

( Before meeting Elizabeth )

Angeline POV :

I sigh as I roll up on my elbows , watching Meliodas Flip onto his feet . " you know , I'd assume that it would be more windy up here, since we're up so high." I say, rolling on my back again. " Nah. I don't think the altitude is high enough." He replies scratching his back. I stare up at him incredulously as he Grabs my hand and pulls me to his height. ( l'm very pretty short, even shorter then king ) " for a perverted idiot, you say some pretty smart stuff Occasionally captain." I say Laughing and walking into the tavern and looking at the wanted bored again. I shake my head sighing. " they still haven't remembered about the eighth sin, huh , Angeline?" Meliodas Walks up behind me. I nod , leaning Against him and looking up. " look at it this way. You must be doing your job , since you're the sin of FORGETTING." I smile, stepping out of his arms and spinning around. " Thanks captain!" I say , running into up to my room. As l

Close my door, l try to tame my pounding heart. 'Bad Angeline. You

Can't think of the captain that way. Diane's your best friend and you can't betray her like that.' I hear a knock and open my door to see hawk. "Meliodas wants you to get dressed in to your tavern uniform!" I cock my head. " but, l'm already wearing the tavern uniform." I say, gesturing down to my clothes, which pretty much matched Meliodas', except more feminine. " well , then l guess you should go downstairs and see what he wants." Hawk says, with a troubled look on his face. " okey." I reply, walking down the stairs.

Meliodas POV :

As l watch Angeline walk down the stairs, I lean across the counter, Sliding her a drink. She frowns at me, picking it up. " what is it Captain?" I sigh. " how many times have I told you? Call me Meliodas !" I say, perking up again, as hawk's mom slow to a stop. She rolls her eyes. " Nope. You're my captain, so l'm going to call you captain." I wanted to bang my head against a wall. All l've ever wanted is for Angeline to call me by my name, but she blatantly refuses. 'Okay. Calm down Meliodas. Eventually Angeline will realizeyoir feelings for her and will stop acting so ... PREFECT' l groan inwardly. Every time l try to find a fault with the sin of forgetting( she's also my best friend and love - er , Crush) l fail. Even her body is perfect! And l should know, because l spent five days analyzing the faults of the female body! I stop my inner "pep-talk" when l notice she's starting at me " Er, so are you in your tavern uniform?" I ask, wanting to facepalm. Of course she's wearing her tavern uniform! She never takes it off. She just nods, her long black hair floating around her face. I resist the urge to brush it out of her face, and instead turn to the numerous bottles of liquor on the wall. " so who's in charge of cooking today?" I ask, wanting to change the ...awkward... subject. She rolls her eyes and smiles at me "you of course. Why would l cook on our first day in This town?" I laugh, agreeing. I always cook on our first day Angeline's cooking is so good it's criminal, and we don't have enough food for everyone in the village to suff themselves. Plus Angeline always brings in more customers than I do , so it's better for her to do it on the first day. But only the first day. Other than that l'm always the server . That's how it works. I smile back at Angeline." Of course. Well, l guess that l should go get ready, huh" she nods, flashing that beautiful smile of hers.

Hey guys ! This is my Meliodas x Angeline oc. I just wanted to tell you that this book will probably not update for a while because I need to work on a bunch of other stuff first .

Bye ;3