
Angel Fall's Book 2

Man dies and gets reincarnated into medieval Europe. Using his knowledge of the future he seeks to become rich and powerful a man that history will remember. But there is a problem and that is that this is not the same Earth of his past but a totally different fantasy version of Earth. Seeing as it is a fantasy earth he also tries to obtain magical powers and hopefully immortality as he conquers the world. Will he succeed, well come and find out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is something I came up with after playing too much Total War: Warhammer 3. This story contains other elements also. Things from the real world and fantasy, like star wars and diablo. And maybe Halo as well later on. But mostly inspired by Warhammer and games I play. Can you guess what games? Also small warning: This story is pretty dark and messed up at first. But it gets better later on I promise. Like, maybe after 50 chapters or so. The First part of this, hopefully long series of books set in this world is just an introduction to the world and its setting. The angels will fall later, Literally. My hope is to write this series that lasts for a long time. For such a long time, that eventually the world will leave behind swords and pick up guns. And later on, humanity will move to the stars and take what is rightfully theirs. By whos right? Well, their gods given right.

Happyman42 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 The Last Mission part 5.

Entering Earth's lower atmosphere Genesis detached the extra booster engines. With the extra weight gone the spaceship floated forward quietly for a few seconds before Genesis started the ships own engines.

Flying towards the distant battle the scene came clearer and clearer little by little. In the distance, he could see that the Harvesters had just entered the firing range of the fleet and they weren't stopping.

It appeared that the scene that had repeated itself so many times before was once more taking place. The Harvesters intended to simply push through the human defense line with sheer numbers. Despite the Empires ships possessing a longer range and stronger firepower compared to the Harvesters they weren't going to last long.

From afar the battle looked like a swarm of mosquitos were facing down a green spore cloud. The enemy fleet was the same as always a mixed bag of all sorts of monsters somewhat resembling the ones found in Earths deep seas.

But unlike normal fish, these monsters had no scales, only layers upon layers of hard carapace armor. Their mouths held rows of massive teeth able to rip ships apart. Next to their mouths many of them had massive horns that they used to ram into their enemies. On their sides were bits of circular flesh from where flesh pods filled with Harvesters would be sent out to board the Empires ships. Many of them also had tentacles instead of fins that they used to somehow navigate through the stars.

While many of their monstrous ships preferred getting in close and ramming their enemies. There were some larger ships that could shoot massive spikes out of their sides. And some ships that spawned smaller ships capable of acting as fighters.

Getting past all of the monstrous enemy ships close enough to launch the bomb and take out the Queen would definitely not be easy, but somehow it had to be done.

Taking in a deep breath of air, Genesis sighed thinking of all of this. Then he took out a piece of paper and a picture.

Opening up the small piece of paper he looked at the number written there and shook his head with disappointment.

Now thinking back, he remembered that he had completely forgotten to ask those 3 troopers for their names.

Setting the piece of paper up against the cockpits glass frame his thought flew to the Sniper biting her lip seductively at him. The image in his mind caused a small spark of arousal to hit his body.

For a few seconds, his thoughts became a mess as he thought of all the different possibilities that could have arisen from him accepting the woman's offer. Then images of his inhumane appearance appeared in his mind.

Shaking his head he thought to himself. Aa who am I kidding, there's no way that could have ever worked out. This is for the best. And besides I promised my wife that after we married there would never again be any other woman for me. We promised to love each other in life and in death. In this life and the next and all the others that would follow after that.

Thinking of this he placed the photograph in his hand over the piece of paper that stood against the glass.

Though the photograph was old and in poor condition he could still see his entire family there. In the photo, they all sat on a hill under a maple tree where they were having a picnic. They all had such warm and hopeful expressions in their eyes.

Though most of his memories of the past had been lost due to the Ellipsis program the picture still managed to bring back some good memories.

Looking at the picture he instinctively without thinking brushed his thumb over his wife's red lips. Doing so memories of him proposing to her under that very tree and them kissing afterwards flooded his mind.

For a moment Genesis was lost in his foggy past memories when suddenly he was brought back into reality by the ships radio.

Pshhhh pshhhh the radio made a static sound until a clear male voice rang out of it. ' This is the Imperial heavy battleship the Pillar of Dawn. Unidentified rogue ship you are entering an active combat zone without clearance. Identify yourself immediately or you will be considered hostile. '

Hearing this Genesis looked around the cockpit for a way to answer the radio until he saw a small wireless earpiece next to his seat. Putting the earpiece into his ear he activated it and answered.

' This is Ellipsis Trooper number 4, codenamed Genesis. '

For a moment the radio remained silent. Genesis wonders if he should have elaborated some more on the current situation but thought it to be unnecessary.

Turning his gaze away from the radio for a moment he looked at the scenery In front of him. Now the back lines of humanitys final armada were in his sights.

At the back lines was a cluster of over 40, massive 4 kilometres long battleships. With crew numbers reaching over 5000 thousand, they were capable of performing a wide variety of tasks.

From hangers at the battleships sides, they could send forth hundreds of different fighter and bomber aircraft. They also held many troop transports but all the numbers were quite unclear to Genesis.

But the most impressive thing in the battleships was their overwhelming firepower. Just like all the ships in the Empires navy from the very smallest cruiser upwards. The Battleship had a massive super Lazer cannon on it's front. A cannon capable of turning almost any ground or air target to dust. Also, the ships held countless anti-fighter guns and other cannons of differing sizes on their sides.

Looking at the battleships Genesis noticed that many of their numbers were much under 4 kilometers in length. Some were barely longer than the smaller cruisers that were only 3 kilometers in length.

Though they were still considered battleships they were clearly of a smaller and much inferior older design. It seemed that the pilot was right.

The fleet although impressive in size and on paper with it's over 40 battleships, 100 or so cruisers and over 800 other smaller classes of ships. In reality, it was not as strong as one would have hoped.

Looking at the fleet his eyes then fell onto a singular massive ship surrounded by orbital defense platforms. The ship was over 5 kilometers in length and had the name the Pillar of Dawn written on its side. It was a true beast of a ship, being the largest ship and only heavy battleship in the Empires navy.

As Genesis admired the ship and watched it and the countless other ships firing into the enemy swarm the radio finally came on again. Then he heard a somewhat familiar rough-sounding male voice.

' Trooper number 4, Codenamed Genesis. This is High Admiral Isador Akios. Would you be so kind as to tell me what the hell are you doing out here on that ship? Where are the pilots assigned to that ship? Where are my men? '

Though the admiral sounded quite angry and confrontational, it was to be expected. For who could stay calm and rational in this situation humanity now found itself in?

Coughing once to clear his throat Genesis started to explain himself in a stern but calm tone.

' There's been a change of plans. The pilots couldn't make it and have now entrusted this mission to me. Rest assured admiral I intend to see this through to the end. '

For a few seconds, there was silence until the admiral spoke up once more. This time though he sounded a bit calmer.

' I understand, now listen carefully Genesis. What you are carrying is a one-of-a-kind bomb called the Cell bomb. I do not know the specifics of it, but according to my knowledge, it's a bomb capable of erasing it's targets down to a cellular level leaving nothing but emptiness behind. Also, I heard that it's capable of even erasing the entire moon from existence. Of course, none of this has ever been tested so these are all but theories. But nonetheless, we will punch a hole into the enemy formation while you just hang back and wait for my command. Though we will not be capable of exposing the queen we should be able to get that bomb close enough to kill it. '

As Genesis listened patiently to the admiral's explanation he flinched at the last few words. To him, the plan sounded foolish. What if the bomb didn't manage to get close enough or it's effective range was not enough to reach the queen? If that were to happen earth and humanity would be lost.

Most likely the admiral wasn't willing to send him needlessly to his death by having him blow the bomb too close and getting accidentally caught up in the blast.

Even though Genesis was willing to put his life on the line if needed to and die for the greater good. He still hesitated, not wanting to throw his life away needlessly if there truly was another better way to do this.

After a moment of contemplating, he decided to wait and do as the admiral said. With a stern tone of voice, he spoke to the radio. ' Copy that. '

Flying beside the Pillar of Dawn Genesis watched the fleet star moving into a cone-like formation. With the bigger ships In the center and smaller vessels at the edges, they moved in a coordinated fashion to their positions.

Seeing this action being taken by the fleet Genesis was shocked. While they might be able to punch through to the queen they had now created a major gap in Earth's defenses.

With the previous net-like formation gone and nothing but orbital defense platforms left on the sides, the Harvesters started to move.

Then to Genesis surprise the fleet lit up their engines and started to move towards the incoming fleet.

Confused by these actions Genesis contacted the admiral once more.

' Admiral, what are you doing? This is suicide! You are leaving Earth undefended and moving the fleet away from the defense platforms protection! '

Immediately the admiral spoke up.

' I'm sorry Genesis but this is the only way. Just follow behind. No matter what we will get you to that Queen and we will end this once and for all. '

Gritting his teeth Genesis said.

' Copy that sir. '

As the fleet advanced guns blazing they ripped into the swarm. Like a hailstorm of stones falling into a lake, slowly the Harvesters gave way to them creating a path for the fleet to enter despite the seemingly endless swarm constantly trying to repair the gaps.

From a far scene most likely looked like a cone being pushed into water. Little by little as the swarm enveloped them the sun's light started to fade, blocked out by the swarm.

Behind on all sides, Genesis could see the orbital defense platforms being overrun. Endless amounts of fleshy boarding pods crashed into the stations creating holes and releasing the beasts inside into the stations.

Despite not being able to see it in person, Genesis knew the fate that awaited the crews manning the stations. And after they fell the pods would start to fall onto earth and all the countless people living there.

All around Genesis ships fired their guns and fighters kept on intercepting enemy small ships and pods. The Harvesters living, monstrous ships were being torn to bits by the hundreds.

Smaller living ships acting as the Harvesters fighter aircraft were being chased down and destroyed. They had no shields and their weaponry consisted of ramming into ships with no regard for their own monstrous lives or then they would shoot out spikes the size of human hands from the elbow onwards. Individually like always the Harvesters were weak and managed to do little damage to the shielded human ships.

But despite their best efforts the swarm was closing in and damage to the fleet was starting to mount up. The fleet like a small island in the ocean was slowly being swallowed up by the swarm.

The situation wasn't looking good. Genesis knew that as soon as the fleets energy shields started to fail the casualties would start to mount up.

Keeping the earpeace on Genesis listened to the frantic communication lines between the fleet. Then a panicking voice came on and yelled.

" Mayday mayday, this is frigade 91 the Spirit of Fire! We have lost all shields and are being boarded by the enemy! Requesting permission to pull back! "

Hearing this Genesis turned to look towards the left side of the fleet formation where he could see the Spirit of Fire. Though far away he could still see loads of smoke coming from all over the ships left side. It appeared to have taken quite a lot of damage.

Then as the high admirals voice came online Genesis could see a massive kilometer-long, fully armored fishlike monster with pincers-like can openers and a huge set of teeth heading straight towards the Spirit of Fire.

Then as the monster was about to impact the ship high admiral Isador Akios yelled.

" This is High Admiral Isador Akios to Frigate 97, the Spirit of Fire. Pull back immediately behind the battleship formation! Get out of there! '

Then as the massive Harvester ship collided with the smiler-sized Empire Frigate the Spirit of Fire, it tore two massive holes with it's pincers straight through the ship.

Then from the radio, a frantic voice could be heard.

" We are hit! Massive hull damage! Abandon ship... "

Then nothing but static came as the pincers closed and split the ship into pieces. As it did so a massive explosion followed that impacted all in a 10-kilometer radius around it. Friendly fighters were instantly destroyed and nearby frigates were damaged along with any Harvesters nearby.

Just like that over 2 thousand men and women of the Empire were instantly lost. With their loss a hole that the Harvesters were for sure to take advantage of had appeared in the fleets formation.

Immediately High Admiral Isador Akios voice came on the radio.

" This is High Admiral Isador Akios to all ships. Tighten the formation and keep course. Do not falter my brave brothers and sisters for we are the final sword and shield of the Empire! We cannot fail here! We must not fail! "

Then as the admiral finished speaking came more frantic voices onto the air from the frigades that had been surrounding the Spirit of Fire.

At the same time, darkness fell upon the fleet. The sun was now completely blocked by the swarm as the fleet had pushed deep into the swarm while the swarm had started to encircle them and enter Earth's atmosphere. Now there was nowhere left to go, the fleet was trapped inside the swarm.

Through the darkness, the firing of cannons, explosions and fires erupting from ships could easily be seen all around. One by one the frigates started to blow up as the swarm closed in.

Seeing this Genesis gritted his teeth in anger and frustration. Then without a second thought, he fired up his engines to the maximum and started to fly towards the front of the cone-shaped fleets tip.

Flying past the high admiral's ship his radio immediately came on.

" This is High Admiral Isador Akios to Ellipsis trooper number 4 Genesis! What are you doing? Return to your position now! "

" Ellipsis trooper number 4 Genesis to High Admiral Isador Akios. My apologies Admiral but I cannot follow that order. If we continue on like this then soon even if I am successful in this mission the entire fleet will all be lost. And if that happens then who will be left to defend Earth from the Harvester fleet remaining numbers afterward? That is why I alone must penetrate that swarm and see this through alone."

For a moment the radio remained silent as Genesis flew through space. Then the admirals voice came on again and spoke.

" I understand. Just make sure you hit the damn thing. All our lives now rest upon your shoulders trooper. You better make it count. "

In reply Genesis simply said. " Yes sir! "

With a serious tone of voice, the Admiral said.

" For the Empire! "

Feeling a spark be lit in his soul by these patriotic words Genesis replied with his preferred slogan.

" For Humanity! "

After that, no more words were said between them. Most likely the admiral would have wished to say more but right now his attention was elsewhere as he had to command the fleet.

All around Genesis could see cracks starting to form in the fleet's formation. Though the front held strong thanks to the ships forward pointing gun batteries the sides were slowly crumbling.

All around big monstrous fish-like monsters, some with tentacles instead of pincers or horns rammed into and tore the smaller Empire ships apart.

With every ship that exploded and life lost his heart ached more and more, but his determination grew as well.

Reaching the front of the fleet Genesis could see 6 battleships protected by smaller ships forming a circular tip to the cone-like fleet formation. Through the middle opening, the super heavy battleship of the High Admiral kept firing it's massive frontal super Lazer towards the enemy swarm. 

With each volley, the Super Lazer tore through hundreds of Harvester ships creating a massive wound in the swarm that it quickly attempted to fill up with more monstrous ships. 

Keeping this in mind Genesis decided to stick close to the Battleships and far out of the Super Lazers path as he flew past the now slowing-down fleet.

Flying past the battleship formation and into open space he headed towards the swarm and watched for an opening. All around in front of him like an endless swarm of flying insects of all sizes, there were Harvesters. Though dents were made there just wasnt any real openings deep enough for him to exploit in the swarm and get himself to the queen. He would have to fly through the swam and hope that his superior speed and skills would be enough. But most importantly he needed a lot of luck.

Then as he was about to say his prayers and just go for it he felt hundreds of presences coming up behind him. His radar lit up with many gray dots indicating friendly units. Then from his radio, multiple voices could be heard.

A feminine voice spoke. "Red Ribbon fighter squadron will take the left."

A man with a joyful tone of voice spoke. "Royall Hawks fighter squadron will be covering the right."

A man with an Asian accent spoke. "Flaming Dragon fighter squadron will take the front."

Then a familiar rough-sounding voice spoke up lastly. "Bears of the East fighter squadrons will have your back, comrade Genesis."

Hearing this Genesis lifted his brow in surprise and spoke into the radio. "Igor, all of you what is this? What are you doing here? You should be defending the capital ships."

In response, Igor the leader of the Bears of the East laughed and said. "Hahaha, what and have you take all the glory for yourself? This is such typical behavior from you comrade, always willing to sacrifice yourself to save others, always jumping headfirst into danger as if you wished to die and always taking away all the glory from everyone else. No more I say! This time we are in this together till the end! Igor the man like a bear will go down in history as a legend and so will we all here and now! Together!"

One after the other the others cheered and agreed with Igors words. Although he would have wished for himself to be the only one having to go on this oneway mission it seemed that fate had other plans.