
Moving Out

Beiming Youhuang started after she heard Qin Wentian's words. She inclined her head, her beautiful eyes looked at Qin Wentian strangely. But when she saw how clear his eyes were, she lowered her head again, and didn't know what to think in her heart.

"Is there still anything you are hiding from me?" Qin Wentian asked, his tone filled with a few hints of rebuke.

"There's still one more incident but I don't know if Ye Qianyu has told you about this. Back then in the Lifelong Sainthall, the Lifelong Realmlord was extremely unfriendly towards her and would often make Ye Qianyu dance alone for him to admire. Ye Qianyu felt extremely humiliated but she decided to endure it for you and eventually, both of you two were reunited." Beiming Youhuang spoke in a soft voice. Qin Wentian's expression turned colder and colder as he listened.