
Angels and Demons Academy

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter 9

Luna's POV

I woke up early in the morning. I had a hard time sleeping. I don't know what happened yesterday in uncle johns office. It was like I was not myself like something took over my body.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth.

I got dressed in baggy jeans and an oversized hoodie. I didn't feel like dressing up today.

I left my bedroom and found a large breakfast again. I took a few fruits and was about to head out when Monica called out to me.

"Hey, heading out so soon."

"Yeah, I wanna get this day over and done with."

"Yeah, maybe you shouldn't go to school today."

"What do you mean?" My brows were furrowed in confusion as I looked at her.

"I heard what happened between you and Andrei." She gave me a nervous smile.

"No, I don't know, what happened?" I walked over to her.

"I heard that you guys got caught by the academy security having sex."

"What?!!!" I was pissed.

"News travels fast in this school and there aren't that many of us, so you being the new girl, of course, people are gonna be all over you."

"You decided to listen to some silly rumor about me instead of coming to me and asking me yourself."

"I'm sorry, I know that it was indecent of me but there are so many rumors that have been spread in this school and most of them have been true."

"If that's your version of an apology you should try harder." I grabbed my bag and stormed out of our room not wanting to listen to her anymore.


Andrei's POV

Extremely cold ice water was splashed all over me on my bed. I shot up and got ready to kill someone. "What the hell!"

Anakin slaps me on the head. "Are you crazy!?"

"You better have a bloody good reason why you just poured ice water on me."

"I don't know maybe because you slept with the Cohen girl and not only that but you got caught."

"When did that happen?"

"I don't know you tell me." Anakin shoots back.

"I don't have time for this."I make my way to the bathroom.Anakin speeds to the bathroom door and blocks my entrance. "What?!" I ask impatiently.

"You can't afford to fall for this girl." He warns me in a brotherly way.

"I know, and I am not going to fall for her. Now get out of my way."

I managed to get past him and shut the bathroom door. "Don't make the same mistake I made, don't let Luna go through what Vicky went through because of my dumb mistake."

He walked away from the door and was soon out of my room.

He can't keep on blaming himself for Vicky our father is an evil man, he is the demon of all demons and no, I would not let what happened to Vicky happen to Luna. I guess from now on I have to completely ignore her.


I spent some time in the shower trying to get thoughts of Luna out of my head but it was not working as images of her kept flooding my mind.

I quickly got out of the shower and brushed my teeth then got dressed.


The cafeteria was full as always, but I haven't seen Luna all day and I was hoping I would see her here but she isn't at her usual table.

I sat down with Andrew and Anakin. "Stop thinking about her," Andrew said.

"Don't make me hurt you, "I warned him.

"As if you could." He fired back.

I gave him a death glare and my eyes moved to a specific place as I felt eyes on me. My eyes landed on Parker. His eyes were fueled with anger. It was like he wanted to murder me on the spot. I did not move my gaze an inch I gave him back a glare daring him to do whatever he wanted to do to me and see if he would get out of this alive.

Oh, how I wish he would come for me. I can finally show him to never come for me or my brothers again. The last time the crescent pack and my brothers fought, we killed four of his pack members and nearly brought the school to dust. We can't be close to each other so Mr. Cohen appointed guards to always keep watch whenever we are in the same room together.

Someone from his pack I think patted him on the shoulder and told him something. His gaze broke away from mine and he stood up and left.


Parker's POV.

I can't believe she slept with him. How could she? He is such a monster, a demon. He is pure evil and she decides to give it up to him. I can't even right now.

"I'm going to class," I tell my delta.

"But the bell has not rung yet."

"I know I just need some time to cool off."

He looked a bit confused at first but then looked over to Andrei's table and understood.

The bell rang and I walked over to chemistry class. At least now I will have an excuse to talk to her. I hope she makes it this time for chemistry because she might be my mate.

I quickly hurried to chemistry class. It's the first time I ever actually want to be early or go to a class. Who am I? What are you doing to me, Luna Cohen?

I get into class and a few students are there I take my seat by the second last table.

The class slowly starts to pile up and the teacher gets in. Still no sign of her. The final bell rings and the class begins. To my disappointment, she still does not come in.

I take my bag ready to leave when the door opens and she gets in.

"Sorry, I'm late." She says to the teacher.

"It's okay do you have a letter."

"Ohh umm" She digs for something in her bag and hands it to the teacher.

The teacher reads the letter and nods. "Okay you can take a seat by Parker." he points in my direction.

She nods back at him and smiles. Luna walks over to me puts her bag down and sits next to me. "Hi, Luna." She offers me her hand and a smile.

"Parker." I shake her hand.

She takes out a notebook and copied down what is already written on the board.

The girls sitting in front take a sneak peek at Luna and giggle. She looks at them uncomfortably and ignores them. They are probably talking about the thing with Andrei Gotham.

She moved a strand of her hair behind her ear. She probably was listening in to what they were saying. I probably should also hear.

"Talk about loose." The blond girl whispered to her friend.

"I know, new girl and she had already landed a Gotham brother."

They laughed. "And I heard she was part witch, who knew that it would come in handy."

"The spell she used must be strong."

"Or maybe it's not a spell and it's a love potion or a voodoo doll." They laughed again.

"That is enough!" she stood up and looked at them. "You people know nothing about me." She laughed an evil laugh. "You know that I am extremely powerful right and I could take you out just like that." She snapped her fingers. "But... you know what, I don't think any of you are worth my time nor energy."

The blond girl stood up. "Please you only got to this school. We have been here for years and have been training and practicing for hours every day. So no matter how powerful you are." The girl released a snarky laugh and looked at her up and down. "You are useless without the right tutor or practice."

"See, that's where you're wrong. I come from a line of strong witches and werewolves. My aunt is the most powerful witch in the world and she taught me every spell known to men my uncle is a very powerful Werewolf and my mom was an aurorath."

I heard them gasp at the sound of aurorath and the teacher who was walking towards the girls stopped in his steps to process what has been just saying. I can't say I'm not surprised cause I am but the next thing she said had my mind blown.

"Ohh and last but not least. Did I forget to mention that I am one too? Yeah, two generations of aurorath you could just say my family is the royalty of the supernatural world so do not ever try me again unless you are looking forward to being six feet under, then please carry on." She took her bag and rushed out of class.

The rest of the people were also left shocked. Some of them started whispering to each other and the teacher was still standing there. "Mallory please look after the class I'll be right back." Mr. Davidson said and rushed out of class.