
Angem Sylvr

( Author's note: I will update 1-2 chapters every day and if I miss them I will make up for it later . There will be more chapters on weekends. Thank you and please give me your thoughts. ) In "Angem_Sylvr" former assassin Ray finds redemption in a new world. Betrayed by the organization that raised him, Ray exacts his revenge, but at the cost of his own life. However, his story doesn't end there. Reincarnated in a realm of sword and magic, Ray is reborn into a loving family, free from the shackles of his troubled past. As he navigates this new world, Ray discovers his unique skills and experiences have translated, making him a formidable force. With his keen instincts and combat prowess, he quickly earns a reputation as a hero. But Ray's past haunts him, and he struggles to reconcile his dark history with his newfound purpose. Join Ray on his journey as he battles formidable foes, pampers his sister, forges unbreakable bonds, and uncovers hidden secrets in this mystical realm. Will he find peace and redemption, or will the shadows of his past forever define him? Dive into the world of sword and magic, where Ray's legend is forged.

Infinine_ · Fantasie
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18 Chs

The outing (2)

The clinking of silverware and hushed conversation filled the air of the opulent restaurant. Ray, his silver hair gleaming under the soft candlelight, tried to ignore the interruption.

He was enjoying a rare evening out with his younger sister, Ellen. Her eyes, the color of a finest ruby, sparkled with delight at the unfamiliar setting.

Suddenly, a commotion arose from the table behind them. A couple, dressed in ostentatious finery, were demanding the attention of the staff. They were saying

" if they can get the private room , why can't we? "

Ellen, ever curious, turned her head slightly. Ray, sensing her interest, forced a sigh and turned around.

"Excuse me," Ray's voice was polite but laced with a hint of annoyance, "we were here first. Is there something wrong?"

The couple, momentarily stunned by the interruption, turned to face them. Their gazes swept over Ray and Ellen, taking in their elegant attire, a stark contrast to the gaudy display they themselves presented.

"Who are you?" the woman sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. Neither of them recognized the siblings. Ray, a magicless person who had been alone for a long time, rarely attended social gatherings. Ellen, still young, hadn't yet entered the high society circles either.

However, a glint of recognition flickered in Ray's eyes. He spotted a subtle insignia on the man's lapel – a signet belonging to a branch family of the Rosewoods, a noble house with a long-standing rivalry with Ray's own family, the Silvermists. In their rivalry, the Rosewoods were notorious for their arrogance and flaunting displays of wealth.

"Shouldn't have kept us waiting,"

the man spat, clearly angered by Ray's questioning.

Ray, sensing the man's belligerent intent, met his gaze head-on. His eyes, usually a warm hazel, hardened with a coldness born from years of taking lives. He had seen more death than the couple could ever imagine. This cold stare, amplified by the dormant magic that thrummed within him, was a weapon honed to perfection.

The man recoiled as if struck. He felt a sudden chilling sensation, like being trapped in a frozen wasteland. It wasn't just the cold; it was a primal fear, a predator recognizing its apex. The woman wasn't spared either. Her legs buckled beneath her, and she sank to the floor, trembling violently.

The commotion alerted the manager, a portly man with a perpetually worried expression etched on his face. He rushed over, his eyes widening in recognition as he saw Ray and Ellen.

With a swiftness born of experience, Ray retracted his gaze. The chilling aura dissolved, replaced by a calm indifference. The couple, clinging to the manager as their only lifeline, fled to another private room, the woman's sobs echoing through the opulent hall.

The manager sighed, another incident with the obnoxious couple. He had warned them before, and one more transgression would necessitate a permanent ban. He bowed deeply to Ray and Ellen.

"I sincerely apologize, young Silvermists. This won't happen again."

"It's not your fault,"

Ellen replied sweetly, a stark contrast to the terrified couple.

"Please, don't worry about it."

The manager's heart melted. Such a kind and compassionate young lady. Unlike those pompous fools, he thought to himself.

Ray and Ellen settled back into their meal, the incident momentarily forgotten. As they enjoyed their food, Ray pulled Ellen onto his lap, stroking her hair in a gesture of comfort. A spark flickered in his eyes. Those people would not dare cross him again, or they would face the consequences.

After a relaxed meal, they paid their bill and left the restaurant. Stepping outside, they found the night air cool and refreshing. They opted for a carriage ride back to their lodgings, their bodies pleasantly weary from the day's outing.

Inside the swaying carriage, bathed in the gentle glow of a lantern, Ellen drifted off to sleep, her head resting comfortably on Ray's lap. A sense of peace enveloped them both. Yet, in the quiet moments, an idea began to take root in Ray's mind. It was a small step, but it would be the first step towards his larger plans, a plan that had been brewing for a few days.....


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