
Ancient Demon Lord Rimuru-Remake

It's been 80 years since Yuuki's defeat. Rimuru after dwelling for countless years on time and space, has surpassed Veldanava in terms of strength, And therefore being The strongest being in The Cardinal world. With his strength, He easily dealt with the aftermath of the final battle And finally accomplished his dreamed of coexisting monster's and humans. Although he is happy with the results, his daily routine consists of constant paperwork. During one of these boring days Ciel, who is worried about the mental state of her master, suggests creating an alternate Timeline and traveling back in time. Rimuru, not wanting to do everything over again, comes back with an alternative idea. Going back in time but with one addition: instead of traveling to his original time of reincarnation as a slime, he decides to go much further in time and become one of the ancient demon lords. (A/N:The original author of this story is, Mert_Dertli. However he stopped working on the novel at chapter 4, Which was quite sad he have a good story that's why, I copied about 2-4 chapter of the original book. So that's why I will continue this work, If you are the author please contact me I will definitely dropped this if you don't want it)

WenxyButDiff · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

「Ch-7 - Ancient Demon Lord, New Demon Lord's」

It's been 19000 Years since I came into this world, My name also spread wide across the Cardinal world. And Became the strongest and ancient Demon Lord they also got some new demon Lords who joined the 8 calamity's octagram, The members are.

「Ruler of the sky, 8th in seat, Frey」

「 King of Beast, 7th in seat, Carrion」

「 Sleeping ruler, 6th in seat, Dino」

「 Ruler of holy empire ruberios, 5th in seat, Luminous Valentine」

「One of the ancient Demon Lord, Queen of spirits 4th in seat, Ramiris」

「One of the ancient Demon Lord, dragonoid 3rd in seat, Milim Nava」

「One of the ancient Demon Lord, lord of darkness 2nd in seat, Guy Crimson」

「One of the ancient and strongest demon lord, God Of Chaos 1st in seat, Rimuru Tempest」

All of these name were all wide spread, As they were called, The 8 Calamity Octagram, Even big kingdoms were afraid to offend them. The God Of Chaos rimuru tempest

Rimuru built a mansion on the territory of tempest

(The one which used to be clayman's but were claimed by rimuru)

And on the territory of tempest, You can see a cliff with a mansion there, The one used to be clayman's territory was now a grassy land inside the mansion, You could see a beautiful face with a sky blue hair waking up like a goddess

"Yaawwwn" It's rimuru who just waked up, Heading to the bathroom he brushed his teeth and washing his face

"It's been a while now, This is the time where shizuku & hinata will be summoned" Rimuru said while holding his chin thinking of something

>>Ciel, Do you know where hinata, and shizuku will be summoned? <<

<<Master, I have already modified this planet and the place they'll both be summoned to their perspective location. Hinata will be summoned from the western holy church today, While shizuku will be summoned by Leon cromwell 290 years from now>>

>>I see.. Ciel I will go to the western holy church to somehow manipulate their summoning without being noticed I don't want them to ruin hinata's life even if this world is just a copy<<

<<Sigh, Yes master>>


At the western holy church, inside is luxurious filled with many golden design in a large room you could see a magic circle sorrounded by elderly people, Who appears to be all popes gathered to summon a hero

"Light, That strikes down the darkness heed my word and call upun the fated one, Answer our prayer and heed our call. Grand hero summoning" While being performed they don't know that the magic is being manipulated by rimuru who is In the shadows

'Hmm, That should work it'll summoned someone who is evil but weak' Though of rimuru

>>Now that I think about it ciel can you make a analize that magic circle<<

<<For what will you used it master?>>

>>I want to summon a hero, But can you edit it so that I can summon those who died<<

<<.. I can but why must that be master?>>

>>Hmm, You can think of it as him being my disciple and sidekick too<<

<<Yes, Master but if you want it to be the soul of the dead then you must, Make it a suitable body while giving it a skill, Using your skills creation. But I suggest you create him a skill first or ask him what will his skill be>>

>>Woah, As expected of ciel to easily solve the problem without breaking a sweat<<

<<Fufufu, Praise me more, Praised me more master>>

>>Yes, Yes you are incredible <<

'now that Im done here let's go' said rimuru flying at full speed, He reached his mansion and safely landed after that he goes to the backyard of his mansion and began writing a magic circle

"Ciel, This is already done is it perfect now"

<<Base, On my observing it is now complete and you can now take soul, Grant it skill of its wish and a body>>

"Alright, now then can we go to earth" After he said that a space distorted in front of him sucking him in, right now he went to travel beetwen multiverse

Inside the portal you could see countless stars, and galaxy even universe passing, it took him 10 years to finally find the earth

He then observed the earth and caught someone in his interest

it was an 18 Y/O woman named Yachigaki Taki, Heis the most excellent Heir to the most richest people in the world,

He is perfect in everything Swordsmanship, Sports, Even economics and businesship, he also watched some anime, It also shocked rimuru to found out that he was actually an anime character, though one day he saves a little girl who is almost got hit by a truck but sadly, He dies rimuru quickly grabbed his soul and placed it on his parallel dimension.

POV:Yachigaki Taki:

I am the Heir to the world's richest and an influental family, That's why I was teaches on everything including, Swordsmanship, Economic, Businesship, Etc.

I usually spends my free time watching anime called, That time i got reincarnated as a slime, I started watching it at 16 and was greatly amaze by this, Sometimes I even wonder what it's like to be like him having freedom. Though it's useless because they are just an anime they are not real. To my disappointment I walked towards a mall close to my house who is as tall as a hotel, I then buyed the things I needed so I proceed going back but

"Kyaaa~ Save her" I turned around who she was talking about and saw a kid picking up his toys while a truck was about to drive him off but, My body reacted on its own and jumped to Save the Girl, That was the last thing I have in my memory I lost conspicuous after that, But I felt someone dragging my soul like grim reaper. And as soon as i wake up, There's nothing but endless black wherever I go, but when I was about to give up I suddenly heard a voice

"Don't, give up"

"Wh-who's there" I said

"I have a question for you, Do you regret saving the girls life" The voice sounded again which confused me

'why is he asking me this' I thought

Rimuru"Why am I asking this? Just answere did you regret saving his life? "

'Wait you can hear my thoughts?'

" Yes"

"I see, Well I don't regret saving his life, He still have hundred years to live. A happy life can i ask? How is he now?" I asked

".... You really are kind hearted you know, Well he is now living a happy life he named his daughter after you"the voiced answered

"I see" I felt quite relieve hearing it

"By the way are you a god?"

"Yes, I'm the God of space & time"

"So are you gonna send me to heaven?"

"... Pfft, No no I'm gonna reincarnate you as my disciple. We will go to the world of magic" After he said that the darkness that I see is now a bright light, In the bright light I can see a girl, He is so beautiful he have a femine body, sky blue hair, And cute face

"Wait, You mean an actual magic?"

"Yes, there are, Dragon, Fireball, etc."

"Cool, But disciple? So will I also become a god like you?"

"That depends if you work hard, for your skill what would you like for your skill?"

"For my skill huh, then I want unlimited magicules"

"... Ahem, I can't give someone infinite magicules energy without divine body you will explode"

"I see then, What about core reactor?"

"I see with that it will continue, to give you magicule it will also help you contain it to your body without harm, Very well"He then place his arm on my head

"[Grant], "


<<Yes, Master I already created it the moment he said that, Do you wish to use skill Grant to give it to her?>>


<<Skill [Grant] Has been use master I already created a body for him, Order Lord of Gluttony to put the soul to the body>>




