
Chapter 1

One night last year I was working at my office. I was just finishing up my presentation for the next day when the lights went out. I just went on with my work assuming that an electrician would fix it, this had happened before and usually takes 15 or 20 minutes to fix. But fast forward, one hour later the lights are still out and I'm starting to get worried. Then, I hear a creaking as my door swings open. The creepy part, my. Door. Was. Closed.

I jumped up and grabbed the pepper spray I kept in my desk, I held it out facing the door just in case. In a split second I felt a spirit merge with my own. The next thing I know, my vision is blurring as I feel like I'm falling through the floor. I shut my eyes in an attempt to choke back my tears of confusion, when I realize I am now on the ground floor. I start to scream as I realize that something is wrong, I run to the front desk and beg for help.

He didn't answer me so I asked again, and again, and again. But then I realized, he can't hear or see me. I beg and plead for this to be a joke, but when I tap his shoulder he shivers and gets chills. I realize that this is real, it's like I'm dead. Then a light shines, so I follow it and I walk into a large, white, glowing room. Suddenly I'm greeted by a rebellious looking girl with red glowing eyes, and a sweet looking girl with blue glowing eyes. In unison they said, "Welcome to the realm of the chosen, you have been picked by god to serve as a guardian. You will be assigned to a randomly selected human, choosing to temporarily serve as their angel or their devil."

I was utterly in shock. I asked if it was optional and they replied with a no. Now the next thing I had to contemplate was being someone's angel, or demon. Of course I chose angel because I am a good person, so I looked at the angel and told her my decision. The demon looked unbothered and faded away. The angel grabbed me and we were transported to another room with halos, angel robes, and wings. She told me to dress like an angel and left. I put my new clothes on and walked out to see her waiting. She brought me to a large screen, pressed a button, and the screen spun to show my chosen person. She said that that was Crystal McConners and that she lives in Washington D.C. Crystal works in the oval office.

She gave me a necklace and told me, "This necklace is the core of our power, it allows you to teleport, make decisions and ward off dangers in her path." I was still in complete disbelief about all of this, but I reluctantly headed towards my portal and saw my guard-ee. I still didn't understand it completely, but I knew I would work through it. As soon as I stepped through the portal, I knew that this was real. I was now in a room watching her through a large screen, but then I saw it. There was a truck speeding down the road towards her!

I needed to do something, but the angel didn't tell me how to use the necklace, so I decided to try and think really hard about what I want. I opened my eyes and the truck had swerved away from her. I was so glad I had figured it out. But that was stressful, I didn't want to do it anymore. But I had no idea how to contact her, then I noticed what was happening. There was someone in her house with rope, duct tape, and a gun. It was too late for me to save her.

The man snuck behind her, she was on the phone so she didn't notice him. I watched in horror as the tape covered her mouth and the gun was pointed at the space between her eyes. I could see the tears forming, and the fear in her expression.