languages the same to him so that would explain why he could understand the priest and he could understand Don.

Taking the initiative to actually speak in the language - it had interested him, after all - Don, replied to the priest in front of him with a raised eyebrow, "What? Is there something you need?"

Gulping down some air, the Priest wiped his brow of some perspiration before hurriedly replying to Don, "D-don't you have to wait for your Contractor, My Lord? A Divine Messenger told us to prepare someone for you!" hearing his confused voice and what he said, Don instantly narrowed his eyes.

Instantly, he felt a pull from above and realized that he did indeed need a contractor.

'But why...' he internally asked before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to keep himself calm, 'Venus,' the air surrounding Don flickered with heat for a few seconds before he re-opened his eyes and looked toward the priest, "Where is this contractor then?" he impatiently asked, his already terrible mood being made worse by Venus' meddling.

"I'm t-terribly sorry for their absence but I assure you, My Lord, they will be here," the priest cowered under Don's icy gaze and quickly averted his gaze toward one of the nearby nuns, snapping at her, "Quickly, go and find her before we anger the Lord even more!"

Don looked in distaste at the priest and wanted to tell him to drop the 'My Lord' stuff, and to not inconvenience others for him...but he couldn't be bothered. He just wanted to meet this contractor, get to his apartment and sleep. Sleep until he had work and then sleep some more after that was over. Don chuckled weakly in his mind as he thought how he was slowly turning into his sister, Belphegor.

His attention was brought back to the real world as the doors to the church hall were slammed open before the nun could even stand up properly, bringing Don's attention to the person who slammed them open.

That was when he stood stunned, like a statue.

Golden blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes...a youthful and optimistic expression...beautiful beyond compare...dressed in a nun's robes..."R..Rosette..." Don weakly got out, barely a whisper which nobody hurt, as the out of breath girl quickly rushed over her face red with embarrassment as she saw Don had already arrived.

But as she was running, Don was ultimately confused until he thought of a certain Goddess...and he smiled internally, 'Venus...I truly owe you one,' he vowed to make it up to her before smiling at the newcomer who looked exactly like Rosette, just younger. Don did a deep scan with magic and found that she was exactly like Rosette which meant one thing:

She'd been reincarnated fully. Only a God can do something like that. Hence why Don thanked Venus. Venus being the only God that would go out on a limb for him. Even if she was overly clingy and flirtatious at times.

"I'm...Ha...Ha...I'm Rosette Christopher!" Rosette said bowing forward with a red blush on her face while Don couldn't help but think that she looked much younger than she did before. 18, probably? Around that, at least.

Not that it really mattered for Don.

Putting out a hand, Don pat Rosette's head and felt a burst of joy and happiness deep within his chest, "I'm Abaddon. Hopefully we can get along well in the future, Rosette," he said, eliciting a deeper blush from the young woman who fidgeted on the spot, unsure of how to react to Don's actions.

"Should we commence the contract, My Lord?" the nearby priest who hadn't moved, and just glared at the late Rosette, spoke up and Don just laughed before clicking his fingers.

Energy from Rosette and energy from himself rose from each of them and came together to form an object. The object formed was usually dependent on the contractor themselves but Don imposed a specific design out of sentiment. The energy came together and formed a basic locket, a golden-white in color. Grabbing it from the air, Don undid it before fixing it behind Rosette's neck as the blonde continued to fidget due to his close proximity.

Pulling away, but not too far, the leaned over Don put a finger under Rosette's chin, gently pulling her face upward so he could look into her sapphire eyes with his own icy blue ones, a genuine smile spreading across his stunningly handsome face.

"Now, to seal the contract," he whispered before leaning into her face. Rosette wanted to pull away, she wanted to scream and slap the stupid pervert who wanted to kiss her on their first meeting - Divine being or not! But...she couldn't. She wasn't scared of denying Don. She didn't care about any of that. She was a headstrong girl, after all. What stopped her from doing all of that was her own body. Her own body...wanted, whatever Don was about to do. It craved it. Even the small touch of his hand underneath her chin shot through her like electrical tingles, covering her skin in goosebumps of anticipation.

All she could do was stutter out, "D-don't we n-need to mix blood f-for the s-seal?" her voice was but a whisper and it caused Don to smile in a teasing manner.

Shaking his head ever-so-lightly, Don whispered back, just for Rosette to hear, "Uh-huh. Any DNA will do~" and with that, their lips connected and Rosette's legs instantly went weak as it felt like fireworks were going off in her mouth and head.

Why did Don do what he did? Because he'd hesitated to take these sort of actions before, and what did that get him? Nothing. The world tore him and Rosette apart before he could, so he vowed to not waste any time. Of course if Rosette didn't want anything to do with him in this life, he'd leave her alone.

...Well, he wouldn't leave her alone. He'd stick to her like gum and change her mind.

He'd gained a chance no one had ever had, and he knew there wouldn't be another, so he knew he had to make her fall madly in love with him within this single lifetime, 'Not too hard, right?' Don chuckled mentally as he pulled away from the kiss leaving Rosette were her eyes dazed and lips slightly parted. There was a slim connection of saliva between Rosette and Don, and as he pulled away, the string snapped and hit Rosette's chin, breaking her from her daze.

"W-W-W-W-WHY DID YOU DO T-THAT?!" she shouted, backing up with her hands raised as if she was poised to attack but the furious blush spread across her face made it incredibly hard to find her threatening.

Chuckling lowly, Don shrugged, "Because I wanted to, I guess," he said before the locket necklace around Rosette's neck flashed with multiple colors before Don felt most of his power get sealed off. What he was left with was the basics and his enhanced physique. But that's all he needed unless he went up against some serious players. Demigods or actual Gods, really. Pointing to the locket, Don spoke up again, "It's done. So, should we get going? I can get us to our apartment quickly."

Rosette simply looked at Don before nodding like some kind of robot and following him as they left. The priests and nuns just looked at them leaving. The nuns looked slightly envious of Rosette and some of them even vowed to become contractors.

Once outside, Don released a pair of his wings before picking up Rosette who looked shocked at his wings appearance.

"Those aren't Angel Wings!" she shouted her face becoming helpless looking as she tried to wiggle from Don's hold, "He's a Demon! He's not an Angel! HELP!" Rosette shouted, a desperate expression on her face, with Don just smiling as he remembered that this was quite similar to their first meeting in Altaria. Jumping into the air, Don flew at a relaxed pace and used what little magic he could to cover Rosette's body to stop the air resistance from bothering her.

Though that didn't stop her from slapping his shoulder to get her to let him go.

'Ahh~ I truly need to thank Venus next time I see her,' Don said internally, a wide smile on his face.

The heartbreak and depression he'd been put in by Rosette's death had disappeared, replaced by joy. But something else wormed it's way into his heart along with the joy. Something he's Demon self would be all too familiar with.

Sin. Specifically, Lust.

Bit of a short chapter but I stopped it where it seemed best to stop it, honestly. I wasn't trying to make a cliff. I promise.

Satoru_Gojocreators' thoughts