
Angel Became Devil

" This story is about a young girl who struggles. Swara Singh is a young girl who faced many things in her life from little to growing up to some extent... Before getting away from that life, that happened when lost so many things in her life, then again her life turned ups and down... She made herself strong enough to come over her enemies. She became heartless to protect her brothers and sisters from all... She managed to get her broken family together... She eventually hides things from all... She has so many secrets on her back. She wanted to give a happy life to her siblings... In this struggle of her life Sanskar, who is unknown and also known to all entered on their life with a hidden motivation. In the end, he falls in love with her. Will, he can get her in his life after knowing why did he came into her life... Will she be able to save her sisters and brothers from their enemies? Will she be able to love him back who is in love with her? Will, she can hide those secrets from all. Will she be able to give happiness to those whom she loves most? Get inside the book to know what she going to do." ..... You will love this book when it is going deep. You will have a lot of things to know the more you read this story. I can say that truly you all will love this book once you followed it till the end. So, please give a try on this book. I am welcoming you warmly to on mine story.... ...... Do not do copy write. It's my creation...

queen_fly_horse · Urban
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167 Chs

Sanskar first time get to see a girl


Ragini wakes up, and get ready for the college in fast manner, later reached her college. Without having her breakfast, to her surprise Sanskar Laksh and Uttra also came on the same time of her, all smiles at each other...

Ragini, "hi, Bhai, Uttra and Laksh," wished them...

Three of them, "hi, Ragini," says her back...

Ragini moves towards them...

Sanskar, "did you have your breakfast," asks her...

Ragini nods no to him, "but how do you know bhai," confusingly asked him...

Uttra smiles at her innocent look...

Sanskar, " I am do not know that, we are did not have it, we are heading to canteen to eat something before the class, so I am asked you causally," says her chuckling little...

Ragini, "oh, okay then I will join with you," says him...

Sanskar, nods yes to her, "okay come," saying it moves to the canteen direction...

Laksh just staring at her, time to time...

All heads to canteen, there Dev Guru vaishyali Radhika Surbi and Priya were already present there...

Sanskar Laksh Uttra and Ragini joined with them, orders food for themselves...

Suddenly Sanskar remain something, when they all are eating...

Sanskar, "Dev, who is that silent killer, yesterday you all were talking about?," asks him...

Ragini friends looks at Ragini, turning their head towards her then at Sanskar...

sanskar Laksh and Uttra noticed them seeing Ragini when Sanskar asked it...

Laksh, " why are you all looking at Ragini?" asks them confusingly...

Dev, "sorry Ragini, " says her...

Uttra, "sorry for what?" asks him getting confused with the sorry and why he asking it...

Ragini did not say anything, stares at her fingers on her lap looking down, this was also noticed by three...

Guru, "oh, Bhai. Its Ragini is best friend," says him...

Uttra, "then you all?" asks looking at all, are not they friends to the person who are Ragini's best friend...

Priya, " we are also Ragini best friends, but she is more than us, close to Ragini," says her clearly...

Sanskar slight got confused, "then why are you all calling her by that name, she is also friends yours right, if she is a Ragini friend," asks him weirdly...

Friends, "what? Friends," laughs saying it uncontrollably...

Ragini gets angry and sad also hearing them laughing, she felt helpless to say them the answer she want to tell them. But could since it is not her hand, she know why are they talking like this. She is in helpless state now, once they know her who is she?, she is damn sure no one going it tell that anything like that to her or say they will be terrified if they comes to know who is she really, she wished to god return her sister back who were lived once her normal life unlike now who are living just like robot, her trance was broken by Sanskar question..

Sanskar, " will any one of you tell us what was the reason of yours this laugh,x asks them irritatedly seeing them still laughing...

Dev, "Bhai, she is ragini that for sure, but not with us. She was not speaking with anyone here. Its been two whole years she studying with us. She did not talk to anyone here in the college, no she did not even looked at anyone in the class of ours and in the college. Will you believe it" asks this saying it to him full of the news...

Three of them look at him with their strange gaze...

Laksh, "what ?, are you all kidding?" asks him in full of horror, who will keep silent for whole two years..

Radhika, "no Laksh, we are saying the truth only," says him again...

Uttra, "then how come she became ragini friend," asks them confusingly...

Surbi, "that thing we also do not know" says her in return...

Sanskar, "does that mean, she can not speak?" asks them in thinking the possible of a way, maybe that can be also reason...

Guru, "no no Bhai, do not think like that, she can talk, one day she talked in front of us, her voice is like music and good to hear it, we just do not know what is her problem with us," says him simply...

Uttra, "then wha-" she was cut off by Ragini...

Ragini, " I am done," saying this she move to wash her hands finishing her breakfast...

Her friends all looks at each other...

Sanskar, "then you all should have to asked her about it na?" suggest them...

Guru, " to whom?" asks him, as he not getting whom he is referring Swara or Ragini...

Sanskar, "Ragini" says them...

Dev, "she won't say that, leave it Bhai. We have no problem with her, she never disturbed us neither we got disturbed by her presence," says him honestly. Swara never interrupts in their matter neither care about it also. They also behave like the same with her. So why to bother with it...

Laksh about say something but stops seeing Ragini came back. All moved out of the canteen. Ragini lost in somewhere hearing it all made her somewhat weak. Wants Swara now badly...

She will get comfortable with her only, and her mere presence enough for her to enlighten her mood. They are also not wrong neither her sister, what ever happened with them that made her sister turn like this from the sweet one to just a roaming body...

She was careless out walking did not realised what she going to get by that. Suddenly some one dashed with her, she was about to fall, but someone holds her on time, before she fall down, she closed her eyes tightly in fear and when she feels someone holding her,gets some flashes jerks that person hardly...

Ragini shouts, "do not touch me. Leave me do not,"...

Sanskar Laksh Uttra and her friends are shocked of seeing her like this, she keeps on shouting and repeating the same line. They just stood there in shock...

That time one car came in full speed, and stopped near Ragini friends and sanskar Laksh and Uttra, they sees car, but they do not know when the car stopped and when someone came out from that car, they did not see the person face either...

Just they sees that person runs and hugs ragyini tightly. Ragini feels its familiar touch to her calm down in that person arms, and opened her eyes only to get shocked and surprised, and hugs that person tightly even more, she is scared and shivering badly...

That person has seen what happened while coming in that is why that person speed up the car and came soon here, rubbed her back to make her calm down, she can understand that something happened here by mistake that lead Ragini to this state, she know her friends won't let her get hurt in their presence with her, that was also one of the reason she can be calm...

When Ragini, is with her friends, that means she is safe, she breaks the hug and turns her head slightly, Ragini friend are shocked Seeing the person, Sanskar Laksh and Uttra also sees her, Sanskar got lost in her...

That person takes Ragini to near car, gives her water and make her drink water by her own hand...

Person, "are you fine cutie?" (its Swara only her sister), asks her concerned...

Like Guru told, her voice indeed has sweetness and melodious...

Ragini nods yes her head, hugs her, "I am fine Dhi, thanks for coming soon," says this only audible to Swara..

Swara let out a relief of breath, cups her face kissed her forehead lovingly...

Ragini smiles, kissed her cheek back, "I have missed you sweety" says her...

All looks at them getting amused, Ragini friends are first time seeing this in between, they usually come and sit in the class and leave, they never noticed it it happens between them...

Swara smiles little, "me too cutie" mutters under her breath. Sad that Ragini can not hear it...

Swara, " so tell me how was your two days without me," asks her...

Ragini smile fade instantly hearing her sister question, it was too bad without her sister, but she can not say that out. If she did that she has to say that all, she do not want to trouble her more when she has many problems in her hand to handle, with a fake smile, "nice" lied to her..

Others look at Ragini, seeing her lying to her friend...

Swara, "are you sure?" asks her raising her eyebrow...

Ragini, ' did she came to know that all, I have asked driver kaka not to tell her, then how will she come to know. No, she can not. What I am thinking now,' thinks in her mind...

Swara, "where are you lost? cutie" asks her...

Ragini, "no where, I a-" she faints, before she could completes it...

Swara holds her, before she fall back of the seat...

All looks at Ragini getting worried, seeing fainted like this suddenly...

Swara, "Ragini Ragini, wake up," pats cheek calling her name then her make her sit in the car, about go take car but stopped by Dev...

Dev, "mm, Swara, " says in a hesitate tone...

Swara stops, but did not raised her head and Did not speak like they told...

Dev, "can we also come with you, we are worried for Ragini," asks her, he have no idea will she agree for it or not but want to give a try...

Swara just nods her head accepting it and then takes out her mobile dials one number on that...

Swara, " come to mansion," says the person who picked up her call with in one ring...

Caller, "any problem?" asks her getting tensed...

Swara, "I asked you come to mansion, with in 15 minutes that is it," cut the call and sit in the car and droves off saying that coldly...

Ragini Friend and Sanskar Laksh Uttra are shocked to hearing her tone, friends are even more and followed her car in a silent manner, as they are unable to proceed with anything which took place here before sometime...


Swara stops the car, its not their mansion, Its another mansion..which is near to college..at this time going there was also not a good choice..

Swara comes out of car..and about to come open door of ragini side..before her someone take ragini in arms..swara looks at him..and moves in without saying anything...he also goes in.. carrying ragini..

Ragini friends are do not know that person..laksh is burning in pure jealousy.. Sanskar noticed it..slightly smiles..

All moved in..when they are about to move forward..they hears foot steps..turns..sees doctor came running..there..

That person who took ragini..comes there takes doctor along with him..inside one of the room..the mansion is beautiful and big one.. but no one cared to see it now..and admire it. ragini was the only thinking it's running on their mind..

All moves to the room..sees ragini in bed..beside her swara sitting..that person have tears in his eyes..he is another side of ragini..looking at her sadly..he is handsome..having better look...

And swara when doctor came she moves towards window.. giving doctor space checking ragini...she do not have any expression..on her face..neityer worried or tensed...

all looks at her blankly..

After check up..

Doctor : betiya..beta..take care of her..due to stress she fainted... nothing to worry now..she is fine..give her healthy food..saying it placed a note in table..

Person nods yes to him... sighing in relief..

Swara : and doctor you can leave now..because with in half hour you have operation..in hospital says to him.. without turning back..still in window side..

Doctor : thanks beta..I am totally forget it..I will take my leave now..says them..

swara arjun nods to him..

Swara : calls someone..make sure doctor reach there in hospital on time without delay..orders the person....looks at doctor..

Doctor nods thanking her..for her arrangements.. left..from there..

Swara : turns..to the person..I want to have talk with you arju..come to my room..says to him..

Arjun : but..trails out..

Swara : she is under effect of medicine.. She will wake up after two hours only..says to him..

Arjun nods to her words...kissed ragini fore head..stands up..to go with her..

Laksh getting angry..seeing it..fist his hand in ball..


Swara : to ragini friends...you all can wait in the hall area..after ragini wake up..I will call you all..and kaki take care of her..who are behind them..seeing it all silently..

Saying it she left the room with arjun..

After one hour swara arjun comes to hall.. completing their discussion..

Swara : shiv..calls one ...from mansion..

Shiv : I am here..says to her..

Swara : give them some snacks..says pointing ragini friends..

Shiv nods left..to do that work..


Swara : gets call..goes out...cutting it...moving out ..arju I will come within one hour..if anything emergency take care of it by your self..or call me...says to him..

Arjun : is there anything serious..asks her..she won't leave like this at this time..he know that well..

Swara stops turns looks at him..

Arjun keep quite...after her look..

Others are shuttered to seeing it..

Swara left...arjun move to ragini room..again..leaving others confused state..

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