
Androsia - The Queen of Crows

There was a world where the chaos as a merging tsunami flooded every corner of the people's hearts. The world that didn't see any conflicts in nearly the last five hundred years turned upside down. The Crystalfield Kingdom, as the most advanced country in the world, became the center of every envious gaze. Later, a war occurred between the countries and ended with the fall of the Crystalfield Kingdom. Many people escaped from the horror of the war. However, there was a certain someone who was supposed to be dead after the fall of the kingdom. Later, the slumbering hatred and anger emerged from this person's heart and erupted like a volcano. And this person has chosen no other aim but to destroy everything, even leaving a limitless number of corpses and an eternally flowing river of blood behind.

Sharyanna · Fantasie
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27 Chs

C11 - Exhaustion

Dave stepped back. He felt the power from his body disappear a moment later. Losing his strength, he fell on his knees, dazing out with lifeless eyes.

"Dave!" A knight called him loudly as he saw him kneeling, something he should never do, even when he was drunk to hell.

Dave's body uncontrollably fell to the ground and a little puddle appeared under his head made out of the blood.

The crowd, including the knights, were hocked to their bones. How could even something like that happen?

While everyone had been confused, Lyanna released a deep sigh inwardly, because her body started to feel the exhaustion that her both aura caused.

Dave fell to the ground before her, but Lyanna's body didn't use to this kind of burden. Showing the same, emotionless face, she started herself weaker, her body became heavy and each movement was filled with piercing pain.

A drop of sweat flowed down on her forehead.

The knights around them were in awe, turning their heads at the girl who stood still before Dave's body without many reactions.

"S-she did! She did something!" A knight shouted.

The people turned their heads towards Lyanna. While the knights drew their weapons and pointed at her, the common people silently thanked that one less jerk are threatening their lives.

"What did you do?"

"Call the guard commander!"

The knights talked loudly, gripping their weapons tightly in their grasp.

Less than in half-hour later a man in a fancier body armor walked to the place where Lyanna stood. The man looked at her with bored eyes, then swapped his view to the dead body of his 'comrade'.

A sudden, but weak pressure emitted by his body. At the moment when the pressuring area reached Lyanna's body, her emotionless red eyes turned up and she collapsed a second later.

Everyone was dumbfounded by the happenings.

"What did happen?"

"The girl just ... died?"

"Did the commander do something to her?"

Everyone began whispering, trying to figure out what did just happened before their very eyes.

The commander slowly walked before Lyanna's unconscious body and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

'Exhaustion, huh?' He wondered as he spectated her body.

"Bring her to the HQ." Said loudly.

The knights snapped out of their daze and immediately stood at attention and replied.

"Yes, Commander Vidus!"

Two people stepped out of the crowd and approached the commander. Both of them lifted the girl, grabbing each of her arms.

The knights dragged the girl through the streets until they reached the building of the headquarters.

They arrived at a stone building with a similar look as a bastion. The knights dragged the girl into a lower floor where can be found some empty cells. A man sat by the door slightly opening his eyes to see what was happening. When he realized the soldiers dragged a girl into the jail, his eyes opened wider and questioned them.

"Eh? What are you doing to a little girl?" He asked.

"It was the order of the commander." The one answered who turned the key in the lock.

"Huh?" The sitting man raised his eyebrows.

'Commander Vidus brought this girl here? For what?' He pondered.

He became curious about what did happen since he knew Vidus very well. Vidus was a rational and clever man who has never done anything without a good reason.

As the soldiers walked out from the floor, a few minutes later Vidus walked down on the stairs with an exhausted expression on his face.

"So, you arrived at least ... what have you done or found this time?" The sitting man asked him in a friendly way.

Vidus didn't say anything and walked forward to the sitting man's side and nearly fell on the chair next to him.

"Radan ... I'm tired ..." Vidus said as he was near to go asleep just by sitting.

"What happened?"

"Before I start my tale, where those two idiots dragged that girl?" He looked at the sitting man with a half-death face.

"Those? They put her into the second cell. Why do you ask?" Radan asked with wonder.

"At least they lifted her-..." Vidus wanted to ask, bet when he saw the narrow stripe of blood on the stone floor, he sighed a louder one and buried his face into his palm. "Ah, nevermind."

"Are you ... fine?" Radan looked at Vidus with more and more interest.

He couldn't imagine what made Vidus behave like this because he saw him like this many years ago.