
Angel across the MULTIVERSE.

The worlds need saving and who better to the job than an ANGEL? So, things happen and one thing leads to the other, and a lot of things happen. Oh, curious are we? Just give it a read.

PuRplE · Anime und Comics
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75 Chs

Chapter 05: Building a Team [2].

In the plane:

Mellissa and Yuki boarded the private jet that Yuki brought to the island as they took off for the Tokyo mainland. Mellissa was quite nervous with the sudden changes in her life and the overwhelming fact that her life has changed from what it used to be.

"Mellissa, let me be straight with what I want. I want to change the world at large, the way the things are going, the society will crumble in another decade the latest. The bigoted views of the people and their incapability to see beyond the black and white that is presented to them has shaped the society to what it is today." Thomas spoke in a solemn manner as Mellissa listened with rapt attention to not miss a single word or detail that was spoken.

"The quirks are randomized gifts of power bestowed on the mankind. What makes one heroic or villainous, quirks?"

"No, it's the actions of the people that defines and distinguishes the quirks. Just take All Might for an example, he is the greatest hero, but what if someday he decided that the world was beneath him as he stands at the apex of strength humanly possible. If he goes rogue, who can stop him?"

"He has the strength to destroy cities on whims where each of his blows can change the weather itself, can you imagine the day he finally decides that he had enough, we are looking at a number of devastated cities with it's population left in ruins along with the cityscape itself."

Just the thought was enough to drain all colour from Mellissa's face. She looked aghast just at the mere thought of it, as Yuki continued, "that's just taking All Might in concern, now take the top 10 heroes in concern. Now tell me who dares stand up to a force like that. No government dares, even if they dare to stand up against it, are they capable enough? What force do they have to counter something like this?"

"This is where I come in, I will change the world, make sure that there is no need for the heroes to exist, where the ones in power tremble at the thought of abusing it. I will make a world where there is no need for crimes, where everyone will have an equal shot at opportunities. I will show the world how petty their concerns and thoughts are, how unjust it is under the cloak of justice."

"How are you going to do all this? do you have a plan? Can I help?" Mellissa asked with a fanatic zeal in her cerulean eyes.

"I plan to take three people from three different walks of life, a person without a quirk, a person blessed with a heroic quirk and a person scorned because of their so-called villainous quirk. Each to state an example, the quirk less to show that success is not synonymous with having a quirk, the one with the heroic quirk to stand as the beacon of change and the villainous quirk holder to show what their mindless branding did to this society."

"And the time to strike is now, the next few hours will dictate if all my years of planning will bear fruit or not. I will have a sitting with the current government under media coverage. There I will take the first step towards the grand scheme of things. Mell, will you accompany me as we change this world as we have known it?" Yuki asked as he stared right into her eyes.

"I-I would love to…" answered a timid and blushing Mellissa.

The plane landed and they were escorted to the private suits in the airport reserved for the VIPs. Two maids greeted them as they led the way to the suits.

"Mel, we have 30 minutes before we leave the venue, rest up and get changed into the formal attire, you will attend the event with me as my plus one, are you fine with that?" Yuki asked or rather announced as he stepped into his suite, not bothering to wait for an answer.

The four guards split into teams of two as they guard Yuki and Mellissa. Yuki stepped in and asked the guards to leave him alone for a while as the maid prepared a cup of fresh coffee for him.

He took his phone and dialled a number, "Did you find the person?"

[Yes, Sir. We found her and are monitoring her from a safe distance.]

"Good, now grab her and bring her to the villa. I will be expecting her by the sunset when I return from the governmental meet."

[It shall be done.]

Yuki kept the phone and loosened his tie as he slumped down on the easy chair. The beautiful maid in the Victorian long skirt maid attire brought the coffee before him and dutifully waited for further orders.

She was a beautiful woman in her early twenties with raven hair and a proportionate figure that had the curves in all the right places, her face might not be the prettiest he had seen, but she had a charming way of carrying herself and impeccable mannerisms.

He closed his eyes and brought the cup under his nose in a graceful manner and the fresh aroma of coffee delighted him. A smile formed on his lips without knowing and as the cup touched his lips, he had nothing but praise for the maid's coffee making skills.

After a sip he placed the cup on the saucer on his other hand and looked at the maid who was visibly nervous seeing the young master tasting her coffee.

"What's your name fair lady?" Yuki asked in a soft voice that had a magnetic charm in it.

The maid bowed in proper mannerism and introduced herself in right etiquette, "my name is Roberta, a new recruit in the Tokyo airlines."

"The mannerism you display and the air of gracefulness in your moves, they clearly don't belong to a newbie. Not unless she lived in a French or English house of upper nobility. Even then such poise is rare and to mention the delectable cup of coffee you graced me with. Tell me Roberta, do you wish to change your current place of work?" Yuki asked to the visibly shocked and nervous Roberta.

"I humbly apologize, for I am quite fond of my present workplace." Roberta bowed.

"Ah, another one with a story. Roberta Florestina, you have my word that if you were to accept my offer of employment, I shall take care of whatever noble is troubling you and then on present you with a promise to not force you against your will or beliefs and other generous terms of employment." Yuki smiled as his gazed deep into the raven ones, as if he were looking at her very soul itself.

"Take your time and if you wish to take me up on the offer, make sure I find you in the Yaorozu Mansion by tomorrow morning in a beautiful maid uniform. I am not sure I can be satisfied with someone else making coffee for me after I have tasted yours, just take pity on this helpless young master and accept my offer of employment."

Yuki said with a bright smile that could make any woman swoon. Roberta was no different and she was already informed about the background of the guest she would be attending, and she knew that the prodigious young master of the Yaorozu family and one of the richest men on the planet would be under her care.

I am BACK !!!!!

Back with another chapter.

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