
Angel's Crown [Book 2 of demon's crown]

Jace_2236 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

"WHAT THE HECK!?" "What's wrong mom?" "Honey. GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" "!? OKAY!" There was a portal to the realm of h3ll. "What the heck...?" "That's what I said!" I just then crawled out of h3ll. "WHAT YEAR IS IT!?" "2065?" "WHAT!!??" Silence roamed the room in despair. It was 2065... "I've been dead for 43 YEARS!?" "Well, when did you die?" "2022?" "Yup! It's been 43 years!" "Oh my god.." "Wait... you are a DEMON!" "I guess I am.." "Sir." "WHAT!?" I snapped "No need to get hasty! Anyways, what's your name?" "$GTH&%@E" "What?" "$GTH&%@E?" "Why do you look like that...?" "L0ok l1k3 wh4t?" "Like... THAT!?" "L1k3 wh4t,..?" "Sweetie... We need to go.." "Why...? What about him...?" "LEAVE HIM!!" She yelled... "What...?" I muttered. A light shined from the sky. "MY $0N!!" I yelled. I went to hug him. "PAPA!" As my son said that he hugged me... He had a crown... a white crown to be exact. It had an eye staring at me... "D34r?" "Y3s p4p4?" "Wh4t's th4t?" "1t'$ th3 cr0\n th3y g4v3 m3!" "Why d1d th3y g1v3 1t t0 y0u?" "Th3y s41d 1t w1ll pr0t3ct m3!" "Fr0m wh4t?" "Th3 hum4n$!" "Th3... hum4ns?"